GWS Weekly Newsletter
March 21, 2025
Governor Winslow Elementary School
Email: cmullen@mpsd.org
Website: https://www.mpsd.org
Location: 60 Regis Road, Marshfield, MA, USA
Phone: 781-834-5060
From Mrs. Hubbard, Principal
In celebration of Read Across America week, our students had the opportunity to learn about how to craft a story from renowned author of The Lemonade Wars, Jacqueline Davies. Students learned that reading and writing go hand in hand: writing helps us as readers, and reading helps us as writers. To apply this, each student was gifted a blank journal and encouraged to write a story of their own. Winners in each grade were selected and celebrated with a performance by local singer, songwriter, and entertainer, Mamasteph. Superintendent Sullivan joined the festivities and presented our award winning authors with a special recognition.
About Mamasteph...
Stephanie Chase is an accomplished musician, singer, songwriter, entertainer, and craftsperson. As Mamasteph, she has a vast and loyal audience throughout the South Shore of Massachusetts. Her performances at area libraries, preschools, daycare centers, and private functions are enjoyable and enlightening for both audiences and the performer. Her interactive show allows her to weave her skills as a mother of five grown children and grandmother of ten, with her musical and creative talents for a delightful and positive experience.
This week at GWS...
Important Dates
Friday 3/21: Trimester 2 report cards posted to Aspen
Monday 3/24: Parent-teacher conferences, 6:00-8:00PM (by appointment)
Wednesday 3/26: Parent-teacher conferences, 1:30PM-3:30PM (by appointment)
Thursday 3/27: After School Enrichment Program (class #5)
Thursday 3/27: MPSD Mosaic Event, 6:00PM (MHS)
Monday 3/31: MCAS ELA, Grade 3
Tuesday 4/1: MCAS ELA, Grade 3
Thursday 4/3: MCAS ELA, Grade 4
Thursday 4/3: After School Enrichment Program (Last class, families invited)
Friday 4/4: MCAS ELA, Grade 4
Monday 4/7: MCAS ELA, Grade 5
Tuesday 4/8: MCAS ELA, Grade 5
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Elementary Conferences will be held on Monday, March 24 (6:00PM-8:00PM) and Wednesday, March 26 (1:30-3:30PM)
Accessing PTCFast
1. Please click here to sign up for a conference.
2. A list of all teachers will be displayed.
3. Click on the name of the teacher with whom you wish to conference
4. Select a time and enter the required information (child and parent’s name, phone number, and email).
5. PTCFast will send you an email confirmation. The email will give you all the information you need to change your appointment and will send you a reminder of appointments
Report Cards
Report cards for trimester one will be posted to your Aspen family account on Friday, March 21. If you need assistance with your login, please contact aspen@mpsd.org for support.
GWS Kids Fit session 4 starts March 3!
GWS KidsFit Program
Starts March 3rd! Sign up for one day or all of them!
WHO: Governor Winslow Students 2nd-5th Grade
WHEN: Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays.
Week Starting Monday, March 3rd – Week Ending Friday, April 11th
-Program runs Mondays, Wednesday, & Fridays 8:00-8:45 AM
-Sign up options for individual days or all 3 days
WHERE: Governor Winslow School (Drop off in front no earlier than 7:55AM)
FEE: 1 Day $45.00 / 3 Days $110.00
ADDITIONAL INFO: Join us for fun sports and gym activities before school! This program will be run by Governor Winslow Teacher- Ms. Calianne Krupski. Students should bring a water bottle, wear appropriate clothes to run around, and sneakers!
Please register HERE
School Lunch
Click here to view the March menu.
Click here to view important information from the school nutrition department.
PTO News
The PTO would like to thank Chris Poulos for coming to GWS last week and speaking to the students about core values and character development - all while riding his BMX bike!
4/9: Mono Mono shopping event to benefit GWS PTO 10:00am-6pm
5/21: Springfest
Check PTboard for School Store and Springfest volunteer opportunities!
Around the District
Marshfield DECA’s "Egg My Yard" Fundraiser!
Surprise your kids with a yard full of Easter eggs on Easter morning! Marshfield DECA will hide treat-filled eggs in your yard the night before, so you can wake up to a fun Easter surprise. Simply place your order, and we’ll take care of the rest!
$20 - 12 eggs
$30 - 24 eggs
$40 - 36 eggs
$50 - 50 eggs
OPTIONAL ADD-ON: $5 - Golden egg filled with small toys & extra candy
Sign up at bit.ly/eggmyyard2025! Confirmation emails will be sent after completing the form, and all payments are due by Tuesday, April 15th.
*Please note this is only for Marshfield residents!
Registration is OPEN! Please register here by March 14, 2025. We are VERY excited for this new community event!
Celebrate Marshfield's rich multicultural community at Mosaic! Whether you want to showcase your culture as an exhibitor or explore the many cultures that make Marshfield special, there's something for everyone. Enjoy live performances, music, raffles, and more! Mark your calendar for this vibrant event!
Parenting Through Connection
How to Parent an Anxious Child
Technology Troubles: Too Much Time Online!
Responding to Challenging Behavior