Woodgrove High School
January 2021 - Newsletter
Principal's Message
Happy New Year! 2021 is here and let us hope it brings much happiness and joy to you and your families. As I heard someone mention recently, 2020 set the bar fairly low, so hopefully, 2021 will be able to provide us all with an excellent year! Nevertheless, I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday. As our first semester ends on Friday, January 15, please note that our second semester will begin on Thursday, January 21, with an “A” day. At this time, LCPS continues to be in Distance Learning. Should that change to hybrid/in-person, that will be communicated to students, families, and staff by the LCPS Public Information Office.
Parents of Seniors – the second semester will move by quickly. Please communicate often with your son or daughter to make sure they are keeping up with Senior deadlines and graduation planning – and that they are keeping you informed as well! A Senior class meeting will be held on Monday, February 1, from 1 PM to 2 PM, outlining plans and expectations for their final semester with us. We will post this information on our school website as well. Please remember, our graduation is set for Thursday, June 17, at 8 AM at Woodgrove.
Planning and scheduling for the 2021-2022 school year is now underway. Our virtual Course Curriculum Night will be on Thursday, February 18, beginning at 6 PM. This evening is for rising 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students and their parents/guardians. This evening will provide parents/guardians and students the opportunity to hear about course options and for students to consider their course selections for the upcoming year. More information will be sent as the date nears. Please contact our Counseling Office with any questions.
As we begin this new year, I encourage all parents and guardians to continue to be involved. We have extraordinarily supportive parent organizations - PTSO, WMAA and WWABC. If you're not already a member of one or all of these groups, please consider joining. Please be sure to look for information on our website regarding meetings and upcoming events.
With great anticipation, we look forward to 2021! We wish everyone the best of years and look forward to your continued support for our students, school, and community!
Wake Up Woodgrove
Parents: Are your students struggling with distance learning?
Just a reminder that we have a number of resources in place to support them, including the following:
- At the end of every class, there are 22 minutes of asynchronous time when students can “stick around” to ask their teachers questions or get help with assignments.
- During every study hall block, we have teachers assigned to Learning Labs who can answer questions, help you with assignments, or help you review for tests and quizzes. To access these, click here.
- Our Writing Center tutors are available to help students with any aspect of the writing process, on any writing assignment, for any class. For more information, click here.
- Our National Honor Society is coordinating with all of the subject-specific honor societies to offer online peer tutoring. We hope to launch this during the month of November. Check the WHS website for more information.
Order a Senior Celebration Ad using the link below
Create & order your baby ad here: https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/yearbook-ads
Wolverine Sports Medicine
Volume 11, Issue 6
January 2021
Sports Injuries
Female Athlete Triad
Over the past thirty years, participation by young women in organized athletics has increased dramatically. While the benefits of participation in sports and exercise vastly outweigh the risks of injury, an evolving concern has been the number of stress fractures in active young women. The female athlete triad is a term used to describe three distinct but interrelated conditions including low energy availability, menstrual dysfunction and low bone mineral density.
Any athlete who participates in intense exercise and consumes a diet low in calories can create a negative energy balance. Low energy availability more often results from an intentional dietary restriction in the setting of disordered eating or an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.
A number of health problems can occur as a result of low energy availability leading to disrupted menstrual function. Infrequent or absent menstrual periods can result in low estrogen levels in the blood which in turn leads to lower than expected bone mineral density. Athletes, especially those that perform weight bearing or impact sports like long distance running or basketball or in aesthetic sports like gymnastics, cheerleading and dance, the combination of these activities and low bone mineral density increase the likelihood of getting bone stress fractures. Stress fractures are serious injuries and can be a season ending and in some, a career ending injury.
The female athlete triad is not an inevitable consequence of participation in sports at any level. The triad is a complex disorder which requires intervention by a multidisciplinary team (parents, physicians, athletic trainers, physical therapists, psychologists and nutritionists). Prevention, early assessment and intervention are the key objectives when dealing with the female athlete triad.
Calcium Connection
Want strong bones? Got milk? Despite increased public awareness that a lack of calcium contributes to osteoporosis, the bone-thinning disease remains a threat. The Surgeon General predicts that unless people begin to take steps now to improve their bone health, half of all Americans over 50 will be at risk of osteoporosis by 2020. While it’s true that your risk increases with age, calcium deficiency, one of the main risk factors for osteoporosis, often starts at a young age, setting the stage for brittle bones later in like. And according to the American Dietetic Association, three out of four women don’t get their recommended daily dose of calcium.
The body needs a constant level of calcium in the blood-stream to facilitate blood clotting, muscular contraction and other functions. If calcium isn’t coming from your diet, your body will leach it from your bones. You should think of your bones as a bank, and make frequent calcium “deposits” while you’re young. High peak bone mass will protect you against osteoporosis because you will have more money in the bank to draw from later.
While milk and other dairy products are great sources of calcium, not everyone likes or can digest dairy products. Several options are calcium-fortified foods such as orange juice, breakfast cereals, tofu, soy milks and cheeses and a variety of vegetables and nuts (broccoli, collards, chick peas, okra, navy beans, rhubarb, and almonds).
One of the other ways to build bone mass is through weight-bearing exercise. Walking, jogging, stair climbing and dancing are effective in building bone mass. Resistive exercises, such as weightlifting, also can help build bone strength.
If you think you might need more calcium, talk with your physician about taking a calcium supplement. For most adults, one 500mg tablet with breakfast and dinner is sufficient. The good news about calcium deficiency is that it’s never too late to do something to improve the situation.
Student Activities Information
Library News
Parent Liaison News
I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season. One of the many perks of my job is that I get to see people's kindness and generosity daily! My sincere thanks to the following organizations/people:
- In November, the DECA club organized a food drive for Thanksgiving, and the PTSO helped me orchestrate a Sign-Up Genius for grocery gift cards. The response from our Woodgrove community was tremendous. We were able to assist many families.
- The Knights of Columbus - St. Francis Council 11136 generously provided new winter coats for Woodgrove students in need. I have a few left over if your student needs one.
- Books-A-Million at Dulles Town Center provided 36 brand new books for our Head Start children through a patron sponsored program.
- Manhattan Pizza in Purcellville provided 40 western Loudoun Families (including several from WHS) with fresh produce, grocery items and a frozen turkey for the holidays. Many thanks to Jack Azar, Owner of Manhattan Pizza, for this generous community outreach!
- The American Legion Post 293 in Purcellville "adopted" one of our families for the holidays!
- New Jerusalem Church partnered with the Lions Club to provide food boxes in Lovettsville. Tree of Life continues to provide food pantry and financial coaching services. Round Hill United Methodist Church food pantry continues to support some of our Round Hill families. The Salvation Army provided food boxes in Lovettsville.
- Desks for Distance - Woodgrove junior Colby Samide continues to make desks for students in need, ALL around our area.
- Woodgrove staff and our Wolverine Needs Network provided holiday gifts to some of our families who needed assistance!
That's a long list...thank you for reading through it and supporting those organizations who support our school community! It's been a challenging year for many people. If you need help, please reach out to me, there are many organizations ready and willing to assist! If you would like to be a part of my Wolverine Needs Network, please email me at Deana.Czaban@lcps.org.
Here are other opportunities for assistance in our community:
Mobile Hope's bus comes to Purcellville on Thursday night's from 5:15-5:45 at the Dollar Tree parking lot. They can assist with food, hygiene items and diapers.
Loudoun County government has a rent and mortgage assistance program.
Salvation Army - financial assistance for rent, utilities, bills, diapers, and clothing is available.
All the best in the new year!
Deana Czaban
Parent Liaison
Woodgrove High School
Meet Our Team!
The counseling department at Woodgrove looks forward to assisting you with your scheduling needs and post-secondary goals. Feel free to schedule a meeting with us so we can get to know you and serve you better.
2020 -2021 Counseling Team
- Mr. Patrick Weaver ------------ A-Cop
- Mr. Steven Cohen -------------- Cor-Gra
- Mrs. Amy Scott ----------------- Gre-K
- Mrs. Donna Kelly --------------- L-O
- Mrs. Barbara Bell --------------- P-Sm
- Mrs. Rachael Sutphin -------- Sn-Z
- Mrs. Geri Fiore ------------------- Director of School Counseling
- Mrs. Bernadette Ishmael ---- School Registrar
- Mrs. Stephanie Butler -------- Counseling Administrative Assistant
- Mrs. Annie Harding ------------ Career Center Specialist
- Mrs. Justin Jarvis -------------- Testing Coordinator/FACETime Coordinator
Mental Health Team
- Mrs. Kelley Trenary -------- School Social Worker
- Mrs. Heidi Buckner -------- School Psychologist
- Mrs Amy Iliffe ---------------- Student Assistance Services Specialist
PSAT Testing
The PSAT/NMSQT Test will be offered to all current sophomores on Jan. 26th and will be administered at Woodgrove HS. Students must wear a face covering (cloth or disposable) at all times, complete a COVID-19 symptom check questionnaire on the day of the test (prior to entry), and have their temperature taken upon arrival to the testing site.
Academies of Loudoun
The Academies of Loudoun Application Portal is now open for the 2021 Winter Admissions Cycle application window for Academies of Loudoun fall admissions, for Advanced AET (11th grade entry) and all MATA programs. Applications will be accepted until February 17th.
The Academies of Loudoun Admission Office will be hosting Virtual Tours for interested high school students wishing to apply to the Academies of Loudoun. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are replacing our customary high school tour of the ACL with a Virtual Tour for each high school later this month. Information will be coming soon regarding these events.
In the meantime, students will be presented with an Advisory lesson in early January to get an overview of ACL and Parent Information Sessions will be livestreamed throughout the coming weeks. Dates and times listed below:
Parent Information Sessions
will be held at the following times and can be accessed via the link below:
Wednesday, January 6 6:30 p.m. View the Session Live Stream
Saturday, January 16 10:00 a.m. View the Session Live Stream
Thursday, January 21 6:30 p.m. View the Session Live Stream
Monday, February 8 6:30 p.m. View the Session Live Stream
Application Timeline and Requirements for the Winter Admission Cycle can be found here.
Woodgrove Scholarships
The Woodgrove Scholarship Application season will begin in mid January. In an effort to streamline the application submission process and to enable students to submit applications electronically this year, students will be using Schoology to submit applications for our school and community scholarships listed on Naviance and Schoology. To help students with this transition, counselors will be presenting the new application process to all seniors during Advisory later this month. In addition, step-by-step instructions can be found on the school website under Scholarships & Financial Aid
We encourage ALL seniors to start reviewing the WHS Scholarship List either on Naviance or on the school website and to take advantage of the opportunities available only to Woodgrove Seniors!
Applying to our school and community scholarships is the first step when looking for funds for post-secondary education. Find other opportunities here.
In addition, Loudoun County is continually updating their website which lists the scholarships for 2020-2021 along with application links and submission requirements. Bookmark the LCPS Scholarship List page to stay informed throughout the school year. Updates are also added to the Career Center Weekly Newsletter emailed to parents and students every Friday.
Transcript Requests
You must submit a completed and signed transcript release and transcript request form at least 3 weeks prior to the deadline. The deadlines are intended to help ensure you give us adequate time to process your request, but you are welcome to submit your request early. If you miss the 3 week transcript request deadline, please talk with your counselor so that we can personally assist you. Forms are listed below:
gives WHS permission to submit transcript; complete once
tells WHS where to send transcript; complete one for each college you are applying to
A mid-year transcript with 1st semester senior grades will automatically be sent to the colleges/universities you specified on your initial transcript request forms.
A final transcript will automatically be sent to the college indicated on the end-of-year senior survey.
Career Interest Tools
Naviance has comprehensive tools that help students decide which careers best suit them based on their interests and talents. Students were presented with lessons during Advisory on Career Clusters and were shown how to take the Career Interest Profiler – a tool that suggests careers based on an assessment of your strengths, passions and interests. Discover careers and learn about the skills needed, job outlook, salary, which schools offer a related major and more!
View the quick lesson here and help your student explore!
Take a quick tour of Naviance! and see for yourself all the tools available to you and your student.
Since NOVA is always one of our most popular post-secondary option among our students, their admissions team has created valuable resources to help students learn about the programs available, view videos on how to apply and explore links to online information sessions. In addition, a recording of Mr. Chalk’s NOVA overview can be found on the school website under NOVA.
Reach out to Mrs. Harding at annie.harding@lcps.org to schedule an individual session with Mr. Chalk, our NOVA high school coordinator to discuss your education goals, or register on Naviance for his next virtual visit to be held on
January 25th at 1:30pm.
Interested in the Military?
Virtual Military visits will be starting in November and will continue throughout the school year. Once confirmed, they will be added to Naviance under College Visits and students can register for those visits in the same way they would a college visit.
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a comprehensive career exploration and planning program that includes multiple aptitude tests, an interest inventory, and various career planning tools designed to help students explore the world of work. Tests will take place throughout Loudoun County again this year and will be offered again this year at Woodgrove:
Woodgrove High School Library
March 1st 9:30 am
Registration will open in January. Check the Counseling Website for newly updated test prep resources!
Don't Miss Out!
Are you getting the Career Center Weekly Newsletter? Sent every Friday, this newsletter contains lots of details on upcoming events, important dates to remember, scholarship, college, career information and more!
Email Mrs Harding at annie.harding@lcps.org if you don’t see these in your inbox!
Click here to follow the Counseling Department on Social Media
Job, Volunteer & Leadership Opportunities
Follow us here for the latest information on jobs, internships, leadership opportunities and more
#woodgroveworks #woodgroveserves #woodgroveleads
Recent Job Postings -High Sierra Pools, Leesburg Parks& Rec
WHS Information
High School Parking Lot WiFi Access
In our efforts to continually improve and meet the challenges of a large school district, we are deploying solar powered WiFi to high school parking lots.
Each of our high schools will be equipped with a solar powered, cellular wireless access point that will provide coverage to a portion of each schools parking lot. This will allow for social distancing and access to digital resources for those in need of internet access. Each area depicted is an estimation of coverage and capacity may be impacted by weather, number of connected users and other factors. Areas selected are also monitored by LCPS Safety and Security patrols, camera's and other techniques to provide a safe environment.