Professional Learning Essentials
November 20, 2024
Prepare to Access Information!
Log Into Your GAFE Account
Many of the links in this newsletter take you to the Professional Learning Website.
You must be logged into your Google Apps for Education Account in order to access that site.
Click here for a quick tutorial on how to access your GAFE account.
Also, it is possible that when clicking a link the site may try to open in a different browser. You can "right click" the link and copy the URL into a preferred browser.
Summer Conference is Getting a Makeover!
Summer Conference is undergoing a REVITALIZATION. See below for a few of the updates we are looking forward to implementing with more information to come.
- Summer Conference will remain a 3-Day Conference- WITH A TWIST
- Day 1 and Day 2 will be in-person
- Wednesday, May 28 and Thursday, May 29
- 8am-4pm at Olathe East High School
- Day 3 will consist of virtual, self-paced options
- Available Friday, May 30 through Friday, June 6
- Select sessions to equal 7 hours of learning
- College credit will still be available
- 2 Credit Option
- Attend Day 1 (Wednesday) and Day 2 (Thursday) in-person and complete Day 3 with virtual, self-paced sessions
- Then complete the STAR Assignment- Due on Monday, June 9
- 1 Credit Options (select one of the options below for attendance)
- Attend BOTH Day 1 AND Day 2 in-person
- Attend EITHER Day 1 OR Day 2 in-person and complete Day 3 with virtual, self-paced sessions
- Complete the STAR Assignment- Due on Monday, June 9
- We are exploring options for
- On-site lunch to pre-purchase for the in-person days
- Child care for the in-person days
- Summer Conference and Olathe swag!
- Prize drawings for participants!
- Educators in the field provide great learning for their peers
- Need support? Want to earn college credit or points for developing a session?
- Contact Jenna Kuder with questions.
- We will have a call for proposals coming soon!
Details will be added to the Summer Conference page of the Professional Learning Website
as they become available and
shared in future editions of the Professional Learning Essentials Newsletter.
Potential Summer Learning Opportunities
Let us Know What You Think!
- We are exploring options for a...
- Build Your Own Summer Learning Schedule
- Select from in-person, virtual, and self-paced sessions available June 7- June 30
- College Credit or Professional Development Points Available
- Select from in-person, virtual, and self-paced sessions available July 1- July 31
- Professional Development Points Available
- Session options may include:
- Mini-Conferences
- Learning Cafes (Coffee & Collaboration or Lunch & Learn)
- Educator Meet Ups
- Nearpod Modules
- Virtual Planning Sessions
- Complete the survey at the following link to let us know what kinds of sessions you might be interested in joining
Join a Course for Second Semester
Starts January 16!
Course: Creating the Environment Within: Using PBIS Principle in our Personal and Professional Practice
This course will explore behaviors of self while expanding to provide a foundation promoting appropriate student behavior through a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) lens. Participants will engage in research and guided implementation practice of evidence-based behavior support strategies that can be applied immediately to support personal and student needs.
Participants may elect to earn 4 college credits (for $360.00) or professional development points (through the Action Plan Process).
Please note the session dates/times/locations
- January 16/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
- January 30/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
- February 6/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
- February 20/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
Starts January 28!
Course: The Culture Setter- Cohort 6
Participants in this course will examine individual cultural identity and its impact on professional practice. They will develop their capacity to recognize, navigate, and bridge individuals and groups intercultural competency to ensure all feel valued and included. Defining key components and strategies for cultivating a culture of belonging in the school environment is also a focus of the course. Culturally responsive pedagogical strategies will be explored as participants design an implementation plan for their roles in our district.
Participants may elect to earn 4 college credit (for $360.00) or professional development points (through the Action Plan Process).
Please note the session dates and times:
Cohort 6- January 28/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
- February 4/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
- March 4/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
- March 11/ 4:30-6:30pm/ Instructional Resource Center
Additional Learning Opportunities
Out of District Professional Learning
Want to Attend an Out of District Professional Learning Activity?
- If you are requesting professional leave:
- Use the CERT: Out of District Professional Activity Request form in Frontline
- Please allow at least 4 weeks to complete the request
Are you Presenting at an Out of District Professional Learning Activity?
- Please note policy GBRGA of the Negotiated Agreement regarding professional leave and compensation.
Due to staffing challenges, we are unable to provide substitutes for Out of District Professional Learning Activities that occur on Mondays or Fridays. In-house coverage would be necessary to accommodate absences.
EPIC Learning Series
EPIC Learning Series
Though designed for educators who are new to Olathe, anyone is welcome to attend.
Educators will earn professional development points for participating. Options for earning college credit through our on-site masters program are also available. Please reach out to Dr. Ann Addison for more information.
Elementary sessions are from 4:30-5:30pm and Secondary sessions are from 4:00-5:00pm on the following dates:
- December 10
- January 21
- February 25
- March 25
- April 29
Technology Sessions
Our Digital Workplace and Advancement Team is offering a variety of sessions to support using technology in your classrooms. All of the events will be offered at the IRC on the dates listed beginning at 4:30pm.
Please be sure to log into Frontline Professional Growth and sign up for sessions through the District Catalog.
- December 3- Crafting Engaging Lessons: Mastering Seesaw's Creative Canvas for Custom Activities Workshop (Elementary Only)
- December 17- Outlook Calendar 101
- December 17- Teach Smarter, Not Harder: Utilizing the Seesaw Library and Standard and Curriculum Aligned Lessons (Elementary Only)
- January 14- Nearpod Basics: Making Learning Engaging for All
- January 28- The Power of Animation: Designing with PowerPoint 3D Models Workshop
- March 4- From Passive to Active: Creating Interactive Video Experiences with Nearpod Workshop
- March 11- Adobe Express: Dive into Basics
- April 1- Lights, Camera, Learn: Video Editing with ClipChamp
- April 15- Adobe Express Show & Tell Workshop
You can find session descriptions in Frontline and on the Professional Learning Website!
Action Plan Process
Design Your Own Professional Learning Plan and Earn Points for Salary Movement in the Process
The Action Plan process allows you to design your own professional learning path with a side benefit of earning points for movement on the salary schedule.
Want to learn more?
Email the Action Plan Coach for your feeder pattern:
OE Feeder Pattern: Natasha Roseberry
ON Feeder Pattern: Dawn Mercer
ONW Feeder Pattern: Phyllis Clark
OS Feeder Pattern: Patty Mulligan
OW Feeder Pattern: Tiffany Cross
You can also check out the Action Plan page on the Professional Learning Website at this link:
Professional Learning Website
Stay Up to Date on Professional Learning Activities and Information
Be sure to bookmark the link to the Professional Learning Website
You will need to log into your Google Apps for Education Account to access the website. Use your district username and password to access. Click here to learn how to access your account.
Questions? Comments? Need Help?
Jenna Kuder-