SHMS Family Newsletter
June 30, 2024
Principal's Message
Greetings Stuart-Hobson community,
I hope everyone is having an engaging summer break!
The building has been full and busy with summer programs this week and that will continue through the end of July. We are still working with families to enroll students for next school year and encourage any of the families who still need to enroll to contact or stop by the main office between 9:00-3:00 any weekday this summer for assistance.
Below you will find next school year's revised uniform policy and expectations and a reminder that sign-ups for after-care will launch with the next newsletter on July 14th.
Keep having a great summer and reach out with any questions or requests for support this summer!
Warm regards,
Eric Fraser
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Weekly Calendar & Upcoming Dates
Upcoming Dates
- June 26-July 31, Summer School and Enrichment Programming, 9:00-12:00
- July 4th, Independence Day observed, schools closed
- July 4th, March with The Cluster in the Barracks Row Parade, convene at 9:30 (details below)
- July 5th, No summer school or programming, schools closed for students
- July 14, After-School All-Stars (ASAS) registration opens for SY 2024-25, 12:00 PM (noon)
- August 5-9, Panther Pride Academy (Summer Bridge for rising 6th graders), 9:00-4:00
- August 26, Welcome back students! First day of school year 2024-25!
- September 2, Labor Day observed, schools closed
The 2024-2025 Athletics’ Participation packet has been released. All students must complete a participation packet every school year. Additionally, the medical forms must be completed within the prior 365 days. We encourage you to have your healthcare provider complete these forms before the school year and attach them to your participation packet. If your student’s UHC has been updated recently, you are encouraged to complete the participation packet as soon as possible.
Universal Health Certificate (UHC).
Students with certain medical conditions may also need to complete an Asthma Action Plan or an Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Please note that it is not necessary to submit a new participation packet for each season. A complete packet includes the DCIAA forms filled out in their entirety along with a Universal Health Certificate that was completed within the last year. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED AND APPROVED BEFORE PARTICIPATION.
SHMS Athletics is seeking to hire coaches for the following teams. Professional and coaching résumés can be sent directly to Ms. Swann:
Coaching Openings:
Boys & Girls Cross Country (Fall), Indoor Track (Winter), and Track and Field (Spring), Head and Assistant Coaches
Girls Soccer
Please see below for team specific QR codes and sites and direct any questions about athletics to our Athletic Director, Ms. Dreka Swann, dreka.swann@k12.dc.gov
DCPS Calendar & Meal Menus
Updated calendars for DCPS are available at this link.
All school meal menus can be found here and the middle and high school menus are here.
Shout Outs and Celebrations
Shout outs will resume when school resumes in August!
New Information and Important Updates
SY 2024-25 Uniform Policy & Dress Code Expectations
We are excited to share the upcoming school year's uniform policy and dress code expectations so everyone can plan this summer. We hope that the policy allows us to maintain some community and school pride while encouraging some individualism as well. The most notable changes to the policy for returning families are as follows and the full policy is below:
1. Clothing bottoms can now be khaki OR black in color.
2. Each grade level has their own assigned color (6th - Red, 7th - Gray, 8th - Black)
Additional information about where to buy uniform shirts with logos or SHMS/Cluster clothing, uniform swaps, bulk purchases, and other updates will be shared later this summer. Please reach out with any questions as you prepare your student's wardrobe for next year!
Student Uniform Policy & Dress Code
The SHMS uniform policy is designed to maintain school pride and traditions while contributing to a safe and predictable school experience for students and families.
School uniforms or other apparel that identifies our school are required while on school property, field trips (before or after school day hours), while attending After-School All-Stars and school-approved activities after 3:30 PM, unless athletic, dance or other specific apparel is required by the coach/leader.
Uniforms include:
o Long or short-sleeved solid polo, button-up collared shirt, or T-shirt. An SHMS logo is optional. Any non-SHMS logo on uniform shirts or sweatshirts must be the size of a $1 bill (1 dollar) or smaller. Grade levels are assigned shirt colors as follows:
6th Grade: Red
7th Grade: Gray (jersey or other light/medium shades preferred, avoid darker shades to stand out from 8th grade)
8th Grade: Black
o Plain red, black, or white crewneck sweaters/sweatshirts (front zip, button up, or pullover) and vests. No hoods.
o Long sleeved, plain color, crew/V-neck shirts may be worn underneath uniform shirts.
o Chino ("khaki") pants, skirts, or shorts, worn at waist level and without tears or rips. Jumpers are also acceptable. All should be solid khaki/tan or black in color. No jeans/denim.
o Comfortable closed-toed shoes or sneakers covering the entire foot. Shoes and sneakers should lace-up or fit snugly. No sandals, slippers/slides, or Crocs.
o Any clothing that identifies our school community by name or logo (e.g. Stuart-Hobson MS or the Capitol Hill Cluster School) may be worn in place of uniform components. SHMS/Cluster hoodies are allowed but students should not wear hoods during the school day.
Dress Code
While students may wear some of the following to and from school, they are expected to avoid wearing all of the following during the school day, on trips, and in after-school activities:
• Hooded coats, shirts, and sweatshirts,
• Outerwear like jackets, fleeces, parkas, windbreakers, etc.,
• Hats and other head/face coverings (e.g. winter/baseball hats, ski masks, bonnets, goggles, scarves, masks, etc.)
• Metal studs on headbands and other accessories
• Khaki/black leggings/ tights (worn in place of khaki/black pants).
• Small purses or fanny packs
Religious, medical, or other personal exemptions/exceptions to any of the above expectations should be made by parents/families and documented with the school culture and/or administrative teams prior to taking effect.
School uniforms may be purchased via Lands End, Target, Old Navy and other retailers. More information regarding our school uniform policy will be shared via our school handbook.
Uniform Non-Compliance
Students should comply with the uniform policy daily and will be recognized for compliance with LiveSchool points, eligibility for trips and other activities, and other rewards. Uniform policy violations will be documented in Live School. Some uniform deficiencies can be remedied by the support team but the loss of instructional time should be avoided when supporting students in complying with the policy. Incidents and patterns of infractions will be handled like other Tier 1 and 2 infractions.
outlined above in the “Disciplinary Policy” section.
Join The Cluster for the Barracks Row July 4th Parade!
Meet at 9:30am wearing your Cluster shirt next to the dry cleaners at 8th and I Streets, SE to march in the July 4th parade!
Happy Friday, Cluster Friends!
It's just about that time of year when groups large and small step off from lower 8th Street in the annual hometown Capitol Hill Community July 4th Parade!
Clusterinos big and small are invited to march together in their finest Cluster t-shirts (and other seasonal gear) while waving, throwing treats, and even cartwheeling up the street.
We try to get as early a spot as possible to allow kiddos some valuable parade viewing (read: candy catching) time -- and besides, a three block walk on a sunny July day is good to counter the effects of all that candy!
In one of my first acts as your new Cluster PTA president, I'm delegating Parade Captain duties to Mark Tratos as I'll be visiting family in Alameda, CA (and silently judging their small-town parade against ours). Thanks, Mark! Look for Mark and his fam and other CHCS-shirted Cluster pals in front of the dry cleaners at 8th and I, SE, around 9:30pm Thursday. Parade steps off promptly at 10am!
Have so much fun! I can't wait to see pictures!
Sarah Cissna
Your SY 2024-25 PTA president + mama to Stewart (rising 2nd) and Ellie (rising 5th)
Photo of my first time marching with the Cluster in the parade! It was so much fun!
After School All Stars SY 2024-25 Registration Opens July 14th at Noon!
Registration for the school year after-school programming with After-School All-Stars (ASAS) will open on July 14th at 12:00 PM (noon) with the link shared in the SHMS newsletter. As always, the limited spots are filled on a first come first served basis and enrollment is completely managed by ASAS and separate from the Panther Pride Academy (summer bridge) mentioned elsewhere and below. This year, ASAS is reserving approximately 40 spots for 6th graders and roughly 20 spots each for 7th and 8th grade in after-school programming.
Again next year, we expect programming to run daily from 3:30-6:00. ASAS also manages any waitlists and requests for technical support. We are also excited that ASAS will continue to be 100% free for students who attend.
Please note that after completing the registration form you will likely receive an automated message that your enrollment was "received". This does NOT mean that you have secured a spot but that your application is on file with After School All Stars. ASAS will follow-up with families in the future to confirm who has a seat and who has been waitlisted.
Please reach out to Mr. Evroy Marrett with any questions or requests for more information at evroy.marrett@afterschoolallstars.org.
Special Education at SHMS
Stuart-Hobson’s Special Education Department has intentionally designed a learning community that encourages shared participation and decision-making by providing access to opportunities and resources while dismantling barriers.
Through authentic leadership and service to all, we meet the needs of an evolving and diverse student body by fostering creativity, flexibility and positivity. We work in a manner that fosters trust for all through effective, honest communication and accountability.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s IEP or access to learning please email our Special Education Coordinator, Tamara Hunter at tamara.lovelock@k12.dc.gov
MS Summer Enrichment Programs
We are excited to offer Grades 5-8 DCPS students a host of summer enrichment opportunities. Families can register their children here. Programs run 3-5 weeks. Please encourage families to sign up; many seats are still remaining.
Math 6 Readiness Summer Workshop - Limited Space!
Math 6 Readiness is an in-person course for rising 6th graders attending Stuart-Hobson next school year. Students will revisit essential skills in preparation for Math 6 in the fall and get an early introduction to math class expectations at Stuart-Hobson.
The course runs from Monday, July 22 - Thursday, July 25 and Monday, July 29 - Thursday, August 1, from 9:30 - 11:30am. Students meet at Stuart-Hobson and are expected to attend each day.
The class has a maximum of 25 students. After the first 25 students have registered, additional students will be placed on a waitlist. Families will be contacted when space opens.
Please register here. Registration closes on Friday, June 21 at 5pm.
Final details will be emailed to families in early July.
Please email Ms. Latagan at mariecrist.latagan@k12.dc.gov with any questions.
Analyzing maps in geography!
Stuart-Hobson Panthers
6th Graders Speaking for Social Justice!
Previous Announcements & Resources
**The information below is new or an updated version of something announced previously! **
All Newsletters
You can find previously released newsletters and information here.
The most current version of the Student & Family Handbook is linked on our website.
Student Clubs & Extra-Curriculars
Policies & Daily Operations
REMINDER: Enrolling with DCPS for SY 2024-25
Greetings DCPS Families!
As we prepare for the launch of online enrollment, the District will be centrally resetting the passwords for all users who have not accessed the ASPEN Parent Portal on March 25. The email will be titled "Welcome to the ASPEN Parent Portal". Please test and save these credentials, as families will use the same log in ID email and password to access the online enrollment platform starting March 29. If you have any questions, please contact your school enrollment team (Ms. Swann, Mr. Howard, or AP Turner).
Supports for Students & Families
Referral Form for Mental Health and Counseling Support at SHMS
Please fill this form out to refer a student for mental health, behavioral health, or MTSS services at Stuart-Hobson Middle School. Referrals are reviewed weekly and a counseling team member reach out to you.
If you need assistance with this form, please contact Ms. Molly Smith at molly.smith@k12.dc.gov.
For mental health or behavioral health emergencies, contact ChAMPS at 202-481-1440, the DBH Access Helpline at 1-888-7WE-HELP, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988, or call 911.
New Resource: DCPSMentalHealth.org
With a goal of decreasing barriers to school success by providing students, school staff, and families with tools that promote academic and psychosocial growth and progress, DCPS has launched a new website dedicated to student mental health. For mental health resources including a provider directory, events calendar, and articles on mental health, special education, and parenting strategies, visit dcpsmentalhealth.org.
Stuart-Hobson Middle School
Email: eric.fraser@k12.dc.gov
Website: www.stuart-hobson.org
Location: 410 E Street Northeast, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-671-6010
Twitter: @StuartHobsonMS