Hey Band!
August 14-23 - Beginning of School Reminders
Ice Cream Social and First Week of School
We'll start in the gym at 6:30pm and then after performing some music for you there, we'll move outside to perform the first few minutes of the marching show on the field. After that, we'll all come back inside to enjoy some ice cream and treats provided by our fabulous booster parents!
As a reminder, we are taking the morning off on Friday and students begin rehearsal at 1:00pm inside.
Next Monday is a normal schedule (8am-4pm), but we will do a few different things in the afternoon to help us all feel prepared and ready to start the school year.
Please see the info below regarding the rest of the week....
Tuesday-Friday, August 20-23
Wednesday - 4:00PM - 6:15PM - FULL MARCHING BAND
Thursday - 4:00PM - 6:15PM - FULL MARCHING BAND
Friday - 4:00PM - 6:15PM - FULL MARCHING BAND
Purple and White Scrimmage - FOOTBALL - Friday, Aug. 23, 7:00pm (not 7:30 like standard games)
- This is a "block party" style event for the football team and their boosters.
- Held at Noack Field right across the street from LBJ.
- JV squads scrimmage each other, while varsity members meet-and-greet guests and families.
- There will be food, prizes, and an overall fun atmosphere kicking off the Jaguars season
- This is a required event for all band Student Leadership members and drumline - all other band students are welcome to attend!
- Band will walk to the event, play a few stand tunes, brass jams, cadences, school song, and fight song, etc. We will not be performing the marching show at this event.
- First Ladies officers will attend, as will all the cheerleaders
Brian Mayer - Director of Bands - brian.t.mayer@austinisd.org
Ponder East - Assistant Director, Jazz Director - ponder.east@austinisd.org
Dr. Chris Lizak - Assistant Director, Percussion Director - christopher.lizak@austinisd.org
Herbert Washington - Colorguard Director - washingtonh2@mailbox.winthrop.edu