Sneek Peek Into Next Week
Week of September 9th
Thank You Grandparents
We had two wonderful days of smiles and laughter. Our kids lit up when they saw their grandparents. PTA did a remarkable job setting up, organizing, and volunteering at the event. A program such as this doesn't happen without volunteers. We are also are very blessed to have involved business partners! Winn Dixie, The Latin Fresh Market, and the DaSilva family donated all the food for the two-day event. We do very much appreciate all the support. Thank you as well to the students who presented over the two days. You all did such a wonderful job, and it is very much appreciated. Everyone pulling together makes our school amazing to work at. We look forward to some of the grandparents volunteering at Claywell. We will see you soon.
Important Dates for September 8th through the 14th
- Monday, September 9th- Our first Dads' Club Meeting of the Year
- Nifty Fifty Papa John's Fundraiser continues.
- Students will be working on IReady diagnostic assessments at various times all week.
Our First Dad's Club Meeting is Monday, September 9th at 6:30 PM
We are calling all dads to come out to our first meeting of the year in the cafeteria. Please join us to learn about our Dad's Club and all the ways that you may be involved at Claywell. Cougar tickets will be given away for those who attend.
Birthdays for the Week
September 8th
- Mrs. Ramos-Nolasco
September 9th
- Lucas Magliano
September 10th
- Brandon Lawrence
- Mrs. Pettit
September 11th
- Madalyn Velazquez
- Alexa Giraldo
- Mr. Niebel
September 12th
- Gabriel Hackney
- Neithan Gonzalez
- Adriel Arias
- Gabriel Arias
- Daniel Titus
Sign Out and Tardies
We have taken great pride in improving our tardies the past year. I do not want to go back to where we were. Our students need to be in their classroom by 7:40 AM each day to be considered on time.
Sign Outs have reduced dramatically as well. The doctors in our area know when school dismissal is and we truly do not want anyone signed out early. In those rare occasions that you do need to sign your child out please do not do it during their lunch time. The schedule is below. It takes us a long time to get them, walk them to their class, and then walk up to the cafeteria.
Finally, our cars are lined up ready for dismissal starting at 1:15. We do not do sign outs after 1:15. We want to ensure all of our students get to the right place and it is not easy getting 600 students off campus. We do ask that you adhere to that request. I do not know all the situations on our campus or life events that are impacting your child missing school, but I do know this is extremely important to your child's future. All of this information is also on our website if you would like to review it.
Everyone Who has Joined so Far
Below is the list of people who have joined so far this year. We are looking for one hundred percent membership. Let's go Claywell!
Staff, Grandparents, and Parents that are PTA Members
Our numbers are coming up. Let's keep going. We have 211 total members. We have all our staff signed up. We have 12 grandparents, and 156 parents. Let's keep going. It is $7 per person or $10 for the family. Please use the link on our website or send in the money in an envelope with your child and teacher's name. We will then take care of the rest. We will soon be awarding a Cougar Paw for each child that has family member that is a PTA member.
James Adger
Jason Agard
Lauren Agard
Andy Aldrich
Amy Aldrich
Alfredo Alfonso
Kevin Amato
Amy Amato
Tanya Anderson
Carrie Andreev
Katherine Arena
Christopher Arena
Sonia Asbrand
Angie Aviles
Mark-Anthony Bailey
Rose Bailey
Joanna Banks
Steven Bassi
Steven Bassi
Janice Bohush
Micaela Boland
Stephanie Bos
Linda Brammell
Gabriella Brodhead
Gabriella Brodhead
Savannah Brotherton
Doug Brown
Laura Brown
Tripp Brown
Jayson Burkette
Natalie Burkette
Liz Butler
Jenn Candelaria
Jose Candelaria
Iris Carde
Justin Carlin
Lydisbeth Carrizo
Joseph Cash
massiel ceballos
Ann Chen
Terri Christopher
Carey Clinton
layla coates
Kelly Colucci
Autumn Dalton
Katherine Decker
Devin DeDon
Jay DeDon
Michele Dunnam
Laura Edge
Jim Edge
Reggie Edmond
Christine Edmond
Megan Edmonds
Daniel Elsea
Kaitlyn Elsea
Melissa Emanuel
ileana enriquez
Paul Felten
Anna Felten
Lorraine Fernandez
Lisa Fishback
Leonides Florin
Julie Florin
Jennifer Foley
Jeremy Friedman-Dalton
Melissa Fulker
Mike Gaczewski
Yongyai Gaczewski
Conrad Gagnon JR
Cathy Gatchell
Matt Gibson
Dorothy Gibson
Yissel González
Courtney Hall Gagnon
Matt Harkas
Andrea Hartman
Nathan Hartman
Alex Hensley
Debi Hensley
Thomas Herrick
Samantha Herrick
Rebekah Howard
Katrina Humphreys
Johnathan Hunter
Zachari Innocenti
Daylin Izquierdo
Michelle Jacobs
Paul Kayiales
Monica Kayiales
Jennifer Kotek-Brown
Pleshette Krokenberger
AmyL avold
Colin Lawrence
Ngoc Lawrence
Lisa Lawson
Brooke Lecornu
Jerry Lecornu
Jeanette Leon
Edesa Leyva
Angela Lizarraga
Glen Martin
Raquel Martinez
Luis Martinez
Ottoniel Martinez
Lori Mason
Earl Maynard II
Samantha McCarrell
Elizabeth McLain
Billy McLain
William Mederos
Giselle Mendez
Stephanie Miller
Amanda Miller
Amanda Miller
Lee Ann Milner
Jennifer Mitchell
Jennifer Molina
Andrew Morse
Jessica Morse
Eric Mosley
Nicole Mosley
Holly Mulholland
Krista Mullins
Spencer Murphy
Sarah Myers
katherine Neira
Joseph Ng
Sada Ng
Huy Nguyen
Lam Nguyen
Kim Nguyen
Stephanie Nguyen
Christina Pagliuca
Josh Paradizo
Kristeen Pasquale
Maribel Perotin
NhaThy Pham
Kevin Philip
Dawn Phillips
Riley Picard
Sarah Pierce
Scott ierce
Jessica Pirtle
David Pirtle
Gordon Price
Liz Price
Sarah Purdy
Rick Purdy
Greg Purdy
Jackie Ramsey
Paul Randall
Lauren Randall
Clarissa Raper
Patricia Rico
Cindy Rodriguez
Manuel ( Manny) Rodriguez
Taide Rodriguez
Leomar Rodríguez
Lianet Rodríguez
Bryan Rudd
Nicole Rudd
Diana Ruggiero
Dan Ruggiero
Heinz Salazar
Daylenis Salazar
Chandre Sanchez Reyes
Jose Sanchez Reyes
Chakira Santiago
Clyde Schmitz
MariaS chmitz
Bobbi Schrader
Bobbi Schrader
Andrew Schrader
Lynn Schrader
Zach Sechrist
Ashley Sechrist
Melanie Sekora
Rafael Sierra
Maria Sierra
Sheila Smith
Carissa Sosa
Ruben Sosa
Sandra Sosa-Carlin
Kristina Stacy
Elizabeth Stiers
Jeanette Suarez
Jessica Swank
Matthew Szaro
Alina Szaro
Alina Szaro
Joel Telvi Garcia
LaTosha Thomas
Sean Thornton
Wladimir Tovar
Kimberly Van Name
Shari VanSlate
David Vasquez
Karen Vazquez
Jennifer Versaggi
Audrianna Welch
Linda Wells
Ricky Wells
Alexandria Wells
Kelli Wild
Rory Wilson
Linda Word
Kai Yaniz
Robert Yaniz Jr.
Jill Zimmerman