January 27-January 31
Hello Stevenson Families!
The Week in Review
Hello Stevenson Families!
I hope everyone enjoyed their multiple days off this past week! It was nice to have a little extra time at home with my family, but we had an action-packed two days at school!
This week we kicked off our NWEA testing with Math on Thursday. We'll continue next week with the remaining three tests. Any student who showed growth or met their growth goal on NWEA was awarded with a ticket or two to redeem a prize at lunch. I love getting to celebrate our student successes!
Please read on for the week ahead!
Go Saints!
Mrs. Kasper & Mr. Basista
Upcoming Week at a Glance
Monday, January 27
- Girls Home Basketball Game vs Adams - 3:30-5:30 - must purchase a ticket at lunch
- Wrestling Practice - 2:45-3:30
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:50
- Yoga Club - 2:50-3:50
- Drama Club - 3:00-4:00
Tuesday, January 28
Reading NWEA
- Report Cards viewable on Parent Connect
Wednesday, January 29
Science NWEA
- Girls Home Basketball Game vs McBride - 4:00-6:00 - must purchase a ticket at lunch
- Wrestling Practice - 2:45-4:00
- Anime & Comic Book Club - 2:45-3:45
- Chess Club - 2:50-3:50
Thursday, January 30
Language NWEA
- Girls Basketball Practice - 3:00-4:15
- Wrestling Practice - 2:45-4:15
- Newspaper Club - 2:45-3:30
Friday, January 31
- Girls Who Code Club - during lunches
- RAPS Party for eligible students - 12:45-2:40
- Girls Basketball Practice - 3:00-4:15
Upcoming Events:
- Monday, February 17 - Friday, February 21 - No School, Mid-Winter Break
- Wednesday, February 26 - Parent University (more information to come)
- Thursday, March 6 - 6th Grade Transition Night - 6pm
For more information about this week's sports and clubs, please contact the appropriate coaches/sponsors:
Girls Basketball: Coach McDonald (JV) and Coach Wagner (Varsity)
Wrestling: Coach Fedulchak
Cheer: Coach Britney
Drama Club: Mr. Abate
Chess Club: Mr. Wood
Yoga Club: Mrs. Lindow
Anime & Comic Book Club: Mrs. Willard (formerly Ms. Griffith)
Newspaper Club: Mrs. Cosgrove
For general questions, contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Chad Reed
Student Entry into Basektball Games
Students who are interested in attending the home basketball games must have zero tardies AND must purchase a ticket with PBIS points at their lunch.
Tickets will cost 20 PBIS points. Students must not have any tardies on the day of the game for Monday games, or any tardies the week of the game for Wednesday games. Any tardies in those time frames will disqualify a student from attending the game.
When at the game, we have the following expectations:
1. Students are seated in the student section, unless seated with a parent or guardian.
2. No outside food or drink is allowed. Students will not bring in food or drink from local stores.
3. We will use appropriate language.
4. We will clean up after ourselves.
5. We will encourage our team in an appropriate manner, and will exhibit good sportsmanship.
Failure to meet these expectations will result in dismissal from the game.
Be ready to cheer on our team! Go Saints!
Parent Perception Survey
Your feedback is important to us! We use this data annually to help us make appropriate adjustments to our instruction and operations at Stevenson. Please complete the Parent Perception Survey for our school by Friday, February 14th!
Meet our Parent Coordinator!
Our Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Paula Adamczak, is just like you--she's a parent of Wayne-Westland students and has a desire to work with parents to ensure the best educational opportunities for our students.
She'll be planning all of our parent and family nights, and would love to get your help!
If you are willing to:
-volunteer your time
-assist in planning events or providing donations
-share your suggestions to increase family involvement
-begin building a solid parent liaison group
Then please reach out to Mrs. Adamczak at adamczakp@wwcsd.net.
RAPS Focus Areas for January
Take a look at our focus areas for RAPS in January. In each class every day, students are able to earn 2 PBIS points for following the behavior expectations in this area. Students will be able to use their PBIS points to purchase items in our school store, replacement IDs, and admission to sporting events.
Bus Cancellations
If your child’s bus is canceled, please make sure to inform the school by calling the attendance line or speaking with our counseling secretary Ms. Greenshields. Let them know that the absence is due to a bus cancellation. The secretary will mark your child’s attendance with a “B” for bus cancellation, which will not count against them for truancy purposes. You can send Ms. Greenshields an email at greenshieldsn@wwcsd.net.
Annual Soaring Stripes 3v3 Basketball Tournament
Join us for the second annual Soaring Stripes 3v3 Basketball Tournament!
📅 Student Divisions: Open to 4th grade and up
📅 Adult Division: Bring your A-game!
Don't miss this exciting event. Register today and be part of the action!
Free Tutoring for Wayne-Westland Students!
What, Who, & Where We Are: The Learning Lab is a tutoring and academic enrichment program that is free to all Wayne-Westland students grades 4-12. We have been operating since January 2016, and for the past eight years, we have served hundreds of students from our community. Learning Lab is staffed with certified teachers (most from WWCSD!) who can assist students with their academic needs. We are located in a classroom at the Jefferson Barns Community Vitality Center at 32150 Dorsey in the Norwayne neighborhood of Westland. While students can attend any day and time we're open, please know that we have certified math teachers available Mondays & Tuesdays, and certified English/language arts teachers available Wednesdays & Thursdays.
Hours of Operation: We are open Monday through Thursday from 3pm-6pm, but we're closed on days when Wayne-Westland Community Schools is. This includes federal holidays, breaks (except for special programs, and in those events additional information will be shared), inclement weather days, and teacher professional development days.
Registration: The registration process is simple, but students and families must register on our website before the student's first visit. On the student's first visit, we will also ask them to complete the student survey that can also be found on the registration website.