Warrior Nation News
December 2024

*All information subject to change*
**Please check the newsletter for occasional updates. This is a live document and things can be added throughout the month**
December 2024
Upcoming Dates 📆
- Dec 9: Exemption Forms Distributed (Seniors & Juniors)
- Dec 10: Exemption Forms Distributed (Sophomores & Freshmen)
- Dec 10: Winter Band Concert 6:30 PM
- Dec 11-13: Exemption Forms Distributed (All Grades)
- Dec 12: Winter Choir Concert 5:00 PM
- Dec 12: Last day for the activity/tutor bus
- Dec 13: Exemption Forms Due at 3:00 PM No exceptions
- Dec 16-19: Semester Exams
- Dec 19: Early Release 11:05 AM/Last day of the semester
- Dec 23-Jan 2: Winter Break
- Jan 3: District Professional Learning Day-No School
- Jan 16- Rising 9th grade parent night
💻December Exam Information📝
🎒 Student Life 🎓
Don't Wait! Order your Yearbook Today!
Order a yearbook and create senior ads at yearbookordercenter.com
Senior Ad Deadline: March 13th
Yearbook Orders End: April 9th
Parking Policy
Parking Passes are required to be displayed on every vehicle in the parking lot. Parking is now on a wait list. Parking applications can be found here.
If you have any questions about parking, please email julie.little@ccboe.net
The Grovetown Model United Nations team had one of the most successful two weeks in program history!
First, they were crowned Outstanding Delegation (CHAMPIONS!) at the Georgia State University competition, meaning the GTHS group representing South Korea got 1st Place out of over 600 students from some of the best public and private schools across the southeast.
With very little turnaround time, they competed against local schools at Greenbrier High School this weekend, taking ten home individual awards, including 1st Place in two of the four committees.
Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of our One Act Competition Play, ALABAMA STORY, who placed 1st in the Region this year, and finished over the holidays 2nd in the State! This is the first time Grovetown has won the region and the first time to compete at the state level!
📕Counseling Corner📘
Contact your counselor or schedule an appointment
9th Grade Contact: amanda.riggs@ccboe.net
9th Grade Appointments: https://bit.ly/9thGradeAdvisement
10th Grade Contact: meredith.moon@ccboe.net
10th Grade Appointments: https://rb.gy/yof0e3
11th Grade Contact: rhonda.marschalk@ccboe.net
11th Grade Appointments: https://bit.ly/3Cm2Aw0
12th Grade: nolan.norris@ccboe.net
12th Grade Appointments: https://bit.ly/3XDgQbT
9th/10th Grade Success: brandi.higginbottom@ccboe.net
11th/12th Grade Success: karen.mccord@ccboe.net
Building Safety
All doors on campus are locked during the school day. All visitors must report to the front office.
Students should only be dropped off and picked up in the front car loop, not in the back of the building.
Office Hours and Check Out Deadline
Front Office hours are 7:15 AM - 3:15 PM.
Student check outs end at 2:20 PM
Winter Sports
- Mens Basketball- Darren Douglas, David Viti, Adewale Odutayo, Aubrey Wright, Corey Flournoy
- Womens Basketball- Solomon Glover, Al-Tahriq Baker, Joshua Baker, Ashley Mills, Chris Batts
- Basketball Cheerleading- Teisha Rainge, Aaliyah Rainge
- E-Sports- Marshall Chumley, Brett Carter
- Flag Football- Wes Harrell, JoAnn Spivey, Kenny Curtis, Nelson Hankins
- Swimming- Melissa Schmidt, Jennifer Fox-Norton
- Wrestling- Bruce Zuehlke, Lonnis Jordan Sr, Everette McDaniel, Nathaniel Rodgers