Head's Highlights
August 16, 2024
Where Learning Comes First
Principal's Post
Dear Head Community,
We kicked off our PBIS behavior initiative today with a Pep Rally for all grade levels. In the assembly, students learned that Broncos R.I.D.E.
Students will now begin earning Bronco Bucks throughout the school for positive behavior. Please discuss the importance of following school rules with your child at home.
Have a wonderful weekend!
PTA News You Can Use
Thank you to all who have joined the PTA so far this school year, we are off to a great start with over 180 members! Memberships can be purchased online using the following link:
Classes with 100% PTA membership (1 membership per student) will earn a popsicle party! Please be sure to enter your student and teacher name when purchasing your membership.
Many thanks to all who attended our first general PTA meeting of the year, we had a great turnout! Our budget for the school year was approved and we discussed upcoming events.
We've got SPIRIT! Spiritwear that is! Gear up for the school year using the following link. Orders will be shipped directly to your home.
Head Elementary School Online Store
SAVE THE DATE! Our back to school dance will be held on Friday, September 13 at Brookwood High School from 6:30pm - 8:00pm. We hope to see you there!
For curriculum night this year, we are trying something a little different! We are doing a "flipped" curriculum night model. This means you will receive the presentation BEFORE curriculum night to watch at your leisure. You will receive three video links a week prior to our curriculum night on August 29th. The links will include: your child's teacher's curriculum night presentation, introduction videos from our special areas teachers, and a video message from administration and PTA. Please watch all the videos prior to our curriculum night. We will use the time at curriculum night for an optional drop-in Q&A session. Classroom teachers, special area teachers, gifted teachers, and other support teachers will all be available for you to drop by. This will allow you to see all your child’s teachers within the 6:00-7:30pm time frame. This night will be for all grade levels K-5. Come by at any time within that window that works for you! We hope this new format will allow you to receive all the information you need to have a successful school year.
Pelican's Snoballs
Payments accepted: Cash, Apple Pay & Credit Cards
Ice Cream will be sold in the Cafeteria for $1 during both Grandparent Luncheon days.
Parents, please make sure your student has a set of wired headphones for school. Students will need headphones for upcoming assessments as well as daily instruction. Thank you so much for your help with this!!
**Unfortunately, students will not be able to use wireless/Bluetooth headphones at this time.**
The Environmental Club
The Environmental Club is open to 4th and 5th grade students who are passionate about environmental issues and making a difference in our community. Meetings will be held on Friday mornings starting in mid-September.
Applications will be accepted until September 6th and students will be notified of their acceptance by Sept. 10th. Space is limited and a waitlist will be created.
Chorus is for 4th and 5th graders who like to sing. Practices are on Wednesday mornings at 7:30 a.m. We perform at the Veterans Day program and other community events. Applications will be sent home on Fri. Aug. 16th. Practices start Wednesday, August 21.
FIRST LEGO League Challenge Team!
Calling all 4th and 5th graders! The FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Challenge is an exciting global STEM competition that lets you dive into real-world engineering challenges. As a team member, 10 students will work to build and program LEGO robots to complete tasks on a themed playing field. But it’s more than just robots—you’ll also engage in research, problem-solving, coding, and an innovation project that lets your creativity shine. Please complete the application by Monday August 26th and be sure to attend the tryouts in the Computer Science classroom—4th Grade on Tuesday, August 27th at 7:30 AM, and 5th Grade on Wednesday, August 28th at 7:30 AM. Students will be notified of their acceptance by Friday, August 30th. Students will automatically be placed in the Robotics Club, if they do not make the team. The Robotics Club will begin in March.
ParentSquare vs. ParentVUE
ParentVUE and ParentSquare are tools we encourage you to use to support your student’s learning. Think of ParentVUE as a tool you use to view and update records. Think of ParentSquare as the place you go to engage with teachers and staff.
In ParentSquare you can connect with teachers and school staff:
📱Send and receive messages from the school via email, text, or mobile app
📱Communicate in your preferred language
📱Direct message teachers, staff, and principals
📱Share pictures and files
📱See calendar items
📱Participate in group messages
In ParentVUE you view enrollment records and progress:
📱See attendance records
📱Review academic progress and grades
📱Check class schedules and course history
📱See graduation requirements and status
📱Translate information into your preferred language
📱See records for all your children at any GCPS school with a single login
It is important your contact information is up to date with your school. Both ParentSquare and ParentVue rely on your up to date contact information. Need to update? Please contact your school.
ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian using their preferred email address and phone number listed in ParentVUE. We recommend reviewing your contact information annually.
Note: ParentSquare considers phone numbers marked as a cell phone as a parent/guardian’s primary phone
For more information on ParentSquare, please visit: https://www.gcpsk12.org/students/handbook-information-for-students-and-families/parentsquare
For more information on ParentVUE, please visit: https://www.gcpsk12.org/families/parent-vue
Connecting With the Community
Softball Youth Night has been updated due to a schedule conflict at BHS!
Join the Brookwood High School Softball Team at Youth Night, Wednesday, August 21 vs. Collins Hill. *Youth players in a Brookwood jersey get free admission for Youth Night!* The Junior Varsity team plays at 4:00pm followed by the Varsity team at 6:00pm, and tickets are on GoFan!
Looking AHEAD
Upcoming Events
8/20 - Dogwood Pizza Night
8/27 - Room Rep Meeting at 6:00 PM
8/29 - Flipped Curriculum Night 6-7:30 (Pelican's Snoballs will be in attendance)
8/30 - Color Stables Dress Up Day