06/02 BHS Tiger News
Week of June 2nd, 2024
Belleville High School
Greetings BHS Families, this is Week #19 of Semester 2, and it's THE FINAL WEEK of the 23/24 school year! It's been a great year, with so many reasons to celebrate, and so many things to be proud of. We wish all our students and their families a safe and happy summer vacation 🌞. We'll see you next school year - In Purpose, Excellence, and ACHIEVEMENT - Go Tigers!!
~ Principal Crockett, AP Mrs. Green, AP Mr. Roberson, AP Ms. Slingerland, BNT Director Mr. Wilsey, and Athletic Director Mr. Brodie
Final EXAM Schedule for THIS WEEK -
- June 5th - Exams for Hours 1, 2, and 3 from 7:10am until 10:31am
- June 6th - Exams for Hours 4, 5, and 6 from 7:16am until 10:31am
- Students must be ON TIME, which means to avoid increased traffic, students should arrive EARLY. Doors open for students at 6:40am.
To prevent distraction to classmates taking exams, you must be ON TIME (in the classroom before the bell begins to sound). Late students will report to the Mini-Auditorium. Late students must make arrangements to take missed exam(s) later with your teacher.
No Passes will be given during exams.
June 6th - NO BACKPACKS and NO BAGS ALLOWED - Chromebooks only; Extra items will be checked and held until school is over.
June 6th - ALL students will leave the building at 10:31 am. You will be dismissed by floor via PA. If you need to come back in the building for any reason after dismissal, you will need to enter through the Main Office entrance. You will need a pass or permission from the teacher you wish to see. FYI - teachers are normally available beginning at noon, so be sure to make arrangements with the staff member you need to see.
Summer school notices have already gone out. If your student needs to make up credit, please don't delay, as classes are being built in the system and space is limited. If you have any trouble making the payment in the SBA system, please contact the Main Office ASAP.
🚌 Transportation Requests DO NOT Roll Over! Please Register TODAY!! 🚍
Important Dates and Upcoming Events:
June 5th: Final Exams, hours 1, 2, 3 - Half Day, 10:31am Dismissal
June 6th: Final Exams, hours 4, 5, 6 - Half Day, 10:31am Dismissal--Last Day of School
June 17th: First Day of Summer School
🍌 BREAKFAST & LUNCH MENUS: https://vanburenschools.nutrislice.com/menu
Belleville Online School (BOS) is accepting applications for the 2024 - 2025 School Year. If you are interested in enrolling your student in BOS, please complete the application below.
Parents who enroll before the end of the current semester will be notified by June 9th. Parents who apply during summer break will be notified by August 21st.
Here is the link: 2024 - 2025 Belleville Online School (BOS) Application
NOTE: All Athletics Updates are now sent out separately via ParentSquare. Please contact the Main Office if you are not receiving the posts.
For all other Athletics Information, including upcoming practices and game schedules, click the LINK below. GO TIGERS!
BHS Athletics Homepage | Belleville High School (vanburenschools.net)
From Your STUDENT COUNCIL - Your Guide to Student Activities!
Class of 2025 Information
There was a meeting with the Junior Class parents and students on May 29th. We wanted to make sure those unable to attend had access to the slides.
Class of 2025 Parent/Student Meeting
Also, this document will be updated whenever new information becomes available, so bookmark/save it for future reference. One last thing, information on the Senior Package and other Senior dates will be available in the next few weeks and also updated in the slide link above so keep an eye out for that information.
Final Transcripts for Seniors
Final grades will be added to the transcripts on or before Friday, June 14th. All post-secondary colleges/programs will need a copy of your final transcript. Please request your final transcript through Parchment at www.parchment.com. If you are requesting a transcript before June 14th, please select "Hold for Grades" so that your final semester of high school will be included on your transcript.
Our counseling administrative assistant staff is available through June 21st. If you need assistance with transcripts after June 21st, please contact Joumana Kadri. Ms. Kadri can be reached at jkadri@vanburenschools.net.
Remember to check out local recreation departments, libraries and other community resources for additional summer camps and events.
APPLY EARLY, Scholarships are available for some programs!
Thank you for your time and attention to this week's Tiger News.
Have a great week everyone - in Purpose, Excellence, and ACHIEVEMENT - GO TIGERS!
~ Principal Crockett, AP Mrs. Green, AP Mr. Roberson, AP Mrs. Slingerland, BNT Director Mr. Wilsey, and AD Mr. Brodie
Attendance STILL Matters!
ATTENTION PARENTS AND GUARDIANS! As a reminder (see the Student Handbook), any lookalike guns in any fashion are strictly prohibited and may not be on school grounds. Students who bring these items to school face suspension and losing driving privileges if they are driving with them. PLEASE speak with your student about this. The ultimate goal is to keep everyone safe. Thank you!
The warming weather brings with it (for some the temptation to make excuses to miss school. As a reminder, each day's learning is important for making sure that students are grasping all the needed concepts required to advance to the next grade. Being on time for school and for each class is foundational to academic success. Conversely, 1 missed day of school puts students and teachers 3 days behind, attempting to get them caught up. This leads to unnecessary frustration and hinders success. Let's have EXCELLENT attendance for the rest of the school year!
Secondarily, we have had several calls and emails about assigned detentions and ISS. In general, the process for attenance-related detentions is as follows:
- 3 Tardies (including to 1st hour) = 1 After School Detention (1 hr)
- 1 Skipped Detention = 1 Saturday Detention (2 hrs)
- 1 Skipped Saturday Detention = 1 In-School Suspension (6 hrs)
For more detailed information, please click the link below.
🌟Student Newspaper - 2nd Edition
BHS is excited to announce that our Journalism Class has produced it's NEXT edition of their online newspaper, Beneath The Stripes! This was shared with students before the break, and our journalists will utilize feedback from students and staff to make continuous improvements. Visit beneaththestripes.com to see what they have accomplished so far. Go Tigers!!
It's the most wonderful time of the year - the Michigan winter weather is upon us. With the cold, darkness, ice, and snow, traffic at student drop off will be slow. Please be patient and kind! Here are some tips to help make drop off faster and safer for all:
- The only drop off and pick up area for students is on the west entrance, the entrance into the Central Office building. To enter the main entrance, you MUST have a parking pass!
- Please make sure your students are only crossing the roads when the safety patrol is present and has stopped traffic. They will let your student know when it is safe to cross.
- Please ask your students to be prepared to get out of the vehicle with all of their belongings as soon as the vehicle stops.
- If you are the first vehicle in the drop off line, please STOP at the "Student Drop Off" sign. This will help more cars get to the sidewalk to drop their students off.
- Make sure to pull all the way up to the car in front of you UNLESS you are in the crosswalk. If you are the second vehicle in the group, you will be the one nearest the crosswalk; leave enough space between your car and the first one in the group for students to cross safely.
- Please follow the staff's driving directions. The stop sign/signal to stop is not a suggestion; you must stop! This is for staff and STUDENT SAFETY!
- Do not drop students off in the passing (left) lane! Students should only exit the vehicle from the right lane (nearest building and sidewalk).
- If your student needs more time exiting the vehicle, there is a spot on the right just past the "Student Drop Off" sign; park there. This way traffic can continue to flow.
- Make sure your lights are on.
HOW TO: Pay for Things!💲
There will be some BIG changes in the Belleville Cafe after winter break! However, before these changes happen, the lines have been long. Here are some tips to make the lunch lines go faster and lunch more enjoyable:
- Make sure students have their student IDs present before getting into line. They can scan them at checkout. This will expedite the time in line.
- If students are buying snacks or drinks not provided with the free lunch, have the cash in hand ready to give to the cafeteria worker, or you can add money to the student's account.
- Please clean up your trash and place it in the proper containers on your way out of the cafeteria.
- Lastly, if you have suggestions for food ideas or quality, please speak to an administrator or Chef Craig. We want you to enjoy the food and the entire lunch experience.
The BHS Cafe - A Greater Dining Experience!
From the The Belleville High School Café:
Students, to keep things timely and smoothly, please remember these tips:
- Please be patient and do not cut in line
- There are two lines: PIZZA and Other Entrees
- You must get a fruit or vegetable in order for the meal to be free
- Only one juice or milk per meal/student
- Only one entrée per meal (additional entrees are $2.00 each)
- Pop, chips, snacks cost money, but you can use your school account to pay
- If you are not purchasing any extras, please go through the line that is not for buying snacks (clipboard side)
Parents & Guardians: Food Account Payments
In order to fund your child's lunch account, please follow the steps below:
- Login to the MiStar ParentConnect Portal with your PIN and Password. Your school secretary can assist you if you need this information.
Click on your student's name, and you will see a variety of options on the menu at left.
Click on the Cafeteria link in the menu at left
Click on the "Online Food Service Payment" at far right.
Enter the amount you would like to add to your student's cafeteria account.
Follow the prompts to enter your payment information.
Thank you for making the first week enjoyable and check out our menu online.
An excellent educational experience is always undergirded by a safe and orderly environment. Please take the time to review the Student Handbook, which includes the BHS Student Dress Code. For a quick review of items to avoid, please click the link for COMMON DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS.
In particular, students will not be wearing:
- Hoods
- Crop Tops
- Ski Masks
- or any bedwear or grooming attire, including pajamas, blankets, pajama bottoms, hair scarves or durags.
Link to Student Handbook: 2023 - 2024 BHS Student Handbook
ATTENTION PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: Students will ONLY be receiving detention notices via email. They will no longer receive paper notices. Since we ALWAYS copy the parent/guardian on these notices, we ask that you remind your student, as needed, about their obligation. We appreciate your partnership!
Detention for Tardies
Remember, for EVERY 3 tardies, students will serve 1 detention. This also applies to other infractions, such as Dress Code Violations.
If a student needs to reschedule a detention, they must see Mrs. Dawn Spicer during the student's designated lunch time. Mrs. Spicer will be located in the lunch room to address rescheduling or questions regarding assigned detentions. Students are NOT permitted to leave class to speak with her regarding detentions.
Lunch detentions will only be assigned for special circumstances; an administrator must approve lunch detentions. For every after school detention, a student will serve two lunch detentions.
Detention Rules:
- You must be on time to detention and sign in electronically. After school detention starts at 2:15 and ends at 3:15. Students have 5 minutes from the first lunch bell to get to the Tiger Den. Saturday detention starts at 8:00 AM and ends at 10:00 AM.
- You will need to check in your phone with an administrator.
- If serving lunch detention, you will wait until the lunch lines are clear of students and administrative approval before getting a lunch.
- You will not talk or sleep during detention.
- You will clean up after yourself: clean any trash, push in chairs, and put away anything borrowed.
- If serving lunch detention, you will wait until you are released before leaving the Tiger Den.
- If you get kicked out, other consequences may happen including out of school suspension.
MERT (Medical Emergency Response Team) Events
You may have heard from your students about several classroom holds (where students remain in classes and are not allowed in the halls) due to MERT calls happening in the building. MERTs happen any time there is medical event happening with a student or staff member. The protocol below was developed along with our district Nurse, Nurse Munoz, and is as follows:
- A staff member is alerted of a potential medical emergency anywhere in the building.
- The staff member alerts the Main Office.
- The Main Office calls for a Classroom Hold over the PA system (students remain in classrooms and the hallways are cleared).
- The MERT team reports to the announced location to assess the situation and determine next steps.
- If paramedics are called, students remain in classrooms in order for first responders to efficiently support the student or staff member, and transport them to a more private location or to an emergency room if needed.
- The classroom hold is then lifted and the hallways are now accessible as normal.
If you have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out to Nurse Munoz at dmunoz@vanburenschools.net.