Raymond Park Middle School
Ranger News week of April 1, 2019
Vision & Hearing Screenings at RPMS
Upcoming Events
This week:
Wednesday, April 3rd
* 8th grade Social Studies Family Night 6:00 PM
* RSVP's due for PTSA members meeting on Friday 4/5/19 see Bingo flyer for more information.
Thursday, April 4th
* New Slushy Flavor...Orange Creamsicle! Plus, our delicious blue raspberry flavor is back! Slushies are $1 each during all lunches- sponsored by your PTSA.
Friday, April 5th
* 2nd General PTSA Meeting at 6 pm in Café for RPMS PTSA members.
* New Family Bingo Night Sponsored by PTSA at 7 pm in the LGI Room. Join us! It is FREE!
* Ella’s Frozen Yogurt ($4) (during lunch hours)
Next Week: Spring Sports Games/Meets/Matches start this week!
Tuesday, April 9th
* Registration for WCHS summer classes @7:35 am in the Raymond Park bookstore. See flyer for more details.
* WCHS’s STEAM Night is open to all warren township students. This is also a great opportunity to check out the high school and many of the its wonderful programs (S-Science, T-Technology, E-Engineering, A-Art, and M-Mathematics) flyer attached.
Wednesday, April 10th
* Wednesday, April 10th—Late Start Day for Students (1-hr delay)
Thursday, April 11th
* Thursday, April 11th—21st Century Scholar Night at RP from 5:30—6:30 pm.
Sonny Day
Raymond Park Middle School Dress Code
Raymond Park Car Rider Safety & Procedures
Don't forget to join our Parent Teacher Student Association and support all of the wonderful student activities and events throughout the school year! Your $7 membership earns you a weekly PTSA electronic newsletter and membership incentives. Our PTSA sponsors Back To School Night treats, the quarterly CORE Celebrations, teacher reimbursement for school supplies, end of year celebration treat for all students, 8th grade celebration gift, and staff appreciation days. Our PTSA coordinates the school-PTSA joint fall fundraiser, various 8th Grade Washington DC fundraisers, weekly slushy sales, RP-AMC monthly family movie events, Box Top collection contests, quarterly roller skating parties at the Roller Cave and Sonny Day Community Center volunteering nights.
Please contact our PTSA for more information: rpmsptsa@gmail.com
Useful Links
2018-2019 Warren Township School Calendar
2018-2019 Warren Township School Calendar (Spanish)
2018-2019 Yearbooks On- Sale. Order online through LifeTouch at: RPMS 2018-2019 Yearbook code:10818419.
Contact Us
Dr. John Kleine - Principal
Dr. Leondra Radford - Assistant Principal
Aliesa Hopp - Secretary to Principal
Sheri Thompson - Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Beth Schuster - Receptionist
Lisa Stewart - Nurse
Website: http://raymondpark.warren.k12.in.us
Location: 8575 East Raymond Street Indianapolis, IN 46239
Phone: 317-532-8900
Twitter: @RangerPrincipal