Mill Creek Magic Messages
News and Updates from Mr. Croyle and Mr. Murtha - 8/1/2024
From Mr. Croyle and Mr. Murtha
We are hopeful that your summer is going well. We have been hard at work planning for a successful school opening for the 2024-2025 school year. We have spent much time planning the students’ instructional and specialist schedules. In addition to planning for our opening, we also have been thinking about celebrating our 25th school year anniversary! Additionally, our new building-wide theme for the 24-25 school year will be “WE>me”. We look forward to sharing this message with our students during our monthly assemblies. Lots of excitement soon for the Creekers!
Speaking of excitement, it’s also the time of year when students learn who their teacher will be for the upcoming school year. Amidst this excitement, we realize that classroom placement can also be a stressful time for some students and parents/guardians, we ask that you support us in an effort to create well-balanced classrooms. Please be mindful of your conversations in front of your child about this topic. Too much praise about one particular teacher or a negative comment about another can certainly impact how a child reacts to their placement. Much time and effort has gone into this process. Thank you for trusting our team of teachers and administrators who assisted in creating these classrooms.
To access your child’s classroom teacher, it is imperative you complete the following... new this year, parents and guardians will need to complete the Annual Student Information Update before they can access other information such as schedules, assessments and demographics. Parents and guardians can update their information by visiting, navigating to the menu, selecting “more” and then “Annual Student Information Update.” Assistance is available by contacting
After completing the above information, you’ll have access to see your child’s teacher on Thursday, August 1st at 4 p.m. After finding out your child’s teacher, feel free to access their classroom welcome letter by going to Mill Creek’s website (Mill Creek ES / Homepage ( or Once on the site, click on the tab “Department/Grade Level” and locate your child’s teacher. When there, you may also want to click on the "Student Supply List" on the left-hand side of the page.
Please note, if you are interested in serving as your child’s Homeroom Parent, feel free to email your child’s teacher over the summer. While this email doesn’t mean you will be the selection, it does inform the teacher of your interest.
Enjoy the last of July as we head into August! We are looking forward to an amazing 2024-2025 school year!
Matthew D. Croyle
John C. Murtha
Assistant Principal
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Car Rider Pickup Changes for the 2024-2025 School Year
Dear Mill Creek Community,
We wanted to make you aware of an important change that will be taking place at the beginning of the school year. Afternoon “Car Riders” (3:15PM) will now be picked up utilizing the main playground (gymnasium doors). This decision was made for two major reasons:
- Safety. Unfortunately, utilizing our previous system, too many students, and family members, were walking thru the car line and into the parking lot. We also had numerous cars driving around one another in line. We feel this new system will eliminate those situations and increase our students’ safety.
- Weather. Students will walk out of the gymnasium doors. If we have inclement weather, students will stay safely undercover until their parent/guardian arrives.
Student Procedures:
Students will be dismissed, from their classrooms, to the gymnasium at approximately 3:15PM. They will wait for parents/guardians outside the gymnasium (along the wall) if weather permits. Once their name is called, they will approach and enter their vehicle.
Parent/Guardian Procedures:
Parents/Guardians won’t have access to the back lot until 2:45 (gates will be closed). Parents should form a single file line that wraps around the recess lot. We ask that Community Members to have their “Placard” in their passenger side window (or front right of windshield). Placards will be handed out on the first day of school. A staff member will call out the child’s last name and then the student(s) may approach the vehicle. If at all possible, we ask drivers to stay in line unless directed otherwise.
We realize that the first week or two will take a little longer than normal. As always, change takes time; however, we believe this adjustment is in the best interest of our students. Thank you for supporting us with this minor change.
We’ve attached a picture below may be of assistance.
Important Dates...
- Thursday, August 1 - Class Placements released through Parent Portal
- Thursday, August 29 - Kindergarten Orientation
AM Families - 9:00 - 10:30 a.m.
PM Families - 10:45 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. - Thursday, August 29 - Grades 1-6 New Family Orientation and Ice Cream Social, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, September 3 - First Day of School for the 2024-2025 School Year
Home and School Association News and Flyers
Home and School Info...
Volunteer Clearances
The District is now insistent that adult visitors to school buildings beyond the main office have their Volunteer Clearances. There is an application process, which only takes a bit of time and is fairly simple. The link below will take you to a page with detailed information about obtaining your Volunteer Clearances.2024-2025 Committee Help Needed!
Mill Creek's HSA is planning for this school season's events! Please help by volunteering your time to participate and/or lead any of the committees listed in the sign-up below.
We want to thank all of our amazing parents that have volunteered last school year and look forward to future years!
Spring 2025 PSSA Dates
For your planning purposes, the Spring 2025 PSSA dates will be...
- PSSA ELA - April 21-25, 2025
- PSSA Math and Science - April 28-May 2, 2025
Student Technology Information...
Need access to ClassLink, but you are using an "at home" device? Use the following link:
Need to submit a Technology Help Desk Ticket? Click the link below for a video on how to do it!
Student Counseling Office Information
Helpful Links...
Contact Information...
Mr. Matthew D. Croyle
Mr. John C. Murtha
Assistant Principal