The Fowler Weekly
May 13-17
Dear Fowler Families,
Our PSO is just absolutely amazing. We just wrapped up Teacher Appreciation Week and the amazing Taco Bar on Wednesday was fire! Thank you PSO. We are always looking for parents to donate time or skills. Whether you are a PSO elected member, a meeting participant, or an occasional volunteer, you are valued! Our teachers work incredibly hard for your children and we hope you will consider joining some or all of PSO options in the future. We are still looking for some elected and volunteer positions for next year. Please reach out to Trish, tmerrick@ttsd.k12.or.us, or Heather Champion, fowlerpsopresident@gmail.com, if you are interested and want to learn more.
Please double check your calendars as May 22nd is a no school day because it is a professional development day. This one will sneak up on us, and I want to make sure you have plans for your students on that day. Please tell them I’m suggesting reading novels and working on math. ;-)
Have a great week!
We had a fun week celebrating our teachers! By Tuesday we had hung their portraits in the Main Office with the message “WE LOVE OUR TEACHERS!”
Our Leadership Students absolutely OUT DID themselves! Quite remarkable.
Wednesday our Fabulous PSO, and many families, provided a delicious Taco Bar. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to our lunch! We loved the picture: “Let’s TACO ‘BOUT our amazing TEACHERS!” A special thank you to Alicia Bales and Noelle Gross for leading this charge.
And, most of all, THANK YOU TO OUR TEACHERS for your time, your hearts and for believing that all students can succeed.
We have three ASA Jamborees this week! Yes! All on Wednesday, May 15. And really, we have four, because our ASA Cheer will be supporting our Soccer Jamboree.
ASA Basketball Jamboree versus Hazelbrook
ASA Soccer Jamboree versus Hazelbrook
ASA Volleyball Jamboree at Hazelbrook
Jamborees run from 3:30-5:00. Families are welcome to come watch the Jamborees - please enter the Gym entrance for Basketball. Soccer will be held at the track.
For Volleyball, parents/guardians may check their student out with the coach following the Jamboree and take them home directly from the Jamboree if they choose. For remaining students, the bus will return to Fowler at approximately 5:30pm. Student participants will NEED A RIDE HOME.
It’s time to prepare for the Talent Show at the end of the year! We have a LOT of super talented people and it’s time for them to shine!
Here is the timeline:
May 17: Applications Due
May 21 & 23: Auditions 3:15-4:15pm
June 5 & 6: Mandatory Rehearsals 3:15-4:15pm
June 11: Mandatory Dress Rehearsal 3:15-500pm
June 12: Performance at the end of the school day
Fowler Middle School students will participate in the PBIS School Climate Survey during Morning Meeting the week of May 20, 2024.
The School Climate Survey is an anonymous survey used to identify school climate issues within our school. There are 9 questions asking about student experiences at school and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. As part of the survey, students are asked demographic information about identity. A copy of the Student School Climate Survey questions are linked here for your review.
The data collected from this survey will be used to understand student perceptions of school climate issues within our school and how student identity may impact each student’s school experiences. School staff will use the survey results to inform our efforts to improve our school climate.
Though survey results are anonymous, families are given the option for their student to opt-out of participation. If you would like to opt your student out, please contact Raquel Trujano, Counseling Secretary, rtrujano@ttsd.k12.or.us or 503-431-5009. Although our hope is for all students to take the survey, we will honor requests to opt out.
This Tuesday!
Tuesday, May 14
This week Tigard High School sports will be visiting our lunches in order to encourage your student to get involved in their teams next year! Several fall sports hold camps this spring. Encourage your student to check it out the opportunities available to them.
The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony is June 12! We look forward to celebrating our 8th graders moving on to High School. We will host this Celebration at Tigard High School from 6-7pm on Wednesday, June 12. Parents and guardians are welcome to attend this Celebration, we do ask that you limit attendees to immediate family members.
We would love to get a picture of your student as a younger version of themselves. (A baby picture, or anything before 8th grade, we’re not picky!) We have many already submitted, but we would really like to honor all of our students in this way. It is definitely NOT too late!
- There will be a slideshow for the 8th Grade Celebration, and we would like to be able to include both a current photo and a young photo of each student.
If you would like to submit a current picture for us to use other than their school photo, because so many of them have changed significantly since the beginning of the year, you are welcome to do so. We would prefer not to use “selfies” for the slideshow.
Please send pictures to fowleroffice@ttsd.k12.or.us along with your students full name and/or ID number.
Important Dates:
June 4 8th Graders visit Tigard High School
June 10 8th Grade Trip to Oaks Park sponsored by the PSO
June 12 8th Grade Celebration, Tigard High School Auxiliary Gym, 6-7pm.
Click on the Picture above to access information about the THS Boys Soccer Team
May 21 5th Grade Open House
May 22 NO SCHOOL Teacher Planning Day
May 23 Last Day of ASA
May 23 Crew 6 Oregon Zoo Field Trip
May 23 ASA Basketball Jamboree
May 25 Advanced Drama Work Day
May 27 NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
May 30 Beadnell Mile
May 30 Advanced Drama Parent Show
May 31 Advanced Drama Parent Show
MONDAY, 5/13
Regular Schedule
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
PIA, 3:15-4:15pm
Regular Schedule
Spanish Class Field Trip 10:30am-12:00pm
AVID 7 Field Trip, 10:00am-12:00pm
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
LGBT, 3:15-4:15pm
REAP, 3:15-4:15pm
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
MEChA, 3:15-4:15pm
REAP, 3:15-4:15pm
ASA Basketball Jamboree versus Hazelbrook, 3:30-5:00pm
ASA Soccer Jamboree versus Hazelbrook, 3:30-5:00pm
ASA Cheer Jamboree at Soccer Jamboree, 3:30-5:00pm
ASA Volleyball Jamboree at Hazelbrook, 3:30-5:00pm
Regular Schedule
ASA/Homework Help, 3:15-4:15pm
BSU, 3:15-4:15pm
FRIDAY, 5/17
Regular Schedule
Women in Trades Fair Field Trip
ASA Forms: English Form|Español Form
Secondary Activity Flyers on the TTSD Website
BIG NEWS Fowler Middle School parents and students!
Mr. Kobor is taking students on his last educational trip to Scotland, England, and Paris in Summer 2026, and your student is invited! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you will not want to miss. We will start in Edinburgh, where we will experience kilts, bagpipes, and haggis as we absorb proud Scottish history. Then it's on to England, where we will explore Warwick Castle, Shakespeare's birthplace Stratford-upon-Avon, Oxford University, Windsor Castle, and a theatre performance in the iconic city of London. Lastly, we will experience the history and culture of Paris - a magical city!
To view trip information and enroll, scan the QR Code below or follow this link: www.eftours.com/2792050WB
Have questions? Reach out to Mr. Kobor at skobor@ttsd.k12.or.us
Tigard Parks & Rec and the Festival of Balloons 5K 2024 Fun Run
June 22
Click on Picture for More Information
Tigard Youth Football
Registration is Open
Click on Picture for More Information
City of Tigard Mini Duathlon at Summerlake Park
June 1
Click on Picture for More Information
Email: fowleroffice@ttsd.k12.or.us
Location: 10865 Southwest Walnut Street, Tigard, OR, USA
Phone: 503-431-5000
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223