Child Care Chalkboard
January 1-31
Theme of the Month: Let it Snow!
Snow Days
Snow Closures: if the county declares "Emergency Travel Only" District #5, Trinity School and Child Care will be closed. You can tune your radio to KOFI (1180 AM) or Bee Broadcasting (98.5 FM, 105.1 FM, 95.9 FM, 106.3 FM, 880 AM, 1240 AM) to obtain the most current school information about school closures. You can also check online at Flathead County Superintendent of Schools-School Closures @ flathead.mt.gov/schools/closures.php
Trinity will be listed at the bottom.
Lion's Club Vision Screening
Sledding Field Trip
We are waiting for the snow to come before we plan our annual sledding field trip. Once we have enough snow to go sledding, watch for information to be posted.
Updating Forms
Each year we are required to update our Emergency Contact and Over the Counter (OTC) forms. These forms will be given to you the first full week of January and expected back by January 24. The class that has all of their forms turned in first will receive a "Hot Chocolate Party."
Child Care Sunday
Childcare Sunday is February 2nd. We will be singing at the 10:45 service followed by lunch after the service. Please plan to join us and invite your family and friends.
Health Policy
We want to remind you of our current Health Policy. This can be found on page 7 of the parent handbook and reads as follows:
Trinity Lutheran Child Care Center is not licensed to accept sick children. Children who arrive at the center in ill health will be asked to return home. We will do a daily health check upon arrival of each child. This is a casual observation of your child and we look for overall wellness, not for signs to exclude them. If the child is too ill to participate in our daily activities, including outdoor time, then the child is too ill to be at the center. Children who have been sick will not be admitted into the center unless they are completely over their illness and no longer contagious. For the protection of all the children and our staff, your child must be kept at home if signs of illness are showing such as but not limited to the following:
a. Temperature of 100 degrees or more with one or more additional symptoms of illness; or a temperature of 101 degrees with no other symptoms
(must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning)
b. Sore or discharging eyes, ears, or throat
c. Intestinal disturbance, diarrhea or vomiting
(must be free of symptoms for 24 hours before returning)
d. Any signs of head lice/nits
(must be treated with minimum OTC kit before returning - no home remedies)
Bus Fee
Every June we charge a $50 summer activity fee. This fee covers the cost of transporting the children on field trips. To better track the use of this money, we have devised a new system. For each field trip with transportation; whether our bus, the van, or Mountain Climber we will subtract $2 from your fee. When your balance reaches $0 we will need to charge you for additional transportation. For those who have not paid the $50 fee (did not attend in June), we will add the $2 to your field trip fee.
Church and School News
https://trinitykalispell.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2643134 We are kicking off 2025 with another round of NEW MEMBER CLASSES!!! Share this link with your friends or come get a refresher!
The church is looking for a part-time bookkeeper who will work approximately 10 hours per week on bookkeeping tasks such as accounts payable, account reconciliations, processing payroll, payroll & quarterly tax reporting, & monthly financial reporting. Schedule is flexible! Applicants must be organized & detail oriented. Some bookkeeping experience is preferred. Interested people should send a resume to Amy at aglimm@trinitykalispell.org.
Roly Poly, Wiggleworm and Butterfly Classes
Bible Stories
December 30-January 3
RP: Jesus’ Baptism, Matthew 3:13-17
WW: Boy Jesus Studies in the Temple, Luke 2:41-52
BF: Jairus’s Daughter Lives! Luke 8:40-42, 49-56
January 6-10
RP: Jesus Calls His Disciples, Luke 5:1-11
WW: Jesus’ Baptism, Matthew 3:13-17
BF: Jesus Heals a Blind Man, Mark 10:46-52
January 13-17
RP: Jesus Calms the Storm, Matthew 8:23-27
WW: Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers, Luke 17:11-19
BF: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, John 6:1-15
January 20-24
RP: Jesus Blesses the Children, Matthew 19:13-15
WW: Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People, John 6:1-15
BF: The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37
January 27-31
RP: Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-10
WW: Jesus Raises Jairus’s Daughter from the Dead, Luke 8:40-56
BF: The Lost Son, Luke 15:11-32
Field Trips and Activities
1/1: Child Care CLOSED – New Year’s Day
1/7: Chapel with Mr Gideon 10:30
1/14: Song practice with Mr Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
1/21: Chapel with Mr Gideon 10:30
1/27-1/31 Lutheran Schools Week
1/28: Song practice with Mr Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
1/29: Chapel with School 2nd Grade Johnson 8:25
We will serve breakfast at 9am
2/2: Childcare Sunday 10:45
We will be singing at the 10:45 service followed by lunch after the service. Please plan to join us and invite your family and friends.
Happy Birthday
1/31Finley H, 1/31 Miss Shannon
BeeHive :Concept of the Month: Numbers 16-30
Bible Stories
December 30-January 3
Jesus chooses His Disciples, Matthew 4:18 – 22, 10:2-4
Letter of the Week: Dd
January 6-10
Jesus Calms the Storm, Mark 4:35-41
Letter of the Week: Ss
January 13-17
Jesus Changes Water into Wine, John 2:1-12
Letter of the Week: Ww
January 20-24
Jesus Blesses the Children, Mark 10:13-16
Letter of the Week: Ch
January 27-31
The Widow’s Mite, Luke 21:1-4
Letter of the Week: Vv
Field Trips and Activities
1/1: Child Care CLOSED – New Year’s Day
1/7: Chapel with Mr Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
1/14: Song practice with Mr Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
1/17: Dist. #5 Early Out 1:25pm
1/20: Dist. #5 No School
1/21: Chapel with Mr Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
1/24: Trinity Early Out 11:30
1/27-1/31 Lutheran Schools Week
1/28: Song practice with Mr Gideon 10:30 & 4:30
1/29: Chapel with School 2nd Grade Johnson 8:25
We will serve breakfast at 9am
2/2: Childcare Sunday 10:45
We will be singing at the 10:45 service followed by lunch after the service. Please plan to join us and invite your family and friends.
Happy Birthday
1/10 Miss Jessica, 1/15 Levi, 1/31 Miss Shannon
Field Trips and Activities
1/1: Child Care CLOSED – New Year’s Day
1/7: Chapel with Mr Gideon 4:30
1/14: Song practice with Mr Gideon 4:30
1/17: Dist. #5 Early Out 1:25pm
1/20: Dist. #5 No School
Please send a sack lunch with your child
1/21: Chapel with Mr Gideon 4:30
1/24: Trinity Early Out 11:30
Please send a sack lunch with your child
1/27-1/31 Lutheran Schools Week
1/28: Song practice with Mr Gideon 4:30
2/2: Childcare Sunday 10:45
We will be singing at the 10:45 service followed by lunch after the service. Please plan to join us and invite your family and friends.
Happy Birthday
1/1 Avery, 1/2 Matthew, 1/25 Jaxon H, 1/31 Miss Shannon
No School Days
Youth Center
Field Trips and Activities
1/1: Child Care CLOSED – New Year’s Day
1/7: Chapel with Mr Gideon 4:30
1/14: Song practice with Mr Gideon 4:30
1/17: Dist. #5 Early Out 1:25pm
1/20: Dist. #5 No School
Please send a sack lunch with your child
1/21: Chapel with Mr Gideon 4:30
1/24: Trinity Early Out 11:30
Please send a sack lunch with your child
1/27-1/31 Lutheran Schools Week
1/28: Song practice with Mr Gideon 4:30
2/2: Childcare Sunday 10:45
We will be singing at the 10:45 service followed by lunch after the service. Please plan to join us and invite your family and friends.
Happy Birthday
1/5 Bella, 1/6 Ava, 1/23 Coral, 1/31 Miss Shannon
No School Days
Roly Poly Class: Under 2 years
Wiggleworm Class: 2-3 years
Butterfly Class: 3-4 years
BeeHive Class: 4-5 years
Dragonfly Class: 5-6 years
Youth Center: 6-12 years
About Us
Fax: 406-407-7049
Classroom Phone Numbers:
Office: 756-8754
Roly Poly: 407-2273
Wiggleworms: 407-3332
Butterflies: 756-2090
Busy Bees: 270-4463
Dragonflies: 756-2090
Youth Center: 260-2004
Hours of Operation:
Email: tlccc@trinitykalispell.org
Website: trinitychildcare.org
Location: 486 3rd Ave. West Kalispell, MT
Phone: (406) 756-8754