Back safe and sound and we had the best time ever!!
Hi Everyone,
Welcome back campers! Thanks to the efforts and planning of Nikita Rees and Peter Scutti, supported by a number of our other staff, camp 2023 has been a wonderful experience for them. This occasion provides children with many opportunities to learn about themselves and one another, to grow and enjoy one another’s company, to be challenged and to try new and different things. In all, this is a rich mix of opportunities, making memories to be shared all year. It is a special time and I thank everybody who has embraced camp and supported our children on their journey.
There is plenty on next week - NAPLAN finishes, our Student Leaders attend the GRIP leadership conference, our Swimming Carnival is on Friday, and our School Audit takes place on Thursday and Friday.
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Friday 17 March
- Parent/teacher Interview bookings open
Tuesday 21 March
- P & F Meeting 6 - 7pm in the Staffroom - All welcome
- SAC Meeting 7 - 8pm
Friday 24 March
- Swimming Carnival HBF Stadium - Years 3-6
Monday 27 March
- Confirmation Retreat
Friday 31 March
- Edudance 'C' Concert 2-3pm
- Bookings for Parent/teacher Interviews close
Monday 3 April
- Edudance 'D' Concert 2-3pm
Tuesday 4 April
- School Closes 12pm
- Parent/Teacher Interviews
Change of dates for School Photos
Parent/Teacher Interviews
The Holy Rosary Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday 4 April. Our Specialist Teachers are also available for interviews. School will close at 12pm and children will need to be collected at this time so that teachers can have a short lunch break. Interviews will begin at 12.30pm. Just a reminder the interview appointment slots go for 10 minutes so please ensure you arrive on time.
The booking link will close on Friday 31st March at 3pm.
Please click the link below to book your appointment.
Parking #3
A reminder where to park. Please check the map below. We are getting some flak on some parking practices alleged to have happened, in particular:
From one of our churchgoers:
people using the angled parking bays in front of the Church. A number of regulars, some elderly, come early to Church to recite the rosary, and park there. Please leave these bays clear.
From a resident of Huntriss Road:
Parking on verge where it is clearly signed to not do that
Parking in the no standing spots where it is clearly marked
Parking in the bus zones (I saw the bus driver of the 412 stop his bus this morning in the middle of the road to let out kids and then go write offenders a ticket)
These rules are for kid’s safety and the free, safe and unimpeded passage of road users. I have also informed the Stirling council of my concerns. I hope they conduct a fine blitz to reinforce your anticipated communication to these drivers.
I don’t think any of us can argue with any of these points. There is plenty of parking available around school as evidenced by the map and we ask everybody to be mindful and honour the expectations we have.
Thank you for your support.
Happy St Patrick’s day! The green books are out, and Irish tunes and landscapes set the scene in the library this week. Students watched brilliant videos made by our year 6 Pastoral Care Group on ‘How to make a paper plane” in preparation for our lunchtime plane fun in week 9. Round 1 of Junior Chess is now complete, with all winners progressing to round 2 over the next couple of weeks. I will try my best to accommodate students who are sick and miss their game. Thank you for letting me know and staying home if you are unwell.
In week 9, we will hold our annual Project Compassion Second Hand Book Sale. If you have any books to donate, please hang on to them and see the newsletter next week for more info. I hope the year 6’s enjoyed camp, I really missed my Library Monitors this week!
Mrs Butson
“Christ beside me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ within me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me.” Saint Patrick
Please support our Year 6 Christian Service Group as they collect food items for our local Vinnies pantry. Vinnies are particularly in need of:
- Long Life Milk (UHT)
- Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Noodles
- Jam
- Vegemite
- Cereal
You can drop any donations to your child’s classroom by next Thursday 23rd March, week 8. Thank you for your support.
A reminder about the amazing eSafety parent resource to support you on your technological parenting journey. With technology becoming a bigger part of our outside of school world, this resource is a great tool that is always up to date. As an educator and parent I find it very handy!
Holly Butson
Online Ordering: https://quickcliq.com.au/
Monday 20 March - Z Zarb, L Lee
Wednesday 22 March - F McLean, V Gillespie
Friday 24 March - Swimming Carnival
Leanna 0414 953 958
The P&F have been busy organising some great events for the year. The next one is an event we haven’t had in a while…
Mothers' Day Breakfast!!
Save the Date: Friday 12th May - 7.30am
We are really excited about this one, so please keep an eye out in the newsletter for more information to follow.
Message for all Families:
As Bogan Bingo approaches we are gathering together some fantastic auction prizes for the night, If there are any families within the school that own a business and would like to be involved please get in touch for more information. You can email the front office and the message will be forwarded to me.
Thank You
Your P & F Committee
- Five days a week during term time
- Vacation Care during school holidays.
- Available for children attending Kindy through to Year Six
Our Lady of the Rosary Parish
Parish Office - 9446 2055
Father Peter Hoang OP - 0412 445 199
2023 Term Dates and Student Free Days
Term 1 Wednesday 1 February - Thursday 6 April
Monday March 6 Labour Day Public Holiday
Tuesday March 7 (after Long Weekend)
Monday April 24
Tuesday April 25 ANZAC Day Public Holiday
Term 2 Wednesday 26 April - Friday 30 June
Monday June 5 West Australia Day Public Holiday
Tuesday June 6
Monday July 17
Tuesday July 18
Term 3 - Wednesday 19 July - Friday 22 September
Term 4 - Monday 9 October - Friday 8 December
Holy Rosary School
Email: admin@hrs.wa.edu.au
Website: hrs.wa.edu.au
Location: 35 Williamstown Road, Doubleview WA, Australia
Phone: (08)9203 4500