Welcome LHS Class of 2029
Pre-Registration & Admission Process to Libertyville HS
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Caregivers of Future Wildcats
We are excited to welcome your family to Libertyville High School. Your 8th grade student and family will soon begin the process of transitioning to District 128 and Libertyville High School for the 2025-2026 school year. In order to get started on this process, we would like to invite you to begin the preregistration process for your 8th grade student.
Overview of pre-registration & admission process
The incoming 9th grade registration process goes through four phases:
- Phase 1: preregistration is now open and due October 14th, 2024.
Phase 2: set up your District 128 parent PowerSchool account in November. ⚠️Note: District 128 is a different district, therefore, a new PowerSchool account must be created.
Phase 4: annual school registration and registration fees in June
Phase 3: course selection in January and February (includes 8th grade orientation)
Phase 1: Complete Preregistration - Due October 14th
Preregistration collects demographic information which is vital to help us communicate with our new students and families and prepare for the 2025-2026 school year. Preregistration is necessary to set up your parent PowerSchool account in November and complete the online course selection in February. Please complete your student’s preregistration by Friday, October 14, 2024.
Instructions to Complete Your Student’s Online Preregistration
Click the orange button below to begin preregistration.
Registration can be completed in English or Spanish. Language selection can be found in the upper right corner of your Registration Gateway screen.
Click the red start box-Do not login: Read the instructions and check "I'm ready to begin". Click Save and Next.
Create your account: Username, then Password (must contain 1 number and be 6 characters). This account is only for preregistration. Discard, do not save for future use. For summer registration we will provide you with login credentials unique to your student.
Grade Level: Select Grade 8.
⚠️Communication to our families is very important. Please enter parent/guardian information under Student Contacts for both parents even when there are multiple households. ⚠️
Please note, during preregistration, Registration Gateway will automatically skip some pages that are not required of an 8th grader. You will get a spinning gear until it cycles through to the end of the registration.
PreACT 8/9
Current 8th graders who live in the District 128 LHS boundary and attend Highland, Oak Grove, Rondout or St. Joseph will take the PreACT on Saturday, October 19, 2024 at Libertyville High School. Students are automatically registered for this assessment. Students who do not live in the District 128 LHS boundary will not be registered for this assessment. All families living in the D128 Choice Zone will test at VHHS even if they know or ultimately select Libertyville High School. The PreACT at Vernon Hills High School will be on October 26, 2024. The test begins at 8:30 am. Please drop off your student at the main entrance of Libertyville High School between 8:00-8:15am.
Click here to view the PreACT flyer which details test day logistics.
Please click here to view the District 128 letter which shares details as to how this assessment will be used as part of your student's transition to LHS. Note, make-up/alternative assessment date is Saturday, November 2nd at Vernon Hills High School. If you know in advance that you will need to take advantage of the make-up date, please complete this form.
For questions, contact Jenny Goettsche, Assistant Principal for Student Services at jennifer.goettsche@d128.org or call 847-327-7012
District 128 Course Selection and Placement
2025-2026 Counselor Course Selection Support & Additional Information
As part of the course selection process, LHS will communicate course options, counselor support and other course selection resources prior to January when the process officially begins at 8th grade orientation. Data such as MAP scores, PreACT data, and other information will also be shared with families to assist selecting the most appropriate course for their student.
As in prior years, school counselors will be available to help answer questions pertaining to your individual student regarding core course selection & elective options throughout January & February. Counselors will continue to help your student make course decisions and balance their schedule with your student's personal interests, passions, post-secondary goals and wellbeing in mind. Several more details will be shared later this fall and during the course registration process to support families and your individual student. We look forward to supporting your student as they prepare for their post-secondary endeavors.
Save the Date: 8th Grade Orientation
8th Grade Orientation will include a formal course selection presentation, opportunities to meet our academic department chairs as well as our elective course teachers.
8th Grade Orientation 2025
Thursday, Jan 9, 2025, 06:00 PM
Libertyville High School, 708 West Park Avenue, Libertyville, IL, USA
8th Grade Activities & Athletics Fair 2025
During the Activities and Athletics Fair 8th grade students and families will have the opportunity to interact with the leaders and student members of our clubs, fine arts organizations and athletic teams. More details will be shared later this fall.
If you have any questions while registering your student, please contact Laura Wolfe laura.wolfe@d128.org or Donna Warmbold donnalyn.warmbold@d128.org
Our offices are open Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.