Granger Gazette
Expect More, Achieve More

December 9, 2024
Community Schools Week Update
We did it!!
We met the requirement of getting 70% of our families to support our work around Community Schools! We're moving forward with the writing of the application and hopefully we will be awarded this grant that will help our community with even more services! Thank you, parents, for completing the much needed survey!
As promised, we will have Pajama days on the next two Fridays and we will be working on a movie night in the second semester to celebrate!
Monday, December 9
- Ugly Sweater Day
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 4:30 - Fire Alarm Check
- Teddy Tuesday - Bring your favorite plushie to school
- Lunch time musical chairs with plushies
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15 - 4:15 Targeted Tutoring with Seiler
- White Christmas Wednesday - Wear White
- Biology Field trip - Ms. Seiler
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- Dress To impress in your best holiday wear
- 8:30 ELAC meeting
- 3:15 - 4:15 Targeted Tutoring with Espiritu
- 3:30 SSC Meeting
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
Friday, December 13
- Pajama Day
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- Winter Dance 4-7pm
Saturday, December 14
- Saturday School from 8-12
The Next Week at a Glance
Monday, December 16
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
Tuesday, December 17
- Block Days - We get out at 3:15 still
- Finals 1,3,5
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15 - 4:15 Targeted Tutoring with Seiler
Wednesday, December 18
- Block Days - We get out at 3:15 still
- Finals 2,4,6
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
Thursday, December 19
- Achieve Level Set in Math Class
- 3:15 - 5:00pm After School Homework Help
- 3:15 - 4:15 Targeted Tutoring with Espiritu
- Pajama Day
- PLC Day - Students dismissed at 2:00
Construction Information
Griffin Community, in March of 2025, we will begin construction on our new multi-purpose building. This building will have a theater, weight room, PE Classroom, art room, and band room. This summer, we will redo the field and have a new track.
We are really excited about the project that's coming to Granger!
More Photos of Construction
Take a look at the slide show below for even more pictures.
Family Challenge over Winter Break
In collaboration with Wishwell, Granger is having a Parent Challenge over winter break! Pick three activities from below and create lasting memories with your child!
- Have a board game/card game night
- Visit a park together
- Have a coffee shop date
- Have a movie night either at home or at your local movie theater
Share your memories by posting on social media using: #GJHPARENTCHALLENGE2024
Have a wonderful holiday!