Weathersfield Weekly
September 6, 2024
Coffee with Mr. Martes
Please come and join us for coffee and conversation on Wednesday, September 11th at 8:10 AM in the AP room.
Welcome Back Forms
Please find below links for the Welcome Back Forms! Paper copies of the forms are available at the office or by request!
Return the forms to your child's teacher by Friday, September 13, 2024. Thank you!!!
1. Parent/Guardian/Caregiver and Student Handbook 2024 - 2025 School Year - Please sign off on page 2
2. Student Health Information- To have on file in the Health Office
3. Non-Prescription Medicine Permission
4. Prescription Medicine Permission, if applicable
5. Student Information To have on file in the Main Office
6. Fill The Form- Information on this form remains confidential and is used to help us obtain grants and other funding available.
7. Proof of Residency- Must be done every year
Residency Verification
Dear Families;
On October 11, 2022, Weathersfield School Board voted to require all families to verify residency yearly for their child(ren) to attend Weathersfield School. If you are new to WS this year, you have already proven residency for this school year.
These documents are for address verification, and must all reflect the physical address provided for enrollment or change of address as well as the full name of the parent/guardian. Please submit one of the following documents as proof of residency. All documentation must be dated within the past 60 days:
Copy of deed or record of most recent mortgage statement
A official work order or receipt for work done at the physical residence dated within the past 30 days (must have physical address and parent/guardian name on work order or receipt)
Valid Vermont Driver's License or current vehicle registration with current physical address
Copy of current lease containing full parent/guardian name, start/end dates of lease, physical address of property and signature of parent/guardian and landlord.
Water bill, if applicable
Notarized letter from landlord affirming tenancy (must be signed in front of a notary by landlord, have name of tenant [parent/guardian], physical address of property being leased, student's name as resident, start and end date of rental agreement).
Electric bill
Bank Statement (financials withheld)
Current town property tax bill
Telephone/cell phone bill
Official mail received from a federal or state government agency (i.e. Medicaid, IRS, State of VT) with physical address and parent/guardian name included
Cable bill
Copy of official Voter Registration from town of residence
Proof of Residency is due to the WS Main Office by September 13, 2024. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact the school.
Budget Advisory Committee
We are looking for members of our community to serve on our Budget Advisory Committee(BAC). The purpose of the BAC is to provide input on local priorities and, as needed, develop recommendations on fiscal and program priorities that ensure a balanced budget. Contribute to improved communication to enhance understanding of the school's budget and financial condition. The committee will meet approximately four times a year to help prepare the budget for our town meeting in March. If you are interested in participating in this committee, please reach out to BJ Esty at bjesty@wsesu.net.
No Toys at School
TOYS TO STAY AT HOME! Just a timely reminder that no toys are allowed at school. This includes trading cards, fidget tools, figurines, toy cars, dolls, stuffies or games. Toys are expensive for parents and we would hate for them to get lost or broken. We have lots of fun things at school to play with so students do not need to bring anything but themselves!
If toys are found at school they will be collected by the teacher for safe keeping and returned after school. Please have a chat with your child about this to ensure no toys get lost.
Parking Lot
Please remember to follow the arrival and dismissal procedures for school. The fastest and safest way to drop off and pick up students is to stay in your vehicle. Staff is there to assist students get in and out of the car. If you have a student that needs help with buckling you maybe asked to park along the side of the building to help with the flow of traffic. If you have any questions on our procedures, please ask.
Art and STEAM elective families (grades 6-8):
Art and STEAM elective students will be collaborating to make pumpkin book characters during the month of October. We did this activity last year and it was a lot of fun. We have decided to make it an annual event. If you are able to provide your child with a pumpkin, that would be a great help. They should bring the pumpkin in by September 27, at the latest. If you do not have a student in the elective class and would like to donate a pumpkin that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Four Winds Volunteers Needed
Volunteers needed with the Four Winds nature program! No experience necessary.
If you’re reading this, you are (most likely) a caregiver of a student at Weathersfield School. Did you know that for over a decade, there has been a volunteer-led nature program in our school which enriches our kids’ learning? Your kids have probably enjoyed a Four Winds program. Ask them about it. Did they have fun? Do you want to have fun?
Join us! If you have 2–4 hours per month available during the school day, we'd like to have you. No experience necessary; we are trained in all the units before bringing the outdoor, hands-on activities to the K–5 classes.
As a volunteer-driven program, it is vital that we have volunteers. So, jump on board! And feel free to pass this on to interested grandparents or other community members. To sign up or learn more, please contact Naomi Morse at naomimorse@gmail.com or 646-842-1351.
More info about the program is here
See photos from this past year here
Weathersfield Athletics
Fall sports are starting. If your child is interested in Soccer or Cross Country (5-8)
Fall registrations are open! Sign up today by emailing carrie.jewell@wsesu.net
Board Meeting
Menu for the Week of September 9th-September 13th
Monday Breakfast -Cereal Lunch- Crispy Chicken Sandwich with Tater Tots
Tuesday Breakfast- Local Egg Sandwich Lunch- Taco Bar
Wednesday Breakfast- Bagel and Cream Cheese Lunch- Local Beef Steak and Cheese
Thursday Breakfast- Fresh Baked Muffin Lunch- Lasagna with Garlic Knots
Friday Breakfast- Cinnamon Roll Lunch- VT Pizza
Save the Dates!
- September 10th Weathersfield School Board Meeting
- September 11th Coffee with Mr. Martes at 8:10 AM in the AP Room
- September 20th PTO PAW Drop