Northmont Middle School
Family Newsletter - August 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year!
Dear Northmont Families,
On behalf of the entire staff at Northmont Middle School, I am excited to welcome you to a new school year filled with dedication, teamwork, and growth!
We are eager to build a productive partnership with you to ensure that our students reach their highest potential. With the combined efforts of our dedicated staff, enthusiastic students, and supportive families, we are confident that we can achieve great things together.
We are committed to fostering a community where every individual feels valued and included. We believe that open communication is key to our success, and we encourage you to actively participate in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success, and I want to assure you that we will do everything in our power to fulfill our responsibilities. In return, we ask for your continued support by ensuring that your middle schooler:
- Attends school daily and arrives on time to 1st period (7:45 a.m.).
- Comes to school prepared for the day with a fully charged iPad.
- Completes all assigned tasks.
- Shares school experiences with you.
- Informs you if they need additional support.
- Follows our code of conduct.
Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership. I look forward to meeting you on Monday, August 12, 2024, at our Welcome Back Night from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Holli T. Gover
Northmont Middle School
Northmont Middle School Office Hours
Main Office Number:
937- 832-6517
Administrative Team
Mrs. Gover
Mr. Mengerink
Mrs. Sledge
Office Staff
Mrs. Kindred, Principal's Secretary
Mrs. Henning, Attendance Secretary
Mrs. Cummings, Assistant Secretary
Counseling Center
Mrs. Greier, Counseling Center Secretary
Mrs. Lipscomb, School Counselor (A-Kn)
Mrs. Dale, School Counselor (Ko-Z)
iPad Distribution/Walk Your Schedule Before School Starts!
iPad Pick Up
August 7th & 8th for Grades 4-12
HS Bolts Gym 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Walk Your Schedule
Wednesday, August 7th - 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.Thursday, August 8th - 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
( Entrance - Door 1)
Take a screenshot of your schedule before you arrive to walk your schedule (Students will have access to Progressbook on August 2nd or bring your iPad after you pick it up)
*If you plan to pay school fees during your visit, please have the exact amount if you pay with cash. You can also pay with a check or credit card.
Food Service
Northmont City Schools Contact -
Please feel free to contact the food service office with any questions. 937-832-5055 or jordan.greve@northmontschools.net.
Northmont Middle School Contact -
Mrs. Dailey - tdailey@northmontschools.net
Free/Reduced Meal Applications can be completed and submitted in 2 different ways:
Online. You must register a student account with PaySchools Central in order to fill out the application online. Once the account is set up and you are logged in, locate the menu dropdown icon on the dashboard and select the Free/Reduced Meal Application option. Then follow the instructions on the screen.
Printed. Applications can be printed from the Northmont Food Service website, picked up at the student’s school building or Food Service Office, completed in its entirety, and returned to the school building or Food Service office.
School Meal Pricing 2022-2023: Breakfast: $1.90
MS/HS Lunch: $3.00
Welcome Back Night!
8th - Grade DC Meeting - 6:30 p.m. in the HS Auditorium
*If you plan to pay school fees during your visit, please have the exact amount if you pay with cash. You can also pay with a check or credit card.
1st Day of School 7:45 a.m. - 2:50 p.m.
Thursday, August 15th - 8th Grade Only
Friday, August 16th -- 7th and 8th Grade
Morning Arrival - Family Drop Off
During morning arrival, please allow students to get out of the car and wait outside of Doors 1 or 2 at 7:30 a.m. Waiting until 7:35 a.m. prevents other families from dropping their students off and leaving, this causes a back up in traffic flow. If you need to come into the building, please park in visitors parking and enter Door 1 at the middle school. All middle school students are expected to be in 1st period at 7:45 a.m., students who arrive after this time are considered tardy.
Student Dress and Personal Grooming
While the Northmont School District accepts the concept of freedom of choice in student dress and personal grooming, it also realizes its responsibility in setting reasonable limits beyond which a student's personal freedom is limited for the common good. The Board of Education accepts the following guidelines as a reasonable limitation of the student's freedom of choice in the selection of clothing and standards of personal grooming.
Students must be presentable, respectful and safe:
1. Any style of dress, which brings ridicule or disrespect to the national, ethnic, gender, or religious
origin of any student or employee of the Board of Education, will not be tolerated.
2. Students must recognize that brief and revealing clothing are not appropriate apparel in school. All clothing must cover undergarments, breast, and midriffs. No spaghetti straps or no strapless shirts.
3. When fastened, pants must fit so that undergarments are not showing (no sagging). All pants must fit around the waist and be properly fastened.
4. Heavy jackets, coats, hats and sunglasses may be worn to and from school, but should be put away during the school day. Hats/Hoods are allowed in the district buildings only if it is for a medical or religious purpose or with permission from an administrator.
5. Footwear should prevent accidents and be designed for outside wear, rubber soled shoes should be worn for PE classes and or outside activities.
6. All clothes should be clean and in good repair. Jeans/Pants with holes/ frays that show skin must be below mid thigh. Any holes/frays located above mid thigh must be covered. All shorts/skirts must be mid thigh length.
7. Accessories deemed to be distractive, disruptive, or offensive in nature are prohibited; this includes wallet chains.
8. The administration has the right and responsibility to determine what is appropriate and acceptable attire.
All students must pass a dress code check every morning and are subject to random dress code checks throughout the school day without warning. Students violating these guidelines will make the necessary corrections, face disciplinary consequences. Parents may be contacted.
9. Messages on clothing must show respect for all ethnicities, religions and individuals, for peace, safety and educational principles in line with the Northmont Way or the Northmont Board of Education.
10. Any style of dress that exceeds generally accepted standards of decency will not be tolerated.
The Northmont Board of Education, accepting the fact that standards of dress and personal grooming are subject to change, will review this policy on an annual basis.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones (including Smart Watches) must be powered off (not merely muted) and stowed away (such as a backpack) from the time a student enters the building until the time a student leaves the building for the day. Students are not permitted to make calls or text during school hours. All communication with home during school hours should take place through the office or clinic, not via student cell phone. Earbuds and headphones are only to be used during class when instructed by a staff member.
Violations of the above -
1st violation: Detention
2nd violation: One (1) WASP
3rd violation: Two (2) WASP’s
4th violation: One (1) day of out-of-school suspension.
5th violation: Two (2) days of out-of-school suspension.
6th violation: Three (3) days of out-of-school suspension.
7th violation: Five (5) days of out-of-school suspension.
8th violation: Reclassify as “Repeated Violations”
Middle School Teams
7th Grade:
Team Integrity
Team Dignity
Team Valor
8th Grade:
Team Aspire
Team Grit
Team Intentional
Combined Grades:
Team Olympic
Scheduling Questions/Concerns:
School Counselors
Mrs. Lipscomb (Last Names A-Kn) - deborah.lipscomb@northmontschools.net
Mrs. Dale ( Last Names Ko - Z) - kara.dale@northmontschools.net
Explorations (Quarter) Classes
7th Grade:
Movement and Wellness
Design and Modeling
Ipad Fundamentals
8th Grade:
Career Education
Physical Education
Intro to Skilled Trades
World Language
Fall Benchmarking
All middle schoolers will be taking the FastBridge fall benchmark on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 20th & 21st, 2024. Benchmark assessments help us measure student progress on specific topics, standards, and skills in English Language Arts and Math. We typically administer the test in the fall to collect information about what your child knows, in winter to progress-monitor growth, and again in the spring to measure end-of-year expectations of the standards. Benchmarking results, combined with other information about your child's academic performance, help to inform instruction, intervention, and measurement of growth on specific standards and the overall curriculum.
Here are ways you can support your child:
Remind them to do their best
Remind them to charge their iPad fully
As always, we appreciate your support!
Picture Day - Thursday, August 22, 2024
Science Olympiad Open House
August 28th & 29th
7:30p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Hello Parents!
I would like to introduce you to the T-Bolt Tribe. We are a parent-teacher
organization that supports the middle and high schools.
Our fundraisers are dedicated to raising money to provide teacher meals
during conference weeks, student resources and assistance. This year, we have a
goal of providing Holiday meals for families. Your participation will help us make
a positive impact on our school community.
In the past years, the Tribe has paid for a student’s gas bill, donated student
tickets for the football playoff game, and staff appreciation days.
We would be thrilled to have you join us. Are you interested in becoming a part of
the T-Bolt Tribe? Stop by on Open House Night (August 12th) at both the Middle
and High Schools and see us! We will be there, ready to welcome you and selling
raffle tickets for our fundraiser!
Our first meeting of the year is September 11th at 6:30 p.m. at Marion’s in
Englewood. Let us know if we will see you there by RSVP to
Are you interested in a peek at our raffle? Click the link below to check it out!
We hope you have a great 2024-2025 school year!
Becky Johnson