Watertown Youth Coalition News
April 2024
SPEAK Week in Review - Upcoming Springtime Events - & More!
14th Annual S.P.E.A.K. (Sharing Personal Experience And Knowledge) Week
The Watertown Youth Coalition (WYC) hosted their 14th annual S.P.E.A.K. Week at Watertown High School - March 18-22nd, 2024. S.P.E.A.K. Week is organized by the Wayside Multi Service-Center’s Watertown Youth Coalition (WYC) Peer Leaders and supported by a generous donation from Watertown Public Schools and [The Anti-Bias Coalition?] In collaboration with Watertown High School, the WYC Peer Leaders organized a fun-filled and educational week with special guest speakers and activities; all of which equip youth with tools and information to make positive, healthy choices - especially pertaining to substance use, overwhelming stress, and mental health.
A special thank you to Watertown High School Staff & Peer Leaders for their creative, think-outside-of-the-box optimism in order to make S.P.E.A.K. Week happen at WHS @ Moxley ! We look forward to using what we learned from this year to make S.P.E.A.K. Week and events alike for the years to come.
Your feedback and participation are essential to making this work! We developed a logic model and action plan to implement programming that promotes and improves the health and wellness of young people from these four communities; particularly around preventing substance misuse and mental health crises. Eventually, we would like to form subcommittees and work groups for specific areas of interest.
Our Primary Goals:
- Increase understanding for youth about how to recognize a trusted adult and increase self-efficacy
- Increase adults' understanding of the pressures youth are experiencing and how to support youth as a trusted adult
- Raise awareness around the rates of substances in the community (young people and adults perceive different rates)
Annual WYC Community Spirit Awards !
WYC's Annual Community Spirit Awards is projected to be hosted on Wednesday evening, June 5th, 2024, 6:30-8 PM at Filippello Park
The Community Spirit Awards is an annual event honoring people committed to the health and well-being of Watertown’s youth and families. The event is free and open to the public. Food will be provided.
People can be nominated for having done any of the following:
* Served as a positive influence or mentor to a Watertown Youth Coalition member or to others in the community
* Had the courage to address challenging issues that affect youth and the community
* Has actively taken steps to improve the Watertown community (in big and small ways)
If a nominee has received an award in the past five years, they will receive an honorable mention at this year's ceremony.
When: June 5th, 6:30-8:00 PM
Where: Filippello Park - 191 Grove St, Watertown, MA 02472
For more information or questions, contact Christina Lupica at: Christina_Lupica@waysideyouth.org or 617-284-2642.
YardArt Returns to Watertown !
Join the WYC Peer Leaders for their 2nd annual guided YardArt walk!!
Meet Christina Lupica and WYC Peer Leaders at Victory Field for a guided walk through a nearby neighborhood to view some of Watertown's YardArt instillations! Mindful breaks will be taken along the route where peer leaders will run short activities reflecting positive coping strategies - some of which were debuted at S.P.E.A.K. Week!
Thank you to Live Well Watertown for partnering with WYC Peer Leaders!!
Where: Walk Will Start at Victory Field
Contact Christina Lupica at Christina_Lupica@waysideyouth.org
Mental Health First Aid Offerings
Watertown's Anti-Bias Coalition Meets In Person Once a Month!
Interested in joining? Click the WPS LOGO above to complete the ABC Participation Survey.
Small Groups - Paid Opportunity - Community Service Hours
Contact Christina Lupica at Christina_Lupica@waysideyouth.org
If you or someone you know is looking for more information on WYC...
reach out to:
Stephanie Sunderland-Ramsey at stephanie_sunderland@waysideyouth.org
or Christina Lupica at christina_lupica@waysideyouth.org