Gage 4-H News
December 2023
In This Issue:
- Office Closed
- Age Eligibility
- 4-H Enrollment
- Mission: #Gameclover
- Christmas Game
- NE 4-H Achievement Application
- NE 4-H Foundation Scholarships
- 4-H Omaha Fashion Week
- Basic Firearm Safety Class
- County Fair checks
- Gage County Achievement Celebration
- Achievement Program Awards and Scholarships
- Pickup Items at the Extension Office
- 2023 Club Reports
- Club of Excellence Summary Form
Calendar of Events
Age Eligibility for 4-H Statewide Events
As you know, in 2023, Nebraska 4-H lowered the age limit for participation in the Nebraska State Fair for all in-person events to nine years of age. That change increased our participation and provided more youth the opportunity to have an engaging learning experience. We had many positive comments from legacy families as well as new.
This fall, there were follow-up conversations with many Extension personnel as well as the show superintendents and various teams that run these events during State Fair and throughout the year. Based on that feedback and the goal of increasing access, the decision was made to change the age of eligibility in 2024 to be 8 years of age before January 1 (of the current year) for all in-person State Fair events (livestock, contests, fashion shows, contests) and other state competitions (Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo, PASE, communications contest). Note: there will be some events that will maintain their ages due to specific program rules (shooting sports, FIRST LEGO League Challenge robotics). Please check information on each specific event as it becomes available.
4-H Enrollment Now OPEN
Please make sure to include or update your child's t-shirt size! This is the sizing guide we use to order the Exmark t-shirts for county fair! It is not a required field so can often be missed.
Updated help guides can be found on our website.
Enrollment fee is $12 for each 4-H youth to be paid online or in the office. There is no fee for Clover Kids or adults. We will not be approving enrollments until we have received payment.
Looking for a fun, interactive activity for your 3rd - 8th grader to do during the month of December? Mission: #GAMECLOVER teaches problem-solving, pattern spotting/recognition, decomposition (breaking down problems), abstraction (simplifying complex stuff), and algorithmic thinking (thinking step-by-step). During the interactive activity (which takes approximately 45 minutes), youth are top-secret spies trying to stop a computer virus and save the world. Join CLOVER by 4-H to complete the activity:
On January 2nd at 3:00 p.m., join us at the Gage County Extension Office for fun activities and a showing of the Spy Kids: Armageddon movie. Bring blankets/pillows/bean bag chairs (or anything you need to be comfy on our hard floor) and we will provide popcorn and snacks. Bring a friend who isn’t in 4-H to be entered for a chance to win door prizes. Youth ages 5-18 are welcome (the movie is rated PG and lasts approximately an hour and a half). This activity is free to 4-H members and their guests.
New to CLOVER by 4-H? Sign-up for a free subscription to check it out and complete the Mission: #GAMECLOVER activities at
Christmas Break 4-H Boredom Busters
Beat the boredom this Christmas break with some hands-on activities brought to you by Gage County 4-H & CLOVER by 4-H. Check out the eight activities for youth in grades Pre K - 8 to keep young hands and minds busy during the break at:
Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application
Ready to showcase your achievements and leadership skills? The Nebraska 4-H Achievement Application is your gateway to recognition, scholarship, and national experiences. 4-H members ages 15-18 (as of December 31 of the current year) have a chance to elevate your accomplishments, share your journey and highlight your growth through this application. Be a part of the legacy of excellence within the Nebraska 4-H community by submitting your application by January 5th. Applications must be e-mailed to This application is for state-level project awards, Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarships, and national trips like National 4-H Conference & National 4-H Congress. Visit for Achievement Application templates and information.
Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarships
Youth interested in applying for these scholarships must make that designation on their application, as well as complete the additional section titled "Nebraska 4-H Foundation Scholarships." Additional materials are required for youth applying for scholarships, including a copy of current transcripts and ACT/SAT scores. These materials must be submitted digitally along with the completed Achievement Application. Scholarship applicants must follow the state-level completion and submission procedures. Application instructions can be found here.
For a list of general requirements, the selection process, list of available scholarships, and other information, please visit the Nebraska 4-H Foundation website.
4-H at Omaha Fashion Week 2024
4-H has snagged a spot to showcase our youth’s designs during Omaha Fashion Week 2024. Application is now open and will close on January 5, 2024.
For questions please contact Marie Nelson @
Basic Firearm Safety Class
County Fair checks
Gage County Achievement Celebration
The 2023 4-H Achievement Celebration was held on November 12th to recognize outstanding 4-H youth, volunteer adults, and community partners. Congratulations to everyone on a fantastic 4-H year!
Business Recognition: Marv Kenfield
Friend of 4-H: Beatrice Chamber of Commerce
4-H Alumni: Shaun Kracke
4-H Adult Leadership:
-2 Year Service Award: Desiree DeCoteau, Javelin DeCoteau, Abby Kostal, Brent Kostal, Rachel Naiman, Maggie Pryor, Kambree Singleton, & Allison Walbrecht
-5 Year Service Award: Stephanie Bales, Deann Barnard, Sarah Buehler, Cara White, & Sommer Sejkora
-15 Year Service Award: Jon Osterhaus & Leanna Osterhaus
10 Year 4-H Members: August Gerlach, Gabriel Goes, Colton Herfel, Braeden Humphreys, Caleb Kelly, Shaylee Keslar, Ryan Kraus, Lucas Lewandowski, Alyssa Malchow, Faith Oldemeyer, Caleb Oltman, Seth Oltmans, Zach Pittman, Tatum Schroeder, Bailey Schwab, Payton Smidt, Kaden Van Winkle, Sara Wiemers, & Cole Young
Youth at Work Grant: Ashlee Erichsen, Jorja Boller, Payton Smidt, Cora Novacek
4-H Club Awards:
-Best Foot Forward 4-H Club: Chartered 65 Years
-3G's 4-H Club: Charted 55 Years
-Norris Neighbors 4-H Club: Chartered 15 Years
Other Awards:
Berklee Beekman: Beef Award
Maddox Bent: Memorable Award, Diamond Clover Level 3
Ryder Bent: Rocketry Award, Rookie Award, Diamond Clover Level 1
Jorja Boller: Home Environment Award
Jurnee Boller: Kids of Character Award, Home Environment Award, Clothing/Fashion Show Award
Elise Bolyard: Horticulture & Floriculture Award
Kinley Bolyard: Neva Krauter Scholarship, Public Speaking Project Award
Khaleesi Carpenter: Odell Cookies Scholarship, Flop Award
Talon Caudill: Leadership Award, Achievement Award, Energy Award
Dalton Dorn: 4-H Council Livestock Scholarship
Miles Esau: 4-H Council Dairy Scholarship, Dairy Award, Diamond Clover Level 1
Kollyns Hohensee: Home Environment Award
Rikki Hohensee: Swine Award
Braeden Humphreys: Energy Award, Diamond Clover Level 5
Peyton Humphreys: Diamond Clover Level 3
Grant Jaynes: Rookie Award, Diamond Clover Level 1
Ethanael Jobman: Citizenship Award
Luke Katz: Memorable Award, Diamond Clover Level 4
Hunter Keedy: Diamond Clover Level 1
Austin Kostal: Beef Award, Forestry Award, Crop Production Award, Food & Nutrition Award, Diamond Clover Level 3
Preston Kostal: Beef Award, Horticulture & Floriculture Award, Diamond Clover Level 3
Jeffrey Lohse: Genealogy Award
Claire McGrury: Sewing Seeds Scholarship, Energy Award, Photography Award
Sutton Morris: Energy Award
Addison Mullins: Companion Animal Award
Natasha Mullins: Public Speaking Award, Ag Achievement Award
Caleb Oltman: Memorable Award, Exmark Excellence Sr. Scholarship
Macy Oltman: 4-H Council Scholarship, Memorable Award, Rookie Award
Jesse Oltmans: Shooting Sports Award
Waylon Overbeck: Leadership Award, Flow Award, Diamond Clover Level 3
Reagan Pfeiffer: 4-H Council Scholarship, Diamond Clover Level 3
Dayton Pohlmann: Kids of Character Award
Hadleigh Pryor: 4-H Council Horse Scholarship, Horse Award, Diamond Clover Level 1
Ryan Rempel: Ward Finch Scholarship, Memorable Award
Elizabeth Rice: Rabbit Award, Clothing/Fashion Show Award, Horse Award
Morgan Rice: Horticulture & Floriculture Award, Rabbits Award, Horse Award, Diamond Clover Level 1
Hannah Schnuelle: 4-H Council Livestock Scholarship, Diamond Clover Level 3
Zach Schnuelle: C.A. Anderson Scholarship, Diamond Clover Level 4
Paisley Siebrandt: Clothing/Fashion Show Award, Diamond Clover Level 1
Garrett Smidt: Achievement Award, Entrepreneurship Award, Exmark Excellence Jr. Scholarship
Payton Smidt: Achievement Award, Exmark Excellence Sr. Scholarship
Lily Sobotka: Hazel Finch Scholarship, Memorable Award
Addison Stotler: 4-H Council Horse Scholarship, Horse Award, Diamond Clover Level 2
Anna Tate: 4-H Council Scholarship
Alex Tate: Horticulture & Floriculture Award, Exmark Excellence Jr. Scholarship
Jordan Turner: Sewing Seeds Scholarship, Diamond Clover Level 3
Haddie White: John Rhodes Kiwanis Scholarship, Food & Nutrition Award, Rookie Award
Maggie White: Public Speaking Award
Ashton Young: Exmark Excellence Jr. Scholarship
Cole Young: Exmark Excellence Sr. Scholarship
Wyatt Young: Photography Award
Achievement Program Awards & Scholarships
Please make sure to turn in your Thank You cards and scholarship request forms as soon as possible!! We would like to get these disbursed to you preferably before January 15th!
Notes to 4-H Leaders & Volunteers
Pickup Items at the Extension Office
The following still have items to pickup at the Extension Office. Please come pick them up.
Max Cornelius
Emmett Jurgens
Chloe Jurgens
Emma Spencer
Austin March
Luke Katz
Preston Kostal
Braylee Mcklilip
Deighton Dorn
Rozlyn Ferguson
Kessa Phillips
Jaidyn Vanschoiack
Gus Garton
Amelia Garton
Norah Ahlschwede
Chloe Oltmans
2023 Club Reports
Club of Excellence Summary Form
4-H Leaders if you have not done so yet please fill out this form below and give us your feedback.
Nebraska Extension Gage County
Location: 1115 West Scott Street, Beatrice, NE, USA
Phone: 402-223-1384
Twitter: @GageCoExtension