Cardington Elementary School
Home of the Pirates!
Principal's Notes
Hello Pirate Family!
Fall is in the air! With fall season approaching, I am reminded that fall conferences are just around the corner as well. Teams are beginning the scheduling process for conferences so please be on the lookout for these important invitations to join us for a discussion about your little pirate!
At the fall conferences, the elementary team will have much to share. We have been working hard to gather important information about performance so we can chart the learning path for your little pirate. At the conferences, the elementary staff members will share several reports from NWEA, Acadience, Success Maker, and overall classroom performance. From these reports, we will be discussing with some families the Reading Improvement and Monitoring Plan for your child (RIMPS). Student growth is very important and we believe that early identification of reading concerns will help the future success of our elementary students. With a combined effort from school and home, success is inevitable!!
If you would like more information about RIMPS, please take a look at the link below as it offers many great details!
Working together!
Mr. H
Counselor's Corner
Phone: (419)-864-2691 ext. 2004
Hello Fall!
This October we are celebrating Kindness Month. Throughout this month, our students will be learning more about what kindness is, how we can practice it, and why kindness is so important. October is also national Anti-Bullying month. With that said, we will be implementing bullying prevention and awareness during this month as well.
Last week in Guidance Lessons, each of our students signed a colored heart promising to be the "kindest student they can be" all year long. I told our students that their hearts would be displayed somewhere in the school to remind them of this promise.
See below for the finished product!
We plan on having our first October Pirate Shop on this Friday the 14th with our second Pirate Shop on October 28th. This month during specials' block, our students will be earning orange pumpkins. As our students show their Cardington pride by demonstrating our three Rs (Responsible, Respectful, & Ready), they have the opportunity to earn those pumpkins and work towards our October challenge. As always, each grade level that earns the most orange pumpkins will get to participate in our monthly challenge. This month students are working to win a Donut Day! Stay tuned to see who wins our October challenge!
On top of all this, we also will be having a SPIRIT WEEK next week starting on Monday, October 17th and going through Friday, October 21st. I have attached the Spirit Week agenda below. Flyers should also have been brought home as well.
Enrollment for our Bountiful Backpacks program is still open. If you would like to learn more, please see the attachment below.
The Mt. Gilead Clothes Closet is also still available to you as well. If you have a child who is in need of clothes items this year, please let me know and I can connect you with this resource accordingly. Below is an attachment with more details.
Again, if there is any way I can better serve you and your family or if you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out! Stay well!
Ms. Riebel
Elementary Guidance
In The Know
About Us
Location: 121 Nichols Street, Cardington, OH, USA
Phone: (419) 864- 6692