January Board of Education Notes
January 2024

Meeting Recap
The District 146 Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, January 8 at the Robert Procunier Administration Center.
During the meeting, the Board heard from Superintendent Dr. Jeff Stawick:
- Central Middle School's National Junior Honor Society and Builders Club ran a concession stand during December’s SWIC Boys’ Volleyball tournament at CMS. The concession stand raised more than $1,000, which was donated to the Matthew Berry Scholarship Fund at Tinley Park High School. Matthew Berry was a CMS graduate and a former volleyball player. Builders Club sponsor Amy Sandow, club member James Lloyd, and Board Vice President Julie Berry spoke at the meeting. TPHS Principal Dr. Theresa Nolan, NJHS sponsor Haley Rife, and the family of Matthew Berry were also in attendance.
- A PTO/PTA/PACT breakfast was held on December 14. Dr. Stawick and the attendees discussed topics like the Wellness Fair, report cards, e-Learning, the property tax relief grant, upcoming CMS building improvements, residency, school volunteers, and text communications.
- The District recently received roofing repair estimates in the range of $4-$6 million. Following an infrared moisture survey to assess the condition of the roof, it was determined that only 562 square feet out of 138,000 square feet needs attention. The survey brought the estimate down to between $1.4-$2.8 million. A recommendation will be brought to the Board soon.
- The District introduced two new social media campaigns this year: #WeAre146 and Instagram Takeovers. The campaigns have both been well-received and have increased the number of followers and post engagement on the District's social media accounts.
- The Kindergarten registration portal will be available to families on January 17. Families are encouraged to register early. The kindergarten readiness screening is scheduled for April 17.
- January 9 is a District Institute Day. Teachers will take part in experiential and problem-based learning activities. In addition, middle school teams will continue the DePaul C.A.R.E.S. (Choice, Agency, Renewal, and Empathy) program. Staff will also work on updated curriculum units and review data to improve instruction.
- Students will return from winter break on Wednesday, January 10.
The Board also heard the following:
- The ESP Union President informed the Board that staff is excited to see the students again on Wednesday.
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business/CSBO, reviewed the District's Quarterly Investment Report.
- Dr. Wendy Wolgan, Director of Curriculum, presented a draft 2024-2025 academic calendar. The Board will be asked to accept the calendar at the February meeting.
Before adjourning, the Board met in closed session to discuss personnel matters.
The minutes of the December meeting will be available on BoardDocs once approved by the Board of Education at the next meeting. A recording of the meeting can be viewed on the District's YouTube Channel.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, February 12, 2024. The meeting will be held at Fulton School, 6601 W. 171st Street in Tinley Park.
Did you know?
The calendar is released to the public following both approvals.
You can stream all of our monthly Board of Education meetings live on YouTube. Past meetings are also available to watch at the same link.
Minutes from the most recent meeting will be posted to BoardDocs after the Board of Education approves them at the following month's meeting.
Questions or Comments?
Please complete the form below if you have any questions or comments about this month's Board of Education Meeting, or Board business.
District 146 Board of Education
District Administration
- Dr. Jeff Stawick, Superintendent
- Kelly Voliva, Director of Student Services
- Dr. Wendy Wolgan, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
- Jeff Charleston, Director of Business Services/CSBO
- Vern Bettis, Director of Technology
- Matt Shanahan, Director of Buildings and Grounds
- Brooke Dundas, Coordinator of Bilingual Education
- Brianne Oliver, Special Education Coordinator
- Carey Radke, Curriculum Coordinator
Community Consolidated School District 146
Robert Procunier Administration Center
6611 W. 171st Street
Tinley Park, IL 60477