EJMS Jaguar Weekly Oct. 14 - 18
Keeping our School Community in the Know
From Principal Pickerill's Pen
EJMS Families,
We hope everyone had a wonderful, safe Fall Break! If you ended up traveling we hope it was a safe and restful time away. Remember that as we return this will be the last week of the first nine weeks. You can always keep track of your child's grades through Parent Portal on Infinite Campus (if you need assistance please refer to the IC Parent Portal Grades Doc) and report cards will also be distributed this same way.
Checking out Chromebook for Missing Work/Homework
Since students do not bring their Chromebooks home this year, we have developed a way for them to check out a device to keep at home during the week. Here is how the process works. If you or your child are concerned about missing work or need the device to continue working on classwork at home then the parent will contact the teacher (either Homeroom teacher or one of the teachers whose class has missing work), the teacher will contact Mrs. Graham (our School Technology Coordinator), and Mrs. Graham will issue the device at the end of the day before your child leaves school (within the next school day). She will have the student sign this Chromebook Contract for Missing Work and issue a Chromebook and charger in a protective sleeve. The device will initially be issued with a two night limit unless an extension is requested by the parent and approved by the school. All devices will be able to be checked out for up to five days (Monday-Friday), but must be returned to Mrs. Graham during Homeroom on Friday regardless of when it was checked out originally or it will be locked.
Our first dance sponsored by PTO will be on Friday, November 8th from 6:00-8:00. In order for students to be eligible to attend dances and field trips they must have at least 4 out of 5 points and all school fees paid. Normally all students must have school fees paid prior to receiving their Chromebook. This year the process changed and all students began using devices during school regardless of whether they had paid their fees. Please contact the office if you need to set up a payment plan or give us good faith of future payment in order to be in good standing.
A note about afternoon Pick Up in the car line, enforcement beginning October 14:
Due to safety concerns we will not allow students to cross into the parking lot until all cars have moved through the car line (approximately 4:15). We encourage all parents to get in line for pickup and use the system we have in place. If you still choose to pick your child up from the parking lot please know that they will not be released until all traffic is clear from the car line pickup area. If you have an emergency or unusual circumstance you will need to get out of the car and walk to the front of the school to escort your child to the car.
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, October 14th - SBDM meeting at 4:30 in library
Tuesday, October 15th - Picture Day
Tuesday, October 15th - Family Celebration Night
6th grade Camp Kentahten trip October 16-18
Wednesday, October 23rd - Reality Store for 8th grade
Thursday, October 24th - Snowie Ice (fundraiser for 6th grade trip)
Friday, October 25th - Club Day
KSA Information for 2023 - 2024
The Kentucky Department of Education has released the latest KSA assessment data for schools and districts across the state. This data provides valuable insights into student learning and achievement. The KSA results give educators important information to guide instructional decisions and support student growth. Let us know if you have any questions about the KSA data release and how we're using it to enhance learning at our school. We are so incredibly proud of our students and the growth they exhibited!
Around EJMS
'Twas a Grand Night for Singing (and Playing Musical Instruments)
It was standing room only in the concert hall (aka the gym) on Thursday night before fall break. A huge thank you to all of our student performers and especially to the families and friends who came to support them. What a wonderful concert! Great job to the choirs and the bands and heartfelt appreciation goes out to our musical directors, Ms. Bishop and Mr. Mitchell.
Tuesday, Oct. 15 is Picture Day
Look your best and be ready!
Tuesday, Oct. 15 evening is our Celebration of Families Night
We hope that you will join us from 5:30 - 7:00 PM for a celebration of all of our families and our many different cultures. Come to make a family scrapbook page, see our Title 1 Presentation and sign the family/school compact, create new labels for spaces in our school in all of our students' home languages, enjoy snacks, win some doorprizes, play games, and so much more!
Wednesday, Oct. 16 is Unity Day
Don't forget to wear orange! If you ordered one of these shirts, then please be sure to wear it. If you did not, wear anything orange, so that together as a school community, we can send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying.
What's Happening at EJMS this week?
Mon. Oct. 14
๐ซ 4:30 - SBDM meeting
Tues. Oct. 15
๐ธ Picture Day - 9:00 - 12:00
๐ช 5:30 - Celebration of Families
๐ 6:00 - Football vs. Lincoln (home game)
Wed. Oct. 16 - Unity Day (wear ๐งก)
โบ 6th grade Camp Kentahten trip
๐ 4:15 National Junior Beta chapter meeting
Thurs. Oct. 17
โบ 6th grade Camp Kentahten trip
Fri. Oct. 18
โบ 6th grade Camp Kentahten trip
Sat. Oct. 19
๐ Cross Country Meet of Champions State Competition @ Masterson Station, Lexington
Upcoming and Ongoing
Oct. 23 - Reality Store for 8th grade
Oct. 25 - Club Day
Nov. 1 - Family Fall Festival (more info to come)
Nov. 8 - School Dance
EJMS Athletics
Stay in Touch - How Might We be of Service?
Email: Sheena.Roller@jessamine.kyschools.us
Website: https://www.jessamine.kyschools.us/o/ejms
Location: 901 Union Mill Road, Nicholasville, KY, USA
Phone: (859) 885-5561
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EastJessamineMiddleSchool
PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ejpto