At Four Riv

#1 📚 Calling all bookworms!
#2 🕺 Winter Performance
#3 ✍️ Kindergarten Sibling Sign-up Survey!
#4 🏅 Become a Sponsor
#5 ❄️ Winter Break
#6 🏀 Winter Sports 🤼
Winter sports are now in full swing! Please head to the "Sports" section of the newsletter to check out the game schedules. Thank you for supporting Falcon athletes!
Dec. 1, No School Friday
Dec. 4-8, Book fair & Spirit Week
Dec. 6, Food Pantry
Dec. 8, Family Friday
Dec. 14, Winter Performance
Dec. 15, No School Friday
Dec. 20, Food Pantry
Dec. 20-21, Sr. Prep Makerspace Days
Dec. 21, K-8 Movie Day
Dec. 22 - Jan. 5, Winter Break
Jan. 8, School Reconvenes
Soccer Stars. There were many shining stars on the girls soccer team this season, take a look at those who made it on the OSAA 3A/2A/1A All-League listing:
Goalie of the year: Olivia Chavez
Coach of the year: Marcus Zacarias
First Team Honors: Leah Benson and Kayla Vera
Second Team Honors: Adriana Chavez Ariana Nunez Evelyn Beltran Georgie Edmunson
Basketball schedule
Sr. Prep Boys Basketball. See the schedule.
Sr. Prep Girls Basketball. See the schedule.
Jr. Prep Boys & Girls Basketball. See the schedule.
Wrestling schedule
Please check the website for the schedule, as it changes often.
Falcon Cheer is back!
You can catch our Falcon Cheer ladies at every basketball home-game.
At the game? Tag us in your photos (Facebook or Instagram) or text them to Tanya at (541) 216-3344. Be a part of telling our school's story!
Have you ever wondered how to safeguard your child online? It's time to meet Officer Gomez, a school resource officer who offers essential insight to keep your child(ren) protected in the digital world.
Happy parenting!
With the dropping temperatures, please protect your child from the cold by making sure they are bringing a heavy winter jacket to school.