Week 10! We're over here chillin'!
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Build Community
🎃 October 31st, 2024 🎃
There is no school for students on Friday, November 1st and Monday, November 4th. The YMCA will be running for these in-service days until 5:30pm.
The office will be closed on Friday, November 1st.
Daylight Saving Time!
Sunday November 3rd
Breakfast and Lunch Menu Next Week
Picture Re-Take Day is on Tuesday!
Picture re-take day is coming up on Tuesday, November 5th between 8:30 and 10:30AM. If you plan on having your student's picture re-taken, please have your student bring the original photos back to turn in to the photographers.
Did your student miss the first picture day? Order forms are available in the info rack outside of the office.
We strongly encourage you to notify your teacher if your student needs their picture taken on re-take day. It's not always easy for students to remember! Only students who want re-take pictures will go down, not the whole class.
Additional information is available HERE.
Author Coming to Llewellyn!
Get ready for your first author visit of the year! On November 5th, author and international ultra marathon runner, Dion Leonard and his dog Gobi, will be visiting Llewellyn! Your student should be bringing home a flyer with information about this amazing pair. You can even purchase an autographed (and pawtographed!) copy of any of Dion's books by using the orderform on the back. Check out his website findinggobi.com, and you can look up interviews and read alouds on his Youtube channel.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday November 25th and Tuesday November 26th are reserved for Parent/Teacher conferences this year! This is the only scheduled time for a one-on-one meeting with your student's teacher. It's vital for your student and their teacher's success throughout the year. If you have not signed up for a time, please make sure to reach out to your student's teacher. You should have received an option to sign up for a time slot by now however there have been some issues with sending links through Synergy and Remind.
If you are in need of any interpretive services during these meetings, please reach out to Kellie at kgrunde@pps.net ASAP. As this is a district wide time for conferences resources are limited. We would love to help ensure that all guardians are welcomed during this time.
Quarter 1 Report Cards
Printed Quarter 1 report cards will be coming home with your student(s) on Friday, November 8th. At the beginning of this academic year, the district set all parents to paperless report cards. If this is OK with you, you will find instructions for how to view your student's report cards moving forward HERE.
If you would like to get a paper report card after this quarter, the same instructions have directions on how to NOT be paperless.
Llewellyn Playground Community Vision
We are excited to announce an inspiring opportunity to reimagine the heart of our school—the playground! A dedicated group of parents and community members have come together with a shared goal: to create an inclusive, revitalized space that enhances the power of play for all our students.
Our vision is to build a playground where every child, regardless of their physical or developmental needs, can play, learn, and grow together. But to make this vision a reality, we need your input! We want to hear your ideas on how we can design a space that promotes equality, strengthens social connections, and celebrates the diverse experiences of our wonderful community.
Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey and share your thoughts. Your voice will help shape a playground where every child feels welcome and empowered.
Let’s work together to create something truly special for our children!
Thank you for your time and participation.
From the Llewellyn School Counselors
Dear Llewellyn Community, With the holidays and breaks rapidly approaching, we wanted to reach out to families regarding Llewellyn’s Community Care Program. Llewellyn’s Community Care program helps to provide support to families who are needing assistance with food, clothing, and holiday gifts. We are partnering with our PTA and local community agencies to be able to provide these items. Please know that all support is confidential and your family will work directly with your school counselor. This year we are able to provide the following: Thanksgiving Break Food Bag Winter Break Food Bag Winter Holiday Gifts – (1 need and 1 want) Spring Break Food Bag Clothing Closet Support - The clothing closet is open for counselors to request clothing for families that will be sent to the school. Please let your counselor know if you would like support with clothes. Resources near Sellwood If you are interested in receiving any of the above listed support, please contact your schools counselor: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades - Ms. Brittany; bsill@pps.net 4th and 5th grades - Ms. Kate kknochel@pps.net As always, please feel free to reach out with any additional questions or concerns as well. Best, Your Llewellyn Counseling Team
Brittany Sill-Turner, M.Ed.
Counselor, Llewellyn Elementary School
Portland Public Schools
OBOB at Llewellyn
Calling all Readers! Sign up with your team or learn more about OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) on the library's website https://sites.google.com/pps.net/llewelynlibrary/library-home
From the Office
The office will be closed Friday, November 1st! We will be open Monday, November 4th.
Website news! The district is in the process of switching website providers, please be patient as the website changes daily. We essentially have no control over the website until the process is complete! Please reach out to the office if you have any questions that need clarification.
If you have a last-minute change to your student's end of day plans, please call the office by 2:00PM. After that, it becomes much harder to get a note to teachers before the day ends. PLEASE CALL! We cannot guarantee that emails to the office or teachers will be seen after noon. Thank you for your help in making sure your student gets where they belong after school!
Please feel free to reach out to the office with questions. The office is open between 7:00AM and 3:00PM on school days.
From the School Health Assistant
Requirements for Medications at School
ï‚· All medications to be brought in by legal guardian, NEVER brought in by the student or given to classroom teacher.
ï‚· Medications may be given to school nurse, school health assistant, or school secretary only.
ï‚· Medications must come with doctor / pharmacy provided prescription label.
ï‚· Medication forms must be signed at time of medication drop off (attached) Blank forms available at school as well.
ï‚· Parents must fill out new form for any changes to medication (ex: time of day)
ï‚· Medication must be picked up at end of school year or medications will be destroyed
*Contact the health room staff with any questions*
Non-Prescription and Prescription Medication
Oregon law requires that all medications administered at school, prescription as well as over-the-
counter medications, be dispensed from an original prescription container and be accompanied by
written consent from parent as well as written instructions from the physician. School personnel are not authorized to dispense any medication at school unless these requirements are met. All medication must be administered by the school nurse or trained school personnel only.
The required forms are available in the Health office and only these forms are permitted. No medication will be administered until these completed forms are on file. These regulations are to protect everyone—the student, our staff and other students. Students should not bring medication to school with them. It should be brought to the Health Room or secretary by the parent. If you'd like to save a little time when you bring your student's medication in, you can print and fill out THIS FORM ahead of time.
Volunteering at Llewellyn
We LOVE volunteers! If you plan to volunteer at Llewellyn at any time, a background check must be completed. This is done at the district level at no cost to you and is good for three years. Please keep in mind that it can take up to 2-3 weeks for the application to be processed, especially at the beginning of the year. Look here for more information, to apply, or to see if your current application is still valid.
PTA Happenings
We hope everyone is enjoying their new Llewellyn gear that you should have received last Friday. If there are any sizing errors or if you would like to order more items, please email us at llewellynpta@gmail.com.
Our annual wreath fundraiser is starting November 4th and will go through November 15th! We’ve got wreaths, garland, swag, and a beautiful centerpiece for your holiday table. Make sure to share with your family, friends and neighbors! Pick up day will be December 3rd in the neighborhood. A specific address will be given after ordering. You can order from our website at https://llewellyn-pta.squarespace.com/wreath-fundraiser
Our Community Cares Committee will be collecting food for our families in need starting November There will be a sign up on Konstella for shelf stable items and gift cards for the purchase of perishable foods like meats, dairy, and produce. We are collecting for both the Thanksgiving and winter breaks along with supplying food packs over the weekends. We will also be packing these before breaks so watch for both sign ups soon and please share with everyone you know!
Our monthly PTA meeting will be November 19 at 7pm in the Llewellyn library. Our guest speaker will be Debbie Mason from Nature PDX. She runs the Mason Bee program here at our school and she will be sharing about how the program will be expanding this year. Our principal, Diana Collins, will also be updating us on the progress of our playground and discussing a survey to get more feedback from our community. We look forward to seeing you there!
Save the Dates
11/4-11/15 Wreath Fundraiser
11/1-11/20 Community Cares Food Drive
11/19 PTA Meeting at 7pm in Llewellyn Library
Sellwood Middle School PTA Fruit Fundraiser
Calling all apple and pear fans! Sellwood Middle School is hosting a fruit fundraiser and selling freshly picked and amazing tasting boxes of apples and pears from Kiyokawa Family Orchards. This local orchard from Parkdale, Oregon is known for its excellent quality fruit and a reputation for supporting local nonprofits, like the SMS PTA. Pick up date is November 7th from 2:30-5:30 at Sellwood Middle parking lot. Order now
Important Dates
11/1 NO SCHOOL – Grading Day
PTA Community Cares Food Drive Begins
11/3 End of Daylight Savings Time
11/4 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day
PTA Wreath Fundraiser Begins
11/5 Picture Re-Take Day 8:15-10:30AM
11/11 NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day
11/19 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
11/20 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
11/25-26 Parent-Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL
11/27-29 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
12/5 Family Craft Night
12/18 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
12/21-1/5 NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
1/20 NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day