Matthew Henson Middle School
December 20, 2024
Principal Message
Good morning,
Well, today is the day! It is the final day of school before we enter Winter Break. The school and office will be closed and will not be accessible if a student might forget something in the building. Please remind your children to bring home lunch boxes, water bottles and winter jackets.
We will see everyone again on Thursday, January 2, 2025!
Have a great winter break!
Happy Holidays!
Mrs. Christina Caballero
We are unable to accommodate walk in appointments with administration and the counseling team. Should you need to speak with someone, please schedule an appointment with the appropriate individual. We are typically in the classrooms with students and participating in various activities with students and teachers.
A Day & B Day Rotation - January 2nd & 3rd
Thursday, January 2nd - B Day
Friday, January 3rd - A Day
Word of the Week - January 2-10
Each week, students will be exposed to a Word of the Week. We will also demonstrate how the word can be used in each of the teacher's classrooms. The word will also be displayed in each classroom on the board or wall with a definition.
Word of the Week for January 2-10: Identify (to list and explain).
Parent Student Lunch Time
Please use the link to RSVP for our next lunch event on January 10th!
Late Work Policy
All missing classwork assigned before interim is due before grades are submitted for interim. Similarly, all late classwork assigned after interim is due before grades are submitted for report cards. Late work will not be accepted after these due dates. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain additional copies of assignments if they do not have the original.
· It is the student's responsibility to make sure that missed material is handed in on time based on their absence(s).
· If a student sits in class and completes no work, they will receive a maximum of 50% when the assignment is submitted late.
· Students will have the following percentage deducted per assignment, when an assignment is submitted late.
o 6th grade – up to 10%
o 7th grade – up to 20%
o 8th grade – up to 30%
Interim Reports will be issued on Monday, December 9th. All work from the start of the 2nd quarter will not longer be accepted. The last day to turn in work for the 2nd quarter is Friday, January 17th.
Media Center Update
Yearbooks are available for pre-purchase now: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/job/25966 . Yearbooks are $30 with options to personalize and add special features for your student. Secure a copy now so your student will get it at the end of the school year.
8th Grade Yearbook Feature- Baby Photos!
We are down to about 14 spaces left for our 8th grade baby photo feature! Spaces are fulling up FAST! The feature will likely be filled up soon –so act fast if you want your student included. This feature offers only a limited availability for pictures.
Parents (or students) can submit a baby photo using our secure Office Form: https://forms.office.com/r/whCRZSG6Pk
You will have to sign in AS YOUR STUDENT to submit a photo. This keeps the information private and secure through our county system. We encourage you to send a picture of your student as a baby (or very young toddler at the oldest).
Congratulations to the following students for being selected as PBIS Student of the Month for November. They will receive a certificate and can go to the counseling office to choose a reward.
8th grade
Malia Milliam, Student of the Month
Cole Buchanan, Pride certificate
Kelease Colvin, Spirit certificate
Cailyn Stahl, Commitment certificate
Skylar Sanders, Leadership certificate
Alison Marroquin-Corzo, Kindness certificate
7th grade
Jacob Richardson, Student of the Month
A'Lana Adams, Pride certificate
Perise Melson, Commitment certificate
6th grade
Quinn Kober, Student of the Month
Canon Wells, Pride certificate
Mirabella Consola, Spirit Certificate
Ethan Kennedy, Commitment certificate
Jazmine Joy Villegas, Leadership certificate
Erin Duncan, Kindness certificate
Career Coach Information
Charles County Parks & Recreation will be holding an HBCU Fest at Westlake HS on 2/15 for 12 -18-year-olds. In addition to HBCU College Reps, there will be a Step Show and Raffle. Please share with your students and families.
Free after school programs with ETC
RoboMasterminds - Winter and Spring Camps
RoboMasterminds - Design and 3D print a Catapult
8th Grade Parents
We are excited to plan a memorable "Mark the Moment" promotion celebration for our students! Your input is invaluable in helping us create an event that everyone will enjoy. Please take a few moments to share your preferences by completing the survey link by close of business today.
Cell Phone Policy
Students may bring their phone or device to school, but once school begins the device must be powered completely off (not on vibrate or silent mode) and must remain in a non-visible, secure location.
Dress Code
Students are reminded and expected to follow CCPS dress code. Student attire should not be disruptive or distractive to the learning environment. The CCPS Code of Student Conduct committee updated the student dress code for the 24-25 school year. Students will no longer be permitted to wear any top or shirt that does not fully cover their midriff area. So in student terms of understanding - no crop tops. The dress code emphasizes the role of parents and their responsibility to ensure their child is coming to school each day dressed appropriately.
Breakfast & Lunch
Below is the administrator caseload and contact info:
6th Grade Administrator
Adam Kennedy - akennedy@ccboe.com
7th Grade Administrator
Michael Enrico - menrico@ccboe.com
8th Grade Administrator
Davita Itsuokor - ditsuokor@ccboe.com
Administrative Intern/Bus Coordinator
Barrie Hamilton - bwhamilton@ccboe.com
Student Support Team
Below is counselor caseload and contact info:
Alexandra Eichel - aeichel@ccboe.com
7th Grade Counselor & 8th Grade Counselor (Last Names - K-Z)
Angela Giddins - agiddins@ccboe.com
6th Grade Counselor & 8th Grade Counselor (Last Names - A-J)
Mildred Alexander-Moses - malexander-moses@ccboe.com
Pupil Personnel Worker (PPW)
Dates to Remember
Monday, December 23, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025
- Schools/Offices Closed
Thursday, January 2, 2025
- Students and Staff return from Winter Break
Monday, January 6th
- Picture Re-take Day
- Math iReady Test Day
Tuesday, January 7th
- Math iReady Test Day
Thursday, January 9th
- ELA iReady Test Day
Friday, January 10th
- ELA iReady Test Day
- Parent Student Lunch
School Contact Information
Matthew Henson Middle School
3535 Livingston Road
Indian Head, MD 20640
Mrs. Christina Caballero, Principal
301-753-1784 Office
301-944-0793 Fax
Visit us on the web at HOME - Matthew Henson Middle School (ccboe.com)
TWITTER: @MatthewHensonMS and @ccab_principal