Silent Auction Update
‘Bid for Chicks’ Annual Auction
March 6, 2020 (7pm-11pm)
Historic DeKalb Courthouse
Do you have a business to promote?
Is your family willing to sponsor a portion of the auction?
Consider becoming a sponsor today!
Sponsorship is available at the following levels:
$1500 Platinum: Business Logo or Family name on all signage and promotional materials, recognition on event Facebook page, full page ad in event program, Business Logo or Family name on PTO event website, and 8 complimentary tickets
$1000 Gold: Business Logo or Family name on all promotional materials, recognition on event Facebook page, 1/2 page ad in event program, Business Logo or Family name on PTO event website, and 6 complimentary tickets
$500 Silver: 1⁄4 page ad in event program, Business Logo or Family name on PTO event website, and 4 complimentary tickets
$250 Bronze: Business Logo or Family name in event program, Business Logo or Family name on PTO event website, and 2 complimentary tickets
***********Please email if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. **************
A special thank you to our current sponsors