Mustang Messenger for Parents
November 3, 2024
Mission of Mitchell Road Elementary
The mission of Mitchell Road Elementary School is to educate all students in a safe, inclusive learning environment while challenging them to be lifelong learners, prepared for their future as compassionate, respectful, and self-disciplined citizens.
No School Monday and Tuesday!
Lunch This Week
Veterans Day
Veterans Day is on Monday, November 11th. We would like to honor the veterans in our student's lives here at Mitchell Road Elementary. If your family has a veteran, we would love for you to fill out this form with a picture of them, their branch of service, and any extra information you can give about their time in service.
We will share this on our morning news show on November 11th! Complete this form by Friday, November 8, 2024 at 4:00pm to be included. We look forward to honoring our veterans related to Mitchell Road in this way!
PTA Sweatshirt Pre-Sale
PTA is currently doing a pre-sale of MRES sweatshirts through MemberHub. The order is open now and will close on Friday, November 8. The cost is 25 dollars per sweatshirt. Visit the PTA Store here to place your pre-order today. Shirts will be delivered to school and passed out to students as soon as they arrive.
Calendar Update
Parents, please note the date correction for the end of the school year as it was previously listed wrong in the dates at the bottom of the newsletter:
22: Half Day Dismissal for Students at 11:45am
23: Last Day of School! Half Day Dismissal for Students at 11:45am
K5, 1st, and 2nd Grade Performance and PTA General Membership Meeting
Thank you to everyone who joined us for our PTA and K5-2nd grade performance!
Talent Show Coming Soon!
Our MRES Talent Show will be performed twice on December 19 at 8:30am and 10:00am! Auditions for the show will be on Friday, December 6. Students interested in auditioning have had the opportunity to get a form from Mrs. Cooley. However, if you need another copy - here is the link. Only students who have turned in a completed application to Mrs. Cooley by Thursday, December 5 will be eligible for an audition.
Student Council Service Project
Last week our Student Council kicked-off their fall service project! They are hosting a food drive from October 28 - November 19. Students may bring non-perishable items to the hub and put them in the box of their favorite team between Carolina or Clemson. We look forward to seeing how our Mustangs can work together to support a local community organization.
As of now...Clemson is in the lead!
Holiday Angel Tree
Each year thanks to the generosity of our outreach partners and our school community, we are able to provide in various ways for those families that may benefit from a helping hand. One of the programs we organize around the holidays is an Angel Tree for our students/families.
- Please fill out our form to sign up your child/children for Angel Tree gifts. Mrs. Kincaid will be in touch to confirm receipt and provide information about pickup!
- If you are a Mustang Family that would like to support our Angel Tree, we would love to hear from you via this form. Mrs. Kincaid will be in touch to coordinate your donations!
While donations come from churches and other members of our school community, participant information is kept confidential. We do our best to provide for all that sign up, but availability is not guaranteed. Participation is determined on a first come first serve basis. Sign up SOON so we can work with our partners to meet the needs of everyone! We do our best to support every student in need! Please reach out to Mrs. Kincaid with questions or concerns via email at or by calling 864-355-6704.
Make-up Picture Day
Our make-up picture day will be Tuesday, November 12. This will only be for students who missed the original picture day or for parents who have a valid concern with their child's picture. If applicable, those parents should reach out to the teacher to request a make-up picture be taken.
Thanksgiving Feast!
Last week students received an RSVP form for our annual Thanksgiving Feast event. To help with spacing, we are splitting this event over three days this year:
- Friday, November 22nd: Feast for grades preK – 1st, Hammond's AM class, and Agudelo’s class
- Monday, November 25th: Feast for grades 2nd – 3rd, Spataro's class, and Henderson’s class
- Tuesday, November 26th: Feast for grades 4th – 5th and Hammond's PM class
**Note the date change for Spataro and Hammond's PM class
*Note: Except for special circumstances, we will not be mixing days because it throws off the lunch schedule and academic instruction.
Payment is required to RSVP. Forms and payments must be submitted by Wednesday, November 13 so that we can plan for the amount of food that will be needed. A limited number of tickets will be sold at the door. We look forward to welcoming our guests into school for this special tradition!
Thank you to everyone who joined us for Skate Night last week!
Capturing Kids' Hearts - November
From the District
2024 GCS Hall of Fame Gala: The annual GCS Hall of Fame induction and dinner reception will be held on Thursday, November 21 at 5:30 PM at the Greenville Convention Center. We will recognize six distinguished GCS inductees:
- Kahran Bethencourt, Wade Hampton High Class of 1998
- Johnny Mack Brown, Greenville Sr. High Academy Class of 1955
- Daniel Miyares, Hillcrest High Class of 1998
- Dr. Bethany Smith, Southside High Class of 2002
- Dr. Virginia Uldrick, Greenville Sr. High Academy Class of 1946
- Dr. Katherine H. Howard, Educator, Multiple Schools & Administration
Tickets must be purchased by Thursday, November 7. Proceeds go to the GCS Foundation.
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Cafeteria Reminders
- Mitchell Road provides free breakfast and lunch to all students.
- Breakfast is from 7:00-7:45am each day.
- At the 7:35am bell, the cafeteria switches to bagged breakfasts to help get students to class on time.
- If parents would like to join students for breakfast or lunch, please sign in at the front office with your ID. Parents cannot walk with students to class after eating. All parents must say goodbye at the cafeteria door and sign back out at the main office.
- If students would like to purchase additional servings or snacks, they must have money on their lunch accounts. You can do this by sending in cash or check to the cafeteria or by adding money to the student's account on MySchoolBucks.
- Meal prices for adults this year will be $3.10 for breakfast and $5.27 for lunch.
Mitchell Road Reminders
- The weekly newsletter can be translated to a variety of languages. Please click the "Translate" button on the top right side and select your language.
- El boletín semanal se puede traducir a una variedad de idiomas. Haga clic en el botón "Traducir" en la parte superior derecha y seleccione su idioma.
- Please be sure any transportation changes are sent to the teacher, in writing the day of the change. We cannot accept these over the phone.
- No early dismissals will be allowed after 1:45pm.
- Dismissal begins at 2:15pm. If you are not here by 2:35pm, you will need to go to the office with your driver's license or car tag to sign your student out.
Calendar Dates
4: No School - Teacher Workday
5: No School - Election Day
11: Mustang Monday!
12: Student Council meeting at 7:00am in Challenge Room
12: Make-up picture day
13: Thanksgiving Feast RSVP and payment due
18: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night at Pelham Road from 4:00-8:00pm
22: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
22, 25, 26: Thanksgiving Feast (advanced RSVP and payment encouraged)
27-29: No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
2: Mustang Monday!
3: Student Council meeting at 7:00am in Challenge Room
6: Talent Show Auditions (information to come)
12: Benchmark testing for grades 2-5 (ELA)
13: Benchmark testing for grades 2-5 (math)
16: Benchmark testing for grade 4 (science)
19: Talent Show (information to come)
20: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
20: Half Day Dismissal for Students at 11:45am
23-January 6: Winter Break
December 23-January 6: Winter Break
8: Second Quarter Report Card
13: Mustang Monday!
20: No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
28: PTA General Membership meeting at Bingo Night in the Cafeteria from 5:30-7:00pm
29: Class picture day
31: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
3: Mustang Monday!
4: Student Council meeting at 7:00am in Challenge Room
6: Skate Night at Taylors Roller Rink from 6:00-8:00pm (5 dollar cash admission and parents MUST stay)
10: General PTA membership meeting and performance by 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students at 6:00pm
10: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night at Pelham Road from 4:00-8:00pm
13: Muffins for Moms for K4, K5, 1st, and 2nd grade students in the cafeteria from 7:00-7:45am
14: Muffins for Moms for 3rd, 4th, 5th grades and self-contained classes in the cafeteria from 7:00-7:45am
17: No School - Presidents' Day
28: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
3: Mustang Monday!
4: Student Council meeting at 7:00am in Challenge Room
10: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night at Pelham Road from 4:00-8:00pm
14: No School - Teacher Workday
17-21: No School - Spring Break
26: Third Quarter Report Card
28: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
1: Benchmark testing for grades 2-5 (ELA)
2: Benchmark testing for grades 2-5 (math)
3: Benchmark testing for grade 4 (science)
7: Mustang Monday!
8: Skate Night at Taylors Roller Rink from 6:00-8:00pm (5 dollar cash admission and parents MUST stay)
10: Grits for Grands for K4, K5, 1st, and 2nd grade students in the cafeteria from 7:00-7:45am
11: Grits for Grands for 3rd, 4th, 5th grades and self-contained classes in the cafeteria from 7:00-7:45am
14: General PTA membership meeting and performance by Chorus for the Broadway Musical at 6:00pm
14: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night at Pelham Road from 4:00-8:00pm
18: No School
24: Glow Party from 5:00-7:00pm in the gym (1 dollar cash admission for students and parents MUST stay)
25: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
2: PTA selling Chick-fil-a biscuits in car rider lines while supplies last (5 dollars cash per biscuit)
5: Mustang Monday!
12: Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night at Pelham Road from 4:00-8:00pm
15: Senior Clap Out (details to come)
16: SIC Meeting at 7:00am in conference room
22: Half Day Dismissal for Students at 11:45am
23: Last Day of School! Half Day Dismissal for Students at 11:45am
Please follow us on social media!
- Facebook: Mitchell Road Elementary School
- Instagram: mitchellroadelementary
- Twitter: mitchell_road
Mrs. Holman's Newsletter
Location: 4124 East North Street, Greenville, SC, USA
Phone: (864) 355-6700
Twitter: @mitchell_road