June Update
What's Happening This Week:
Monday, 6/10: Pre-K 3 Moving Up, 10:00
Pre-K 4 Moving Up, 1:30
Field Day, Grades 1 to 4
Tuesday, 6/11: Kindergarten Graduation, 10:00
Field Day, Grades 5 to 7
Wednesday, 6/12: Baccalaureate Mass, 9:30
Regular uniforms, NO GYM SUITS
8th Grade Graduation Breakfast
11:30 Dismissal
Graduation, 5:00
Thursday, 6/13: Field Day makeup
Friday, 6/14: Last Day of School! 10:00 Dismissal
Grade 6 and 7 Honors Assembly 9:15, All are welcome
Promotion Ceremony for Grades 1 to 7, 9:45, All are welcome
Value of the Month
As I gazed at it, I
reflected; I saw and
learned a lesson.
(Proverbs 24:32)
Principal's Notes
Happy Sunday to you!
This is our last newsletter for the school year. Next week I will send out a Moving Up/Graduation/Promotion Edition.
The students of the parents that volunteered for the Parish Festival had their afternoon of recess on Monday. The winner of the $100 Visa gift card was Ms. Ofelia DeFran, mother of Jade and Jude Gonzalez. Congratulations!
This week our Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, Kindergarten, and 8th Grade were busy preparing for their Moving Up and Graduation ceremonies that will take place this week. We look forward to celebrating their achievements with them. Siblings can attend the Pre-K and Kindergarten ceremonies on Monday and Tuesday. One parent must come to the office to sign the sibling(s) out and then bring them back to the office when the ceremony is finished.
The Kindergarten class collected on their Read-a-Thon win and attacked me with water balloons LOL! Some were on a serious mission to douse me with water! And some may have a future in baseball or football :)
Field Days will take place tomorrow and Tuesday. Grades 1 to 4 will enjoy their Field Day on Monday. They will enjoy a picnic lunch outside, followed by Mr. Softee, and then from 12:30 to 2:30 they will enjoy outdoor activities. Please remember that if you ordered lunch for Monday or Tuesday, it will be available for the picnic lunch. If you did not order lunch, please remember to send your child in with lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Students can bring a blanket for the picnic, and remember to bring in singles for Mr. Softee. It would be wise to send in between $4 and $7. Grades 5 to 7 will have their Field Day on Tuesday. Each class will wear t-shirts in the following colors:
1st Grade will dress in blue
2nd Grade will dress in red
3rd Grade will dress in yellow
4th Grade will dress in white
5th Grade will dress in blue
6th Grade will dress in red
7th Grade will dress in white
Before Care and After Care ended on Friday. Please be sure to bring your child to school between 8:00 and 8:10, and picked up by 3:00. There will not be care for your child after 3:00.
Tomorrow night is our End of Year Picnic rain date. We will have the same offerings as we did at the Parish Festival. Barbeque, Ice Cream Truck, and DJ! We hope you can all join us. Please refer to the graphic below for barbeque prices.
Tomorrow will be our Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 Moving Up Ceremonies. Teachers have sent home information regarding these events.
Tuesday, our Kindergarten will be graduating.
Wednesday, at 9:30, our Baccalaureate Mass will take place. We will all gather as a school as our 8th Grade students prepare their final mass at Immaculate Conception students. They will attend their Graduation breakfast afterward. At 5:00 we will gather in the church for the Graduation Ceremony.
On our last day of school, June 14th, we will have our 4th Quarter Honors Assembly for Grades 6 and 7. At 9:45 we will have our first Promotion Ceremony for Grades 1 to 7 in the courtyard, weather permitting. All are welcome!
We are all looking forward to an amazing last week of school!
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead!
Michelle LaMassa - Principal
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Twitter/X https://twitter.com/icschool_online
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/icstuckahoe
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Uniforms 24/25 School Year
Click on the picture to bring you to the Liebman's website.
Value Drugs School Supply Ordering
Make sure to order your school supplies for next year before the deadline!
Order a 2024 Yearbook!
Early Childhood Playground Donations
Please share the QR Code with family and friends!
God bless the Class of 2024
ICS 8th Grade vs. 7th Grade Kickball Game
8th Grade wins!
International Day
Kindergarten Read-a-Thon Winners
Kindergarten collected on their prize and attacked Mrs. LaMassa with water balloons!
Click the link!
Parking Lot Reminders
Please review parking lot reminders:
- Please do not park in the upper lot for drop off in the morning. Not following the procedures could result in someone getting hurt. We must do everything we can to keep everyone safe.
-When waiting for school to be dismissed, please do not let your car idle in the parking lot. Allowing your cars to idle, releasing the exhaust, is not healthy for anyone to breathe. Please shut your car off when waiting in the parking lot.
-If your child is late and arrives to school after 8:10, you must park in the main lot and walk your child to the main entrance. You cannot drive down the oval and drop off at the front door. The oval is used for handicap parking spaces for parishioners, and since there is 8:30 mass daily, it is a busy time of morning.
- Now that the nice weather is upon us, families tend to hang around after pick up. While I love that friends, both adults and children alike, enjoy talking to one another and playing, I must ask that we be safe about it. The oval is active. If you stay after school, please move to the field so that our children remain safe. Adult supervision is a must at all times.
- When finding a parking spot in the main lot, you must not block the rectory driveway, make your own parking spot, or move/run over the blue cones. The blue cones belong to the parish. If they are in a designated area it is because we cannot park there. Please be mindful of where you are parking at pick up.
Thank you for your cooperation regarding the above matters.
Upcoming Dates
9/5: First Day of School
After School Clubs
What's Happening in Our Classrooms?
8th Grade: Newest members of the ICS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Isabella AlAwwad and Leah Santana
8th Grade Italian: Projects for International Day
- Early Release Form - This form was included in your packet. The office needs 24 hours notice for early release. We ask that you do all that you can to avoid picking up your child early. This form can be found on our website under Handbooks, Forms, and Policies. Please do not ignore the 24 hour notice. Thank you!
- Food sent to School - Please do not send food to school, such as McDonald's etc. This includes any type of Doordash and Grubhub. As well do not bring fast food to the office in their lunch bags. Lunch must be ordered through Blackbaud by the deadline. Thank you for your cooperation!
- Parking - Parents, please do not park in any of the spots in the oval in front of the school. Those spots are for ICS and PREP office staff. Please utilize the spots in the main parking lot.
- Lateness - Please be mindful of lateness. 6 or more latenesses will result in a drop in Conduct grade on the report card.
- Bloomz - Please do not use Bloomz to send me messages. As you can imagine, I am inundated with Bloomz communication as I am on all teachers' lists. If you need to be in touch with me, please use email. I would hate to miss a message you sent me on Bloomz because I didn't see it. Thank you for your cooperation.
- Formality - Please be mindful that we are a bit more formal at ICS. When addressing teachers and staff, please use their correct title, such as Mr., Mrs. or Ms. Thank you for your cooperation.
ICS Birthday Shout Out!
Marco Bautista - Grade 7
Donavan Lambert - Grade 6
Louis Conacchio-Pre-K 3
Peter O'Reilly - Grade 5
Tomas Rivero - Pre-K 3
Lunch Program
New lunch information will be out over the summer for the 24/25 school year.
ICSFA - ICS Family Association
See you in September!
Attendance and Punctuality
Being on time, and being present in school makes a very big difference. Please make every effort to have your children in school on time. Being late not only disrupts your child's education, but also disrupts the class.
School policy states 6, or more latenesses in a quarter will result in a drop of one letter grade in Conduct on the report card.
Social Media and Website
Follow us on X (Twitter): @icschool_online
Facebook and Instagram: Immaculate Conception School
Website: icschoolonline.org