Uplift Summit Families - Update
September 11th, 2020
September 11th, 2020
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Note from the Directors - Ms. Oviatt, Ms. Miller, and Ms. McDaniel
As things continue to shift and change as we move into September and further into the first quarter of learning for your scholar, we thank our Skyhawk families for patience, hard work, and care. We could not have launched the start of this school year without any of those things from our families and hope that you felt the same from us!
We want to continue to hear your voices. We can't grow and get better for your scholars without your help. Take this survey to provide feedback on the SLA experience - https://forms.gle/CreSyEcCyW157MeTA .
Lastly, we will continue to ask for your patience and care as we move into this next phase of school launch this year. Thank you for completing your learning choice surveys - it will allow us to make the most efficient and safe learning experiences for each of your scholars.
With Scholars First,
Ms. Oviatt, Primary Director
Ms. Miller, Middle School Director
Mrs. McDaniel, High School Director
Mr. Smith, Operations Director
Important Dates/Events
If you chose in-person learning, here are the return to campus dates:
- Kindergarten: September 21st
- 1st, 2nd, 6th, 9th, 12th Grades: September 28th
- 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th Grades: October 5th
If you chose the hybrid option, you will be notified of your scholar's schedule before their return date. Scholars will remain 100% virtual until their return date. For scholars that chose Remote Learning, no schedule changes will occur.
Schedule and teacher changes are being worked on and finalized next week as we break down the parent survey results. You and your scholar will know their new teacher and/or schedule shortly after that!
SAVE THE DATE: Parent Town Hall - School Safety Focus
Tuesday, Sep 15, 2020, 06:00 PM
K-12 Need to Knows
Residency Questionnaire - Please Complete
REVISED - Grades 6-12 Schedule starting September 8th
REVISED--Grades K-5 Schedule Starting September 8th
Scholars will continue to log-in to their teacher's Schoology page at 7:55am every day.
All scholars and grade levels will adhere to the following full day schedule--
Important Need to Knows - Primary School
Teachers are working hard to finalize our first round of progress reports to send no later than Monday, Sept. 21st. Please ensure that your scholars have all of their work submitted so that their grades accurately reflect their effort. Please reach out to your scholar's teacher if you need any assistance submitting grades.
Scholars will continue MAP testing this week during the afternoon from 1-3:30pm. Please make sure scholars are working on this assessment independently so that we can get an accurate picture of what they know without any parent support. We will use this data to create scholar goals and support their needs during the year. Stay tuned to communication from your scholar's teacher for details on which test they will be taking.
Congratulations to our SOAR Scholars of the Month for August 2020!
Important Need to Knows - Middle School
(NEW) Independent Work Time
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday your scholar engages in "Independent Work Time" from 3-4 pm and on from 2-3 pm on Wednesday. Below is a one-pager to help you and your scholar know what they should be working on during this time.
(NEW) Middle School Grading Policy
Below is grading policy from Uplift, with the added Summit MS grading policies. Please review and let your scholar's advisory teacher know if you have any questions.Important Need to Knows - High School
(NEW) Road to College and Career newsletter
Check out the first edition of the RTCC newsletter! This newsletter has detailed information about academic support, success, and resources for each grade level. Click this link or see attached. http://bit.ly/rtccnewsletter1
(NEW) High School Attendance
Uplift Summit had the best high school attendance in August! However, we're starting to see attendance decline this past week. Help us reach our goal of 100% by asking your scholar to log into Schoology show you what they completed in class for the day. Scholars must log into each class daily to get credit for attendance.
(REPEAT) High School Supply Pick Up
If you missed the school supply pick up, feel free to visit the High School office 8:30-3:00 Monday through Friday.
How do I get Questions Answered?
I'm a new parent. Who do I contact for things?
Check out our Facebook page here that has a list of Family Orientations and Back to School Information. They review basics such as uniforms, supplies, schedules, technology, attendance, etc. You can also see the slides here. For information about Schoology access, Chromebooks, and hot spots reach out to:
- Primary Office Manager(grades K-5): Julie Malone, jmalone@uplifteducation.org
- Middle School Office Manager (grades 6-8): Aurora Alfaro, aalfaro@uplifteducation.org
- High School Office Manager (grades 9-12): Patty Cordoba, pcordoba@uplifteducation.org
For enrollment information: Please contact our PEIMS Coordinator Erika Paramo, eparamo@uplifteducation.org or Family Engagement Coordinator Vernetta Willis, vwillis@uplifteducation.org.
Where can I access previous newsletters?
Visit our campus website www.uplifteducation.org/upliftsummit. Then go to ""Family & Scholars" --> "Campus General Information" --> "Newsletters" for prior issues. You can also click this Google Document for an Archive of Newsletters.
I have attendance concerns/questions. Who do I contact?
Any attendance notes, concerns, or questions -- email: SummitAttendance@uplifteducation.org
Who do I contact with more questions?
Please visit our school website www.uplifteducation.org/upliftsummit and "Family & Scholars" to see most answers to your questions.
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook (@SummitInternationalPreparatory)
for more K-12 Campus Updates!
Important Information from our Virtual Clinic
About Summit International Preparatory
Website: www.uplifteducation.org/upliftsummit
Location: 1305 North Center Street, Arlington, TX, USA
Phone: (817) 287-5121
Facebook: www.facebook.com/UpliftSummitInternationalPreparatory