What's up Wednesday
No School Reminder!
Friday, January 17 - No in-person school. Asynchronous (online learning)
Monday, January 20 - No school in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
We will welcome students back in the building on Tuesday, January 21.
Important Health Notice
As a reminder, students may return to school when they are fever-free for 24 hours WITHOUT medication, and/or vomit/diarrhea free for 24 hours. The student should also feel well enough to participate in all school activities.
Friday, January 17 - Asynchronous Learning Day
This Friday, January 17, will be an asynchronous learning day. This means that students will stay at home and will be expected to complete assignments as designated by their classroom teacher.
- Student devices will be sent home the day prior for students to use for asynchronous learning purposes only.
- Charging cords will not be sent home with devices. Students should have adequate charge for Friday’s school assignments.
- Students who do not attempt the assignments or activities assigned by their teacher will be marked absent.
- All devices must be returned to school on the following school day, Tuesday, January 21.
- All teachers will have office hours from 9:30am to 11:30am on January 17 to answer any questions students may have.
For help with Technology, families can open a help ticket here:
or call IT Service Desk #: 763-391-7180
Parent/Teacher Conferences
The window for scheduling conferences will open at 4:30pm on Thursday, January 16 and will close on Wednesday, January 29.
Scheduling will be done using ParentVUE. Instructions on how to schedule your child(rens) conferences can be found here: Conference Scheduling Instructions
If you do not yet have a ParentVUE account activated, you may activate it now via this link: ParentVue Activation Instructions
Conference Dates and Times
Thursday, January 30 8:00am - 9:00am and 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Tuesday, February 4 4:30pm - 8:30pm
Thursday, February 6 4:30pm - 8:30pm
District Boundary Changes
Feedback opportunities include informational meetings Jan. 15 and 23.
As shared this fall, elementary and middle school attendance boundaries are being changed in order to balance student enrollment across the district. These future adjustments, set to take effect in 2026, will reassign the Osseo Area Schools elementary and/or middle school that some households are zoned to attend.
Proposed scenarios to be presented with feedback opportunities: Proposals are currently being created using the community-built parameters developed earlier this fall. These were finalized and are available at district279.org/boundaries. Families and community members will be welcome to provide feedback on these proposals via an accompanying feedback form.
Additionally, Community Informational Meetings are scheduled for Jan. 15 and 23. These evenings will start with a half-hour presentation detailing the proposals and then transition to small groups, where community members will be able to share their thoughts and ask questions with district leaders.
Wednesday, Jan. 15 at 5:45 p.m. in the Brooklyn Middle STEAM School cafe. Please fill out this Google Form if you’re planning to attend.
Thursday, Jan. 23 at 5:45 p.m. in the Maple Grove Middle School cafe. Please fill out this Google Form if you’re planning to attend.
The presentation portion of the meetings will also be livestreamed via the Osseo Area Schools YouTube Channel.
Timeline: The school board is expected to approve final attendance boundary changes by May 2025. The new attendance boundaries will go into effect fall 2026 alongside the tentative opening of the new elementary school in the northwest region of our district.
Background: It’s common for communities to experience changing student enrollment. Our district’s Enrollment and Capacity Management Advisory Committee (ECMAC) has been monitoring these enrollment shifts in conjunction with our school building capacities for the last several years. Their most recent reports have detailed that a significant enrollment imbalance exists and that it should be addressed.
ECMAC’s work helped to form 2023’s Building a Better Future referendum. A new elementary school and additions to Maple Grove Senior High School were requested to address space constraints from continued growth. It was additionally noted that attendance boundary changes were needed no matter the outcome of the election. Thankfully, our community supported the 2023 referendum request so additional facility space will help to address growth needs, which limits attendance boundary changes to elementary and middle schools and impacts fewer families.
Stay tuned: Please continue to stay tuned for updates over the coming weeks and months. Detailed information will be shared on the district website, district279.org/boundaries. Any questions or concerns can be directed to BetterFuture@district279.org or 763-391-8990.
English: 763-391-8900, Español: 1-855-891-8364, Lus Hmoob: 1-844-577-9549, Soomaali: 1-855-891-5322 or Tiếng Việt: 1-855-891-8365
How to Access Links in What's Up Wednesday
Are the links in What's Up Wednesday not working for you? If so, click the "view in browser" button at the top of your screen.
Some email services may also filter out the content for security purposes. Identifying the email as a trusted sender should also eliminate that hiccup.
If you need further assistance, please email CedarIsland@District279.org.
Dine + Donate
WHEN? January 27th
WHERE? Hometowne Pizza
15511 Grove Circle N
Maple Grove, MN 55369
The Book Fair Is Coming!
The Scholastic Book Fair will be in the Media Center from January 30-February 7th. Please consider volunteering during the fair to help it run smoothly! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BA9A92DA0FC1-54377794-winter
The book fair will be open during the following times:
Thursday, January 30th: 8-10am; 4:30-7:30pm
Friday, January 31st: 9:30-10am
Tuesday, February 4: 3:30-8:30pm
Thursday, February 6: 3:30-8:30pm
Friday, February 7: 9:30-10am
Please note that during school hours (9:30am-4pm) only students are allowed to shop at the fair. Any questions please contact Taryn tarynkuebelbeck@gmail.com
Thank you!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- January 16: Conference scheduling becomes available at 4:30pm
- January 17: Asynchronous Learning Day - Students do not come to school this day
- January 20: No School
- January 27: Dine + Donate at Hometowne Pizza (11:00am-8:00pm)
- January 29: Book Fair begins!
- January 30: Parent Teacher Conferences (8:00am-9:00am & 4:30pm-7:30pm)
- February 4: Parent Teacher Conferences (4:30pm-8:30pm)
- February 6: Parent Teacher Conferences (4:30pm-8:30pm)
Attendance Email: CIAttendance@district279.org
Email: cedarisland@district279.org
Phone: 763.425.5855
Website: https://ci.district279.org/
Location: 6777 Hemlock Lane North, Maple Grove, MN, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CedarIslandElem