Lutheran Central Newsletter
November 18, 2023
Our Mission: “To share the Good News of Jesus Christ, teach children, and assist parents in training children to be witnessing Christians and productive citizens.”
Weekly Devotion
Psalm 136:1, 23-26
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever…It is he
who remembered us in our low estate, for his steadfast love endures forever; and
rescued us from our foes, for his steadfast love endures forever; he who gives food to all
flesh, for his steadfast love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his
steadfast love endures forever.”
The classic Cocomelon ballad declares, “I’m thankful for my family, I’m thankful for my
friends, I’m thankful for the things I have, the thank-yous never end.” Now, go on ahead
and sing the refrain in your head…..
So, what are you thankful for? The possibilities are endless, and no doubt, they are all
valid reasons to be thankful. I’m thankful for a 70-degree day in November. I’m thankful
for my family. I’m thankful for the community that is Lutheran Central School; the
students and their families, the faculty, the staff. And, yes, in a few days, I’m going to be
thankful for turkey, pie, and football.
All of our thanksgiving flows from the goodness and mercy of God. The Psalmist
declares that God is good. His steadfast love endures forever. As a result, His children
receive from Him His good and gracious gifts. In the explanation to the 1 st Article of the
Apostle’s Creed, Martin Luther provides a long list of the gifts which God provides us for
the support and the needs of our body and life. God gives us, “clothing and shoes, food
and drink, house and home, wife and children, land, animals, and all I have.”
Even in our lowly, sinful, estate, God’s steadfast love endures forever. He remembers
His children, not according to their sin, but according to the merit and righteousness of
Jesus, who has rescued us from our enemies of sin, death, and the devil with His
suffering, death, and resurrection.
For this reason, we have every reason to give thanks to God, for His steadfast love
endures forever. In turn, we share the steadfast love of God in love and service to our
neighbor that they too would recognize the goodness of God and give thanks to the Lord.
In Jesus name. Amen.
Written by: Pastor Joel Meyer
Students and Families we are praying for this week...
Brinley Bobb, Everett Bowman, Dawson and Corbin Branaman, Kendall and Lane Branaman, Conner and Owen Brewster, Kyler Briner, Mayleigh Briner, Ava and Elle Brock, Waylon Brock, Silas Brown, Colt Burcham
Report Cards
Please Sign Report Cards in Sycamore
Report cards for first trimester have been posted in Sycamore for students in grades K-8. To access your child's report card you will need to go to the "Documents" tab for your child. The report cards are labeled "T1_RC_23".
Please review your child's progress and sign in the signature box confirming you have viewed the report card.
A paper copy of the report card was also sent home with all students.
Honor Roll
Lutheran Central Athletic Director
The Athletic Director shall have the following responsibilities:
Writing and implementing Athletic Policy, including behavior guidelines for athletics, cheerleaders, coaches, and fans.
Selecting coaches and assistant coaches.
Scheduling of practices and games.
Approving participation in tournaments.
Approving athletic fundraisers requiring the use of school facilities.
Hiring officials, supervising home events or securing other athletic event workers.
Managing concession activities.
Managing the Athletic budget.
Setting prices and collecting ticket money.
Addressing and resolving concerns regarding the athletic program.
Compensation: The salary for the remaining 23-24 school year will be $1,500. Salary for the 24-25 school year will be $2500.
Interested applicants should contact Jami Stuckwisch at 812-358-2512 or
Poinsettia Pick Up
Poinsettias, Porch pots, and Houseplant Sale
Flowers will be delivered on Wednesday, December 6th and should be picked up between 3:30-5:00 PM.
Chapel Mission
DARE Graduation
5th Grade D.A.R.E Graduation
Parents are invited to join us for the D.A.R.E. Graduation Ceremony.
The ceremony will take place on Thursday, November 30th @ 10:30 AM in the gym.
The program will last 20 minutes.
LC Apparel
LC Apparel-Kelly Creek Boutique
Do you need some new Lutheran Central gear?
"Kelly Creek Boutique" on Facebook
Kelly Creek Boutique pledges to donate 10% of their net profits directly to the Lutheran Central Athletic Department.
School Calendar Change
The original school calendar had students returning on Friday, January 5th. Calendars on our website have been updated.
Mrs. Weaver's Counseling Corner
This week...Brain Development in Children.
For the next few weeks we will look at brain development for various ages.
5 Years Old: The Schmoozer
Milestone: Pleasing Others
What You're Seeing: “I cannot go in my backyard without my five-year-old asking for a job to do. I'm all ‘play in the sandbox!’ But he's determined to help me out. ‘Can I pick up rocks? Rake? Water plants?’ I hope it lasts!” —Janet McElroy, San Mateo, CA
Why: “Five-year-olds become suddenly aware that their actions impact others,” says Guddemi. “They get that if they share, their friend will be happy, that if they count to a hundred, Mom will praise. They also find that acceptance feels good, so they seek it.” All of this newfound understanding is, in part, due to their burgeoning prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for self-awareness and decision-making.
Help Him Along: When your child is doing something thoughtful, like playing nicely with a younger sib, instead of just saying “I'm so glad you're cooperating with your brother,” add “I bet he feels really good that you're spending time helping him with his tower.” Recent research in Child Development found that when parents talked to their 5-year-olds about other people's perspectives, the kids were better at anticipating others' feelings in different situations.
Christmas Programming
See the schedule for children's Christmas programming sponsored by the Lutheran Mission Federation.