Richards Middle School Orientation
8th Grade Orientation
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 02:00 PM
Richards Middle School, Garfield Road, Fraser, MI, USA
7th Grade Orientation
Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, 02:00 PM
Richards Middle School, Garfield Road, Fraser, MI, USA
Welcome to Richards Middle School!
Students will begin this year's journey by receiving an orientation itinerary that has been created to ensure proper preparation for their time at RMS. Students will receive their mock schedule, tour the building, review our school-wide expectations, practice their locker combination, and take their school picture.
Additional resources will also be available for district technology agreements, forms, and resources on how our Knights can get involved and stay connected at RMS.
Working together, we will make a successful year for our entire Knight Community. We look forward to Honoring the Castle with our new Castle Crew.
Tour the School
Picture Information and School ID
DRESS CODE: Please note, hats and hoods are not permitted for school pictures.
Once students receive their ID, they should keep their ID with them daily at RMS. Your ID is used in cafeteria, to check out library books, gain entrance at after school sporting events and activities, as well as board the school bus.
If you lose or break your ID, you can buy a new one in the library for $3. Please refrain from covering your face on the card. You will be asked to purchase a new one.
Practice Opening a Combination Lock Before School Starts
First Day Tools
Donations of tissue, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes are always appreciated.
School devices will be deployed during the first weeks of schools.
Arrive to Class ON TIME....EVERYTIME!
During the school day, our Knights will have 4 minutes passing time in the hall between each class period. It's ok to talk to friends in the hall, but please be sure to manage your time. Clocks are equipped with countdown timers as well as music playing at the 1 minute mark to help students manage their time.
Being tardy can affect your citizenship and could prevent you from going to school events such as dances, sporting events, after school clubs, and field trips. Consequences are assigned for excessive tardies that include (but are not limited to) detentions.
Random Tardy sweeps will take place to ensure students are in class on time and ready to learn.
RMS Student Schedules
How do I read my schedule?
Registered students will receive mock schedule to review and practice traveling the building. Students' classes will be listed by hour, teacher, and room number. Student locker number and combination are also noted on the schedule. Maps will also be available to support the building tour.
What is Seminar?
You will notice that Seminar can be found on every schedule. Seminar is a set 25 minute class before or after student lunch. Seminar is used to catch up on work, retake tests, build community and social-emotional learning through Second Step, Khan practice, or silently read.
When is my lunch?
To determine which lunch block you have, check the room number of your seminar class on your schedule or in PowerSchool.
For 7th grade, if L is in front of the room number (L220), you will have Lunch A. If the L is after the room number (220L), you will have Lunch B.
For 8th Grade, if the L is in front of the room number (L220), you will have Lunch C. If the L is after the room number (220L), you will have Lunch D.
Student Device Care
You will use your device everyday to review assignments, communicate with your teachers, and check daily announcements. Please be sure you bring your charged device everyday.
If you lose your device, we suggest the following to assist in recovering your device
- Re-trace your steps
- Notify a staff member if you lose your device.
- Ask friends and/or teachers
- Call home
- Notify a staff member when you have recovered your device
Mac Tech Agreements will be available to fill out during Orientation and RMS's Back to School Knightly News Smore.
Technology Support - Zach Gould (Zachary.gould@fraserk12.org)
Richards Middle School Important Information
Mrs. Kristi Skladanowski - Assistant Principal - kristi.skladanowski@fraserk12.org
Mr. Adam Fichter - Assistant Principal - adam.fichter@fraserk12.org
Website: https://www.fraser.k12.mi.us/Domain/15
Location: Richards Middle School, Garfield Road, Fraser, MI, USA
Phone: 586-439-7400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070638071160
Twitter: @RMSNobleKnights