CHIPS Weekly Update
October 18, 2024
CHIPS Open House
Mark your calendars! CHIPS Open House will be held on Thursday, November 14 from 5:30-7:00. This is an opportunity to visit the classroom with your child, meet other families from the classroom, and see some of the things our classes have been working on. The PTO will also be holding a bake sale and selling basket raffle tickets in the cafeteria!
Due to our varied schedules, we will be assigning times during the open house for you to visit your child's classroom. This will help cut down on congestion and ensure that your are visiting the classroom at the same time as your child's classmates. Classroom schedules will be sent home next week with your child.
Please note that parking at CHIPS is very limited. Please consider carpooling if possible and know that you may need to park on a nearby side street.
Basket Raffle Donations
Please send in all raffle basket donations no later than Friday, October 25th.
Volunteers Needed!
The PTO is also looking for volunteers to help with the basket raffle and bake sale. The sign up for baked goods and volunteers is below
Important Upcoming Dates
- October 24- No School- Professional Development
- October 30 & 31- CHIPS Dress Up Days.
- November 5- No School- Professional Development
- November 11- No School - Veteran's Day
- November 14- CHIPS Open House 5:30-7:00 p.m.
- November 20- No School- Professional Development
- November 27-29- No School- Thanksgiving Recess
Health News
As the beautiful leaves fall to the ground, fall viruses and allergies are still all around. Thank you all for the efforts keeping your children home when they are not feeling well. Reach out if your child may have an increase with any allergies/asthma symptoms during the upcoming weather changing months.
Please enjoy Henry the Hand's fun colorful printouts and activities with your child and a helpful story 'Why Can't I Go to School'. Thank you for encouraging these daily healthy habits. We have all been so impressed to see the children taking the time to wash their hands!
Speaking of the cold, please dress your child for chilly mornings or in layers, as the sun may warm up later in the day. If you have concerns obtaining warm weather clothing, you may reach out to Nurse Kristen Lynch at any time for assistance.
Please use our absence line (978-251-5188 Option 0) or email (chipsattendance@chelmsford.k12.ma.us) to report your child's absence from school and be sure to state the reason for the absence (illness, appointment, travel, etc).
Nurse Kristen can be reached by calling the CHIPS main number (978-251-5188) and selecting option 3.
From the Social Worker- Holiday/Winter Assistance Available
The holidays are coming! Chelmsford Public Schools collaborates with a number of organizations that provide additional food for Thanksgiving and gifts/gift cards for the winter holidays. We know its early (!) but program applications start soon.
Please reach out to our social worker, Carolina Zuliani, if your family is needing any support for the upcoming holidays. Ann can be reached at zulianic@chelmsford.k12.ma.us and 978-251-5188 x6064.
From The PTO
Chelmsford Integrated Preschool
Email: mcguirkm@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://chelmsfordschools.org
Location: 170 Dalton Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: (978)251-5188