Scarborough Middle School
Family Newsletter for 08.29.2024
Hello Scarborough Middle School Families,
We are looking forward to the upcoming Open Houses that are happening on Wednesday, September 11 for 6th and 8th grade and Thursday, September 12 for 7th grade. We hope you will be able to attend. Please see below for more details
Kathy Tirrell, Principal
Chris Murphy, Assistant Principal
SMS Open House
Grade 6 and 8 will be held on Wednesday, September 11 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Grade 7 will be held Thursday, September 12 from 6:00pm to 7:00pm
This year's format will be the same as last year. Teachers will be available in their rooms to visit with families and we are encouraging families to participate in a scavenger hunt that the teachers have created. Families will be able to pick up the scavenger hunt in each of the classrooms.
SMS Picture Days
The SMS school picture days are Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10. Student pictures are taken starting at 8am and run through approximately 10am of each picture day.
Schedule for Monday, September 9:
- 6th Graders from All teams
- 8th Grade students from Blizzards Team
Schedule for Tuesday, September 10:
- 7th Graders from All teams
- 8th Graders from Nor'Easters Team
You can preorder through The SMS picture ID # is EVTTF7272
During the 2023-2024 school year, our staff at Scarborough Middle School were introduced to the RULER program. Teachers were trained in the RULER curriculum to lead our students through the skills and tools of the program. RULER is a social-emotional learning program designed to help students Recognize, Understand, Label, Express, and Regulate their emotions. By developing these skills, students can build stronger relationships, improve academic performance, and create a positive school environment. Implementing RULER empowers students with the tools they need to handle challenges and make responsible decisions. Through this curriculum, we aim to support the overall well-being and success of our students.
This year, our staff will be implementing a few of the RULER tools with students. In September during CREW, students will be developing the Scarborough Middle School Charter. The school’s charter is a tool that can help us create the positive, supportive social-emotional environments that we know are best for learning. The Charter is like a promise we make to one another, or an agreement to treat each other in a way that supports social, academic, and emotional development.
It's Vaccination Time
Scarborough Middle School will be having an influenza vaccination clinic on Thursday 10/24/24. We will be partnering with Northern Light Home Care & Hospice to provide this clinic to our students.
Please click on the link below and complete the consent form by Thursday 10/17/24. You must complete all starred fields. Although the vaccine is provided at no charge, there is a cost to administer the vaccine. We appreciate it if you include accurate insurance information. There is no out of pocket cost and those without insurance will be vaccinated with the appropriate form completed. Children presenting with an incomplete form will not receive their vaccine.
You will be notified if there is a change in the planned dates of school flu clinics.
The Vaccine Information Sheets are included in the link after the consent form. Please take a minute to read these.
If you need a translated form or are unable to complete an electronic form, please let the school nurse know and we will send a paper form home.
All clinics will have injectable vaccines. In addition, FluMist (nasal spray) may be available at some clinics. We cannot guarantee it for all clinics. Unless you clearly mark which type of vaccine you prefer, and there is no contraindication to either type of vaccine, the nurse at the clinic will determine which type of vaccine to use for your child.
For information about flu and the vaccine Click Here
For questions about the flu vaccine, call Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention (Maine CDC) at 1-800-867-4775, Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.
For questions about the vaccine clinics at Scarborough Middle School, please reach out to one of our nurses.
SMS Clinic Contact Information:
Amanda Eason RN 207-730-4811
Laurel Rothermel RN 207-730-4810
Please be sure to complete and return the Health Screen & Permission form!
Student Absence Reporting
Families should report their middle school student's absence from school by calling the SMS main office at 207-730-4800 or by email at A reason for the absence must be stated, otherwise SMS office staff will reach out to determine the reason for the absence.
Excusable reasons for an absence:
- illness
- appointment
- religious holiday
- family emergency
- planned absence
For Planned Absences (a day out of school which is not illness or medical appointment related), families should fill out the Scarborough Middle School Planned Absence form, which is found here.
For questions about attendance, please contact the Scarborough Middle School main office at 207-730-4800 or email us at
IMPORTANT DATES for the Start of the 2024-25 School Year
2024-25 Scarborough School Calendar
Fall Pictures at SMS
Monday, September 9 All 6th Graders and 8th Grade Team Blizzards
Tuesday, September 10 All 7th Graders and 8th Grade Team Nor'Easters
Early Release - Wednesday, September 11
Dismissal at 12:55pm
Fall Open Houses at SMS
Wednesday, September 11 -6th and 8th grade from 6:00-7:00pm
Thursday, September 12- 7th grade from 6:00-7:00pm
Maine Through Year Testing
- Tuesday, September 17- Math
- Wednesday, September 18- Reading
6th Grade Crab Study & Team-Building Field Trip
- Tuesday, September 24
- More information will be coming home with students closer to the date
7th Grade Vision Checks
- Thursday, September 26
No School
Friday, October 11- STAFF ONLY DAY
Monday, October 14- Indigenous People Day
Early Release - Wednesday, October 16
Dismissal at 12:55pm
SMS Flu Clinic
Thursday, October 24 in am
6th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 2 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
7th Grade Dance-
- Friday, May 16 from 5:00pm-7:00pm
8th Grade Celebration and Dance
- Friday, June 6
Scarborough Middle School
Location: 21 Quentin Drive, Scarborough, ME, USA
Phone: (207) 730-4800
Twitter: @scarbmeschools