Week 9 - Thursday 12 December 2024
Meri Kirihimete. Manuia le Kerisimasi.
Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai ki te whānau o te Oratia. Talofa lava. Malo e lelei. Zdravo. Ni hao. Namaste. Kamusta. Greetings Oratia whānau and families.
This is the last newsletter for the year, and we are focused on making these last days as memorable and fun as possible. School closes at 12.30pm on Tuesday, December 17, the buses will take the children home then, and staff will be leaving the grounds for their end of year celebration soon after. Please make sure you collect your child by 12.30pm or arrange with OKK for after school care as there will be no adult supervision onsite.
Now that the end of the year is so close it seems like the term has gone past so quickly. At our board meeting on Monday night we presented a number of reports that highlighted the work that has happened in syndicates over the year, and how we have catered for our Kahurangi Kids with additional needs. We also presented the annual report that covers all aspects of school life. The board were very impressed with the body of work achieved this year by our staff,and the great opportunities offered to our students that has resulted in good attendance and engagement in learning.
Attendance this term is sitting back up at 91% which is really great to see after the many absences we all experienced in Terms 2 and 3 due to illness, bugs and travel. The board will continue to hold regular attendance(90% or above) as a goal for the school next year too, so I appreciate your support for this with your children.
On Tuesday night the staff gathered to share with each other the work they have been doing together in their professional learning groups. All year we have been working together in one of four groups focused on Literacy, Mathematics, Cultural Sustainability, or Local Curriculum. Our Literacy and Maths groups have supported our teachers in their Structured Literacy and Structured Maths learning, and grappled with the changes to the curriculum. Our Cultural group have worked with our iwi, Te Kawerau a Maki, to explore our school values and share pūrākau(stories) from their tupuna(ancestors). The iwi have also consulted with our Creatives in Schools art project resulting in a beautiful art installation visualising our pepeha that will end up on the hall exterior once it is renovated. Our Local Curriculum team have been foucsed on our local places of importance and the histories associated with them. They have also been busy working with the new curriculum's overarching structure of Understand, Know, Do and realigning our inquiry process with this.
We have all worked hard and consistently to make this school the best place possible for our students, and I am so proud of our team for their mahi. I wish everyone a great summer break, and a chance to relax in the sunshine. To those who celebrate this season I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To those families and staff who are leaving us I wish you all the best for the next steps of your journey. We will miss you very much.
Take care . Stay safe.
Kia kaha, kia atawhai.
Ngā mihi nui, Ms Linda
Monday 3rd February 2025 will be Meet the Whānau Day and you will be invited to make a 10 minute booking to meet with your child's teacher one to one with your child.
We hope this will be a great time to connect with each other, share any news of importance with one another, and for parents to share the great things about their child they would like the teacher to know. This time of connection is to grow our sense of whakawhānaungatanga and partnership with each other. Normal school will resume on Tuesday 4th February 2025.
On Monday 16th December, your child will bring home information on their class placement for 2025. Information on how to make a booking for the Meet the Whānau Day on Monday 3rd February 2025 will be emailed out to you on this day.
Last week, we sent a team of 4 to the EPro 8 finals which were held at Auckland Normal Intermediate School. Noah Graves, Elijah Tasani, Luca Graham, Asher Parsons represented our school as they competed against 160 other teams from all around Auckland. Our team placed 8th in the grand final which was an awesome achievement!. Well done to the team and to coach whaea Debbie Donaghy.
Last Friday, Rory Denton had the opportunity to be Principal for the day. Rory was very busy presenting certificates, writing cheques to pay the bills, making announcements over the speaker and helping Mr Reddington test the pool water and completing many other duties. Rory even got to have lunch in the staffroom! Rory did a fantastic job and we all think that Rory will make an excellent Principal one day.
We had a great lunchtime gathering this year! We had hotchips, chocolates and lollies as well as certificates and a lucky dip box of pressies. It has been amazing to witness all these wonderful personalities within the library and I want to say thank you for making me feel welcome at Oratia Library, you are all fabulous and did a great job of running our library this year. I will miss being Librarian Jess, but will be popping in every now and then next year.
Special mention to Poppy Miao, Caitilin McCaughey and Stevie Smith for all receiving library training certificates this week.
Our students were lucky enough to be entertained at lunchtime on Wednesday by the school band - The Gibbets. What a treat!
Recently NZ has had cases of the vaccine preventable diseases; measles, whooping cough and chicken pox. It therefore felt timely to make a few comments about vaccination. There’s a lot of information, both true and untrue, that we hear about vaccines and immunisation. Inaccurate information can cause confusion and it’s best to check where the information came from. Some questions you can ask are:
- Is it based on sound evidence from a reliable source?
- Is it up to date information including the latest research?
- Does it relate to Aotearoa New Zealand?
There are several key childhood vaccines that are free for NZ children. They can prevent your child from needing to miss school because they have an infectious disease, protect them from serious illness and protect the vulnerable members of their whānau and community who cannot be vaccinated. If you are uncertain about whether vaccination is a good idea for your Tamariki, I encourage you to reach out to your GP for a conversation about the pros and cons.
Through strong uptake of vaccination we can make our Kura a safe and healthy place to be, for everyone.
Dr Jo Dunlop
Contact Us
Email: principal@oratia.school.nz
Website: https://www.oratia.school.nz
Location: 1 Shaw Road, Oratia, Auckland 0604, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 818-6216
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OratiaSchool/