December 2024
Happy Holidays!

From ArSCA President- Kelli Dockery
It is so hard to believe that this is December already! It seems as if the school year just started, and now we are halfway to the finish line. I like to end my year by reflecting on the impact that I have on others, checking off goals that have been accomplished, thinking about new beginnings, and beginning to focus on areas of importance for 2025, and letting go of obstructions that do not foster growth and increased understanding.
When I think of “new beginnings” I often think of what my grandmother taught me. She always says, “Count your blessings.” My grandmother is 94 years old, and she is my most abundant blessing. She reminds me to stay positive and to always remember that just when things seem to be the most difficult, a breakthrough is just around the corner. With her words in mind, I want to encourage you to think about what your blessings are in life and also ask yourself how you are an abundant blessing to others. Also, remember to bless yourself and focus on self-care and your mental health :)
I want to thank you all for your continued support of me during my term as ArSCA President. You all have made this opportunity filled with learning and personal and professional growth for me. For the next couple of months, I’m committed to being as helpful to you as possible.
Please be on the lookout for conference information next month. This will be a memorable conference, with a “Sneaker Ball/Party” full of fun and self-care activities, live karaoke, dancing, and lots of door prizes. Stay tuned for updates!!
Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a Wonderful and Safe Holliday!
Love Ya Lots,
Kelli Dockery
Kelli Dockery
ArSCA President 2023-2025
Hurricane Creek Elementary/Bryant School District
Contact Kelli Dockery, ArSCA president, at president@arschoolcounselor.org
Save the Date: June 23-25, 2025
I’m excited to announce the date for the 2025 Arkansas School Counselor Association Conference. As you know, everything I plan has intentionality and I put deep thought into what to offer counselors this summer. Therefore, I can promise you professional development, collaboration, interaction and fun at the conference next summer. The theme is “In The Rhythm of the Night!” and it will be a conference you will remember! We are planning a sneaker ball Monday, June 23, 2025! You will not only have fun, but you will also be able to earn at least 1.5 hours of professional development and win up to $1000 in cash and prizes. So, get your sneakers and dance moves ready!!!! More details in upcoming newsletters.
ArSCA President's Counselor Spotlight
In The News
Gabriela Balderas Elizondo- Dequeen High School
The counselor spotlight is shining very brightly on Gabriela Balderas Elizondo. Gabriela is a counselor at DeQueen High School in DeQueen, AR.
Gaby is constantly working to help all of her students. She never stops. Through testing, entering grades, attending trainings and doing anything others ask of her, she will stop and find time to help students. She is bilingual, which is an asset to her school. Gaby makes sure that all students are cared for and sends food home with them on Fridays. If she doesn’t know the answer, she will find it.
Gaby has a husband and 2 children, Ollie and Emma. She loves spending time with them and making them feel special. She goes out of her way to care for her family as well as her in-laws. People can always count on her to help–it doesn’t matter the need. She is a great cook who enjoys cooking for family gatherings.
Thank you, Gabriela, for everything you do for our profession and students! Keep the spotlight shining!
*Gabriela was nominated by Ramona Hill, Past SW Region President
Dr. Robin Finley- ArSCA Board
Dr. Robin Finley has 36 years as an educator in Arkansas. She has been a teacher, coach, athletic director, counselor, building administrator, district administrator, adjunct professor, and Digital Learning Coordinator for DESE. She additionally managed and created social media for multiple platforms in districts and organizations. Her dissertation focused on enhancing teachers’ professional development in cyber safety, data privacy, and data security. Robin has been part of the ArSCA Board since 2003.
Robin and her husband have been married for 36 years. Her hobbies include her love of horses, basketball, coloring, Bible study, and anything that has to do with her 5 grandchildren.. all boys.
Thank you, Robin for all that you do for counselors in our state, and for working diligently on the ArSCA board of directors! Keep the spotlight shining!
*Robin was nominated by Kelli Dockery, ArSCA President 2023-2025
Division of Elementary & Secondary Education
DESE School Counseling
The Division of Elementary & Secondary Education has a host of resources and information for school counselors located on their School Counseling page.
2024 Summer/FallMessages to Counselors
For more information, please contact:
Lupe Peña de Martínez [understanding my name]
Director of Student Support Services
Office: 501.682.0652
Cell: 501.646.6401
to share Google documents: lupe.pena@pdarkansas.net
Meet the Student Support Services (S^3) Team
Today is a great day to work together to make a meaningful impact towards ensuring comparable educational outcomes for EACH of the 475,207 K-12 learners in Arkansas.
Email: Lupe.Pena@ade.arkansas.gov
*** Lupe is the Director of Student Support and is the contact during this time of searching for a Counseling Program Director***
Reminder: Comprehensive School Counseling Program Requirements
Comprehensive School Counseling Program Requirements Each public school district shall provide a developmentally appropriate comprehensive school counseling program to aid students in academics, social/emotional needs, and career exploration and planning. The district Comprehensive School Counseling Plan, which is a reflection of the program, shall be posted on the district website under “State Required Information” no later than August 1 of 2024 and each following year thereafter. The requirements for the comprehensive school counseling program plan can be found in the Arkansas School Counselor Toolkit and in the Arkansas Comprehensive School Counseling Program Guide which are posted on the Arkansas Department of Education – Division of Elementary and Secondary Education - Guidance and School Counseling webpage. http://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/divisions/learning-services/guidance-and-school-counseling For specific accreditation requirements visit Standards for Accreditation
Success Ready Pathways Webinar
Calling All Arkansas Teachers
Calling All Arkansas Teachers:
You are invited to participate in a research study examining teacher burnout. This study is limited to Arkansas teachers.
Study Overview: This study aims to gather your valuable insights on teacher burnout and its causes.
Why Your Participation Matters: Your feedback will help inform future planning for educator preparation programs, and your participation will voice the experiences and challenges teachers like yourself face daily. This study allows your perspective to be heard and helps drive meaningful change.
Please take approximately 10 minutes to complete the survey and share it with your friends and colleagues. Thank you!
2025 Arkansas Governor's School (AGS)
Student nominations are now being accepted for the 2025 Arkansas Governor’s School (AGS) to be held at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas from Sunday, July 6 - Saturday, August 2, 2025. Arkansas Governor's School is a four-week summer residential program for rising high school seniors. Learn more about AGS student applications here. Please encourage all interested and eligible students to apply.
Step-by-step presentation to create a StudentAid.gov account: counselor training_FSA ID_final.pdf.
Applying for AR State Scholarships (video) length [13:07]
Per A.C.A. § 6-15-2911- Commissioner's Memo LS-24-042, the four major components of the Student Success Plan are:
Guide the student along pathways to graduation
Address accelerated learning opportunities
Address academic deficits and interventions
Include college and career planning components
Additionally, each student's Student Success Plan shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to identify the courses to be taken each year until all required core courses are completed. Upon completion of the review, the student's Student Success Plan shall be signed by the:
(a) Student;
(b) Student's parent, legal guardian, or person standing in loco parentis to the student; and
(c) School counselor.
2023 legistated changes(see pp 14-16)
Presentation on SSP from DESE Summit
Review the Success Ready Pathway Guide. This guide outlines what a success ready pathway looks like for all students in grades 9-12, however it is a useful tool for students in middle school who are initiating their Students Success Plans. The Success Ready Pathway Guide:
Outlines each pathway course sequence.
Identifies the merit and distinction demonstration for each pathway.
**"Completion of a success-ready pathway leads to eligibility to earn State Distinction, by demonstrating readiness at the culmination of that pathway. Schools will have an opportunity to earn points in accountability for students graduating with merit or distinction.
Provides additional information regarding merit and distinction opportunities for students.
This tool should be used to assist connecting Students Success Plans to student goals post graduation. Becoming a success ready graduate is a multi-year process that begins well before high school. As we continue to build career ready pathways and ensure all Arkansas graduates are success ready.
Walking in the Dark, Closer to the Light Grief Support Retreat
I shared this information with you earlier about our Walking in the Dark, Closer to the Light Grief Support Retreat led by Greg Adams. We held that this past weekend and because we had a waiting list, have decided to offer it again to accommodate those who could not attend. We will have another January 10-13 at Mount Eagle with Greg. I'm including the link to that information, as well as a link to Mount Eagle. Will you please add this to the information going out to school counselors, school-based mental health workers, and others who might benefit from this valuable training and time of reflection?
Thank you!
Carla Choate
Walking in the Dark, Closer to the Light Grief Support Training January 2025
ArSCA Conference Certificates
The 2024 ArSCA & DESE School Conference Certificates have been emailed out. If you have not received yours, please check your spam folder. The email containing the certificate would be coming from Conference Tracker. Thank you.
If you need further assistance please email technology@arschoolcounselor.org
ArSCA Membership
ArSCA Membership
Arkansas School Counselor Association (ArSCA) supports school counselors’ efforts to help students focus on academic, personal/social and career development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society. Membership in the state and national associations is highly recommended. ArSCA adheres to the Code of Ethics and policy statements of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA). Who We Are
We have six regions across our state. Here is a list of our ArSCA Board of Directors.
ArSCA Listserv Changes
ArSCA Listserv Changes- Very Important
ArSCA Member Counselors,
As you know the current listservs for the state are being decommissioned: Commissioner's Memo about List-Serv We have been in the process of moving all of our current listserv members to the new listserv: : https://groups.google.com/a/arschoolcounselor.org/g/arsca-listserv We have posted messages on the old listserv and the new listserv as we transition to the new listserv.
We have successfully added all but 30-35 members. For those members, their district security is blocking our Google Group, so we will be sending you an email to forward to your technology department.
In order to be part of the ArSCA Listserv your ArSCA Membership needs to be current. Our membership form is here: ArSCA Membership Form If you have questions about your membership you can contact office@arschoolcounselor.org
We will continue to communicate about the new listserv, if you have questions please email technology@arschoolcounselor.org. Check your SPAM folder, if you have not received a message that you have been added to the listserv. If you find that email in SPAM then mark it as NOT SPAM, so that your email client can learn it is a legitimate email address/group.
Our tentative deadline to discontinue our old ArSCA Listserv is January 10th.
ArSCA Connects
ArSCA Connects: Learn and Share Webinar Registration
Arkansas School Counselor Association is hosting a series of informative virtual meetings for school counselors. Each meeting will provide information to assist school counselors working with students, parents and staff, followed by a question and discussion session. This is an excellent opportunity to network with other school counselors across the state. A zoom meeting link will be provided to those registered. Registration cost is free to members and non-members.
Watch the ArSCA Listserv for dates and times.
ArSCA Sponsors
TasselTIME- Free Counselor Membership
TasselTIME is a comprehensive website designed by a former school counselor for school counselors. TasselTIME has been provided to Arkansas School Counselors for free for 21 years. TasselTIME is available to purchase for school use for the entire district. Many districts in Arkansas are using TasselTIME. Find out more by going to www.tasseltime.com
Sign-up for your free counselor membership here.
*Lots of schools have asked about my Keeping Kids Safe presentation for parents. I do come to schools to present that session. **
From The Capital: Updates from Jeffrey Hall
From The Capital: Updates from Jeffrey Hall
The 95th General Assembly has introduced 82 bills and elected Brian Evan (R-AR36) from Cabot, as Speaker of the House designate. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders proposed a $182.5 million increase in the state’s general revenue budget to $6.49 billion in the upcoming fiscal year, most of the increase being allocated to the state’s Education Freedom Account voucher program and the state Department of Corrections.
This tells us the policy focus early in the session, that convenes January 13, 2025, will be around new prison and fully implementing the LEARNS act.
We will be monitoring legislation daily and informing you of legislation that we are tracking. Below is a make up chart of the 95th General Assembly, that shows the political party splits of the two chambers and committees. I do not expect the democrats to hold any leadership positions in this session.
We wish everyone a very blessed holiday season and merry Christmas.
ARSCA Regional News
ArSCA Central
Central Region Fall Conference
ArSCA North Central
North Central Winter Workshop January 16th, 2025: Register Here
President: Shayne Thompson,
President Elect: Priscilla Johnson
Elect-Elect: Paige Clary
Treasurer: Julie Gilbert
Secretary: Suzanne Paul
Past Pres: Michelle Curtis
ArSCA Northeast
Northwest ArSCA
Follow everything NW Region on social media.
Twitter: @arsca_NWA
Facebook: Arsca - Northwest Region
Southeast ArSCA
Southwest ArSCA
ArSCA Southwest Counselor of the Year voting is currently underway. The deadline to cast your vote for Elementary COY, Middle School/Junior High COY and High School COY is Wednesday, December 18th. Winners will be announced Friday, December 20th. Thank you to everyone that took the time to nominate amazing school counselors. Congratulations to those that were nominated.
If you are not receiving emails from ArSCA Southwest, please contact Jana McWhorter at southwest@arschoolcounselor.org and she will be happy to make sure you are added to the member list.
President-Jana McWhorter
President Elect-Allie Sage
Secretary-Becky Hedges
Treasurer-Samantha Herbner
Past President-Nathan Watkins