Bluffsview Connections
January 24th, 2025

(ALMOST)100 Days Smarter!
Bear Families,
What an interesting week! Between starting the week with MLK day, a National Championship (GO BUCKEYES), two frigid days off and then ending the week celebrating One Hundreds Days of school! To be honest we haven't quite hit 100 days due to the snow/cold days off, but we knew students were planning on this celebration so we decided to carry on as planned. It was a wonderful way to end the week in our Kindergarten to 2nd grade rooms. This time of year is a great time for us as educators and for you as parents to really think about where your child(ren) were at the beginning of the year and where they are now! It is such an honor to be a part of this journey and celebrate their growth! We look forward to sharing and discussing at conferences!
Honored to be a Bear,
Julie L. Payne, Principal
Stay Calm: Parent On
This week and into next week it is MTSS. That stands for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and it is where we take time as a team to look through students data on all students in literacy, math and social emotional learning. We then come up with a plan of intervention for any student who is not growing at the expected level. We look forward to sharing our findings and plans with parents in the coming weeks and especially during Parent Teacher Conferences. A link was sent out last week to schedule your conference(s). Please help us reach our goal of 100% participation!
Sincerely, Alexandra Skura, Counselor and Julie Payne, Principal
Community Forum: Are Screens Changing Childhood?
TWO UPDATES: We will offer a zoom option for those who are interested and not able to attend in person. This is an adult only event, unfortunately we will not be able to provide childcare.
We are SO excited that so many of you are interested in joining us for this book study and discussion. Based on your responses, we have found dates and times that seem to work best for most people. We hope you can join us. If you can please RSVP below so we can plan accordingly. Thanks!
Sincerely, Alexandra Skura, Counselor and Julie Payne, Principal
Upcoming Dates for Your Calendar
January, 2025
January 22-27 MTSS Week
Jan 27 5th grade to WKHS for Music Intro
Jan 31 5th Grade Biz Town
Feb 3-7 Conference week
Feb 7 Winter Hearts Aglow Dance
Feb 10 PTA Meeting, 7 pm, Bluffsview Library (Board Nominating Committee to be formed)
Feb 13 Valentine’s Day Class Parties
Feb 14 No School
Feb 17 No School – Presidents Day
The calendar for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year is at this link.
PTA Meeting Dates
Please mark your calendars and join us!
ATTENTION: Date Change- February Meeting was scheduled for 2/10, but due to Transition Night at Perry for our 5th graders we will move this meeting to Tuesday, February 11th at 7pm. Thank you for your flexibility!
Save the Date: Winter Book Fair
Our final book fair of the year will kick off Friday, February 7th during our Hearts-A-Glow dance and continue during school the following week, February 10th-February 13th.
Sign up to volunteer at our book fair:
More information coming soon!
Save the Date
5th grade Student and Parent Volunteers Needed!
Please click on the link above to sign up.
We need MANY volunteers to make it happen. Please look at the headings carefully. Some spots are for adult volunteers and some are for 5th graders or adults. Thanks!
Around the Building
2nd grade hard at work!
5th grade Advisory Council Meeting
Kindergarten Collections of 100!
K and 1st watching the 1st grade parade!
Kindergarten celebration!
Mrs. Bo Peep
Creative 1st graders wearing 100 things they LOVE!
School Community Connection
Worthington Science Day
On Saturday, January 25th, Worthington will once again hold its annual Science Day. Open to students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, Science Day consists of four different events for students. Registration will close for Science Day on January 19th, 2025. Registration for the Design Challenge will close when the event capacity is met or on January 19th, 2025, which ever comes first.
For more information, explore the links below.
Do you need winter clothes for your family?
We have wonderfully generous community partners in the St. Michael's/St. Vincent de Paul clothing room. The clothing room provides support to dozens of Worthington families. They shared that they currently have lots of coats, hats and gloves. Please click on the attachments for more information. Stay warm!
January 2025 WABFE Newsletter
The Worthington Alliance of Black Families and Educators (WABFE) has released its January newsletter. Please find it included below.
Worthington Connects
Worthington Connects is a community-driven organization dedicated to supporting local families in need year-round. We partner closely with schools to identify families who could benefit from assistance and rely on generous donations from the community to make our efforts possible. Every contribution helps us provide meaningful support to those in need.
If you would like to donate or get involved, please visit https://www.worthingtonconnects.org Families seeking assistance are encouraged to reach out to their school counselors, who work with us to connect resources to those who need them most. Together, we can make a lasting impact in our Worthington community!
Direct donation: https://www.worthingtonconnects.org/giving-page-3
WEF Fundraiser
Learn more about the event and purchase tickets on the WEF website!
Past Newsletter Info/Helpful Links
Worthington Parent Portal Changes
Starting Jan 3, 2025, the old www.worthington-portal.org site will no longer be accessible. The vendor who owns and supports the system our portal site is built on is no longer supporting it.
The items from the old portal are now available from your Infinite Campus portal in the “More” section in “Parent Access Links”. Here is a guide to help you navigate this change: Parent Access Link.
We also recommend updating any browser bookmarks you may have.
Kindergarten Registration Opened January 6th, 2025!
We are thrilled to announce that kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will open on January 6th, 2025. Visit our kindergarten Welcome Center website for information about the registration process and requirements.
We are excited to announce that starting in the 2025-26 school year, Worthington Schools will be offering universal, no-cost all-day kindergarten for all students. This program will provide a strong foundation for learning and allow us to better meet the needs of every child in our community.
For more details about Worthington's All-Day Kindergarten, you can read Superintendent Dr. Bowers blog or watch a presentation about kindergarten from a recent board meeting.
We can’t wait to welcome our newest learners to our schools!
We will go outside even on cold days (we do indoor recess when the temperature with the wind-chill is below 20 degrees)! Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather and LABEL all their hats, gloves, boots and coats. Our lost and found is FULL and we would love to get gear back to its owner. If it is snowy, your child can play in the snow, if they are wearing boots. We want to avoid cold and wet feet! Thanks for your help on this so we can enjoy the winter together!
Is your child going to be absent?!
When your child can't come to school it is important to let the office know. You can do this in two ways-
1) Call 614-450-5100 and report the absence.
2) Email bluattend@wscloud.org
Please be sure to communicate your child's name, date of the absence and reason for the absence.
THANK YOU! If you communicate it in any other way it might not get communicated to the right people and we may call looking for your child. This causes undue panic. Thanks for your help on this!
Need Help with Tech?!
IF you missed it and you need help with technology, here are the things that were shared so that you can make sure you are receiving all the information and are able to help your child at home.