Madonna Catholic School News
March 7, 2025
Dear Madonna Catholic School Community,
This week we have now started a very special season in the Church called Lent. It’s a time when we get ready for Easter by praying, helping others, and making small sacrifices to grow closer to Jesus.
In the First Week of Lent, we hear about Jesus going into the desert for 40 days. He was all alone, fasting and praying, but He never gave up. Even when He was tempted, He chose to follow God’s plan.
What does this mean for us? It reminds us that even when things are hard—like when we’re tempted to be unkind, impatient, or not listen—we can ask Jesus to help us be strong, just like He was.
As we move into week two, we are going to share this message with our students:
🙏 Pray every day, even just a short prayer to thank Jesus.
💜 Give up something small, like a favorite treat, to show our love for God.
😊 Be kind by helping a friend, sibling, or classmate.
Thank you to the families who were able to support us as we went to OLPH parish to receive our ashes and participate in a full mass with several other EICS schools on Ash Wednesday. It is indeed a special opportunity to celebrate our faith with our peers. Thank you our school chaplain Mrs. Fortier for leading us in advance.
Wishing our families a restful long weekend and hope you can enjoy the warmer weather,
Mrs. Cathy Hinger, Principal
Mrs. Fiona Wimmer, Assistant Principal
What's Ahead!
Wednesday, March 12 - Hockey Hooky 2L, 3M, 4O and 4W
- Parent Council Meeting 7:00 pm Virtual Meeting Link
Thursday, March 13 - Madonna Open House @ 6:00pm
- 1SW & C1B to Wilderness Centre
- C3O & 3M to Royal Alberta Museum
Friday, March 14 - KMWF Class Clay For Kids
Tuesday, March 18 - 3-Way Conferences 4-7 PM (See information below)
Wednesday, March 19 - 3-Way Conferences 4-7 PM (See information below)
**Parents! Please complete your intentions for next school year online**
Next Year Intentions Form Available in Your Parent Portal
Please take a moment to complete your next year intentions form available in the colored box when you first sign into your portal (as shown above). This provides important information to the school for next year's enrollment numbers. The link to the form is shown below.
OLPH Grade 2 and Up - First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion
Please register before Friday, April 4th here for the Spring 2025 Session at OLPH. First Communion will be celebrated at OLPH Church the weekend of March 22-23rd, 2025.
Ash Wednesday Mass at OLPH
The church was full for Ash Wednesday Mass
Our students were amazing ambassadors!
Thank you to our Madonna students for reading and bringing up the gifts
Support Catholic Education Through Your Property Taxes
Did you know that you can support EICS by directing your property taxes to Catholic education? Please read this letter from EICS Board of Trustees Chair Le-Ann Ewaskiw to learn about this meaningful opportunity to strengthen Catholic education for our students.
3-Way Conferences Open for Bookings
The 3-Way Conferences are now available for you to book your appointment. Please schedule your appointment using this link or click on the School Interviews icon to the right. The conferences will take place on Tuesday, March 18th and Wednesday, March 19th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM on both evenings.
Please note the specific availability of the teacher you are wanting to see as that information may vary by teacher.
Grade 4 Puppet Making for storytelling project!
Grade 4's Basketball Games
Bend The Rules Day
We had quite a response to our recent Bend the Rules Day this past week! We saw crazy hair, "anything but a backpack" options to carry school supplies, zany hats, pajamas, some backwards clothing and more! Thank you to all the families who support these opportunities for creativity and fun. We have a special community here at Madonna and our school spirit is nurtured by these wonderful theme days!
Shrove Tuesday Success!
Thank you to these amazing parents and grandparents who came and supported our school by cooking and serving pancakes to the entire Madonna School community this week. Shout out to:
Mrs. Zwack, Mrs. Metanis, Mrs. Knapik, Grandpa McLeod, Mrs. Wickramaratne, Mr. and Mrs. Pawelec, Mrs. Santos, Mrs. White, Mrs. Adamson, Mrs. De Wansa, Ms. Noble and Mrs. Smith
School Council Bake Sale March 18th and 19th!
There is a bake sale happening on March 18 & 19th during 3-Way Conferences. Parent Council is looking for donated baked goods that can be dropped off at the school from March 16th to 18th.
Thank you for your generosity.
Stawnichy's - Please place order by March 21st
Dear Madonna Families.
As you have a child registered with Madonna Catholic School you are automatically a part of our school council. We are presently in need of some volunteers to sit on the Executive Council to help run the school council.
We are looking to fill 3 positions. Our Chair of the past three years, Kerstin Adamson has stepped down, Vice-Chair, Sheana Aronyk, and Nicole Howes our Secretary are stepping down, and we urgently need replacements to keep our School Council running. The roles are not challenging and Kerstin will provide support for a smooth transition. ASCA (Alberta School Councils’ Association) also offers courses to help you succeed.
School Council Chair Roles and Responsibilities:
- Chair all meetings of the school council, and create the agenda for meetings
- Be the official spokesperson of the school council
- Help plan fundraisers
- Comply with the School Councils Regulation by providing the school board with an annual report
that summarizes the school council's activities for the previous school year, including a financial
statement relating to money (Financial Statement done by our Treasurer).
School Councils are mandated under the Education Act, and without these roles filled, many important events and funding could be at risk such as Hot Lunch, Hot Dog Day, Family Games Night, Teacher Appreciation and funding for school activities.
Our AGM (Annual General Meeting) is in April where we would encourage you all to attend as we will be voting in these positions. If you're interested or have questions, please contact us at Madonnasces@gmail.com. Please consider stepping up to help us continue supporting our school community!
We need your help to keep Madonna Catholic School a special place for our students and staff!
Thank you and God Bless,
Madonna Catholic School Council
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.