Test November 2024 Newsletter

Learning AND Fun
Starting a new school year can be a big adjustment! For our fifth graders; this was a new school building and a much bigger group of peers. Even our sixth graders had new teachers and new routines. Students are growing and changing; friends change, interests change. As a parent, talking with your student about school can be an important way to connect. Ask them to tell you about their day at school. If you ask them what they learned and they say "nothing," don't believe them!
We've had some fun events in the past month! Teachers and students are really getting to know one another and finding their groove for the year. Check out pictures from our Fall Dance & Costume Party and 6th grade's trip to Camp Campbell Gard. We try to share photos frequently on Facebook, so follow us there if you're looking to catch a glimpse of your Tiger.
Now that we are 12 weeks in to the school year, students get a fresh start with a new grading period on Thursday, Nov. 7. With a new grading period every student has a chance for a new start in the gradebook. This is a perfect time to set goals and settle in for some solid learning before the busy holiday season. We hope all our kids take advantage and learn a lot. We're proud of their progress.
Election Day
Learning about the electoral process
This lines up perfectly with our own student council officer elections, which will also be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5. Candidates made campaign materials and videos, explaining what they want to do for Test students if elected. So our kids have TWO elections to think about: the national Presidential race and the Test Student Council Officers.
Upcoming Events at Test
Tuesday, Nov. 5 - ELECTION DAY (Test Student Council Officers and Mock Presidential Election)
Wednesday, Nov. 6 - Last day of 2nd 6-week grading period
Thursday, Nov. 7 - Honor Society Student Meeting, 7:15 am at Door 20
Wednesday, Nov. 13 - Student Council Meeting, afterschool, pick up at 4:15 at Door 1
Friday, Nov. 15 - Student Vision Screening
Friday, Nov. 15 - 6th grade to Civic Hall for speaker Brandon McCall: Bullying, Social Media and Self-Worth
Friday, Nov. 15 - Progress reports sent home via Parent Square
Monday, Nov. 18 - Picture Retake Day
Wednesday, Nov 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Last Month in Pictures
Students earned...
...Positive Office Referrals.
Spooky Story Time
Parent Teacher Organization
Help the PTO - NO meetings required!
The PTO works to create extra special events for the school, including academic extenders like the book fair and special events like student dances. Every family can support us in some way! Click the button below to join the Parent Square Group where the PTO conducts business and sends requests for help. Every family can support the school in some way! There are no dues and no meetings required.
Will Your Student Be Absent?
Please let us know!
Being present at school is super important for kids! But sometimes they have to miss. When that happens, please make sure you report your child's absence to the school office (765-973-3412) OR by responding to a ParentSquare message that your student was marked absent.
Mr. Stolle tracks our attendance and will communicate with families about student absences. Please help him out and report your child's absence! His email is jstolle@rcs.k12.in.us.
Lunch Menu - November
Sometimes the menu changes. Click on the menu to link to the always up-to-date website, and view the weeks after Fall Break as they are updated.
More Than Words
November's Value: Generosity
This month's value is generosity: Making somone's day by giving something away.
Most kids don’t have access to their own money, so teaching generosity might seem like a fool’s errand. However, learning to be generous with what kids DO have can set the stage for a lifetime of giving. Teaching kids to be generous with their time, with their compliments, with sharing their toys, and with their kindness is a skill you certainly want to grow in them as they become citizens of our community in the future.
Challenge yourself and your student to find a person in your home, at work, at school, or in your neighborhood to lend a hand to this month. The ripple effect could make A LOT of people's days!
Checking the Athletics Website is the best way to keep up with our teams. Please come support our students and be part of the fun. Fall sports are wrapping up, and congratulations to our athletes for the hard work and improvement they put in this season!
Winter sports will be starting soon. Basketball teams have formed, but many students also participate with the YMCA basketball league. Wrestling information should be coming soon.
Partners for Student Support
Students With Purpose Mentoring
Communities in Schools
Communities in Schools is here to support students and families with basic needs and academic support so kids can concentrate on learning. Ms. Toni Johnson serves Test Intermediate: contact her at tjohnson@rcs.k12.in.us or 973-7207.
Centerstone & Meridian
Some students are already connected to counselors through Centerstone and Meridian. We have Centerstone services in the school building every day for existing Centerstone clients, and Meridian counselors frequently stop by to check on their caseloads. If you believe your student needs mental health support, we are happy to help with a referral to one of these agencies. Please contact Ms. DeDe Deloney, our Test School Counselor, who can assist with this. Email pwrightdeloney@rcs.k12.in.us or call 765-973-3412.
Resources for Families
WHO: We welcome waiver agencies, community organizations, employers, educational partners, and businesses to share information and ideas. Including entrepreneurial opportunities for individuals to market wares and exposure for individuals to display their talents, artwork, and skills. If you have someone that is interested in being an exhibitor, please register at: https://forms.office.com/r/JtMqUyKuM2 There is NO FEE.
WHAT: The Disability Resource Fairs will provide information about community resources and services for individuals with disabilities and their families. Exhibitors will talk about the services and resources to assist individuals and families. There will be interactive areas, food and more!
WHEN: November 2, 2024 11-2 EST
WHERE: Ivy Tech Community College, 2357 Chester Blvd, Richmond, IN 47374
For updates check out our Facebook invite: https://www.facebook.com/events/509869658413988/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[]%7D
Local Holiday Assistance
Thanksgiving Assistance - Sign-ups at Rock Solid Ministries (1024 East Main Street, Richmond) on Tuesday, November 5 and November 12 from 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.
What to Bring: Photo ID, Social Security Cards or Birth Certificates of people living in the home, and Proof of Address. Questions? Call 962-5099
Christmas Assistance - Sign-Ups at Salvation Army (707 South "A" Street. Richmond) on November 5, 6, & 7 (9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.). Ages birth to 13 years old.
What to bring: Photo ID, Proof of all in the household (Social security cards or birth certificates), and Proof of Address. Questions? Email billwelch@usc.salvationarmy.org
Mission Statement
“Test Intermediate School provides a caring, challenging environment where dedicated educators strive to prepare students academically, physically, socially, and emotionally to be productive members of society.”