The Patriot Update (1.6)
A Revere High School Community Newsletter

Sunday November 13th, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 6
Happy Sunday, Patriots!
We are already a week into the 2nd Quarter of the school year at RHS! The beginning of a marking period is a time for everyone (adults and students) to reflect on what worked for them and what they want to improve!
This week is a great opportunity for families to engage with Revere High School. It is American Education Week in Revere Schools and across the country. Families are invited to visit RHS Monday 11/14 for an Open House from 8:30-10:30 to learn about the programing we provide. Then, on Wednesday from 5-7pm families are able to come to RHS to conference with their student's teachers about academic performance. We hope to see many of you this week!
This Update Includes the Following Sections:
- The Next Two Weeks
- Athletics Round Up
- JRTOC Honoring Our Veterans
- Salem State University On the Spot Admissions @ RHS
- Vocational Opportunities for RHS Students
- Community Service at RHS
- Vision of the Graduate Working Group Update
- Important Links
- Paraprofessionals
Please reach out with feedback on what you'd like to see included in this weekly memo!
Christopher T. Bowen, Principal
Past Patriot Updates
Sunday 10/9 - (Patriot Update 1.1)
Sunday 10/16 - (Patriot Update 1.2)
Sunday 10/23 - (Patriot Update 1.3)
Sunday 10/30 - (Patriot Update 1.4)
Sunday 11/6 - (Patriot Update 1.5)
Looking Ahead the Next Two Weeks: 11/14 - 11/25
- Life Touch School Pictures. Life Touch will be available this week (Monday 11/14-Wednesday 11/16) to take students' pictures. Students have received a booking link to their school e-mails to reserve a slot to get their picture taken. Families can use this link to order picture packages, once pictures are taken.
- Guardian-Teacher Conferences. Save the date!! Teacher conference night will be on Wednesday 11/16 from 5-7 at Revere High School. This event will be in-person this year.
- MCAS November Retest. November MCAS Retest will continue on November 15th and 16th for Mathematics. Students who need to sit for the retest have already received communication about this important step towards meeting this graduation requirement. Please reach out to your student's guidance counselor if you have questions.
- Thanksgiving Pep Rally. Wednesday November 23rd will be a Half-Day for students with dismissal at 11:00am after the annual Pep Rally. Students are encouraged to wear the following "class colors" at the pep rally: 9th Graders (Red); 10th Graders (White); 11th Graders (Blue); and 12th Graders (Red, White and Blue).
- No School. Revere Public Schools will be closed on Thursday 11/24 and Friday 11/25 in observance of Thanksgiving.
- Thanksgiving Day Football Game. The Revere High Patriots play at Winthrop High School at 10am on Thanksgiving Day.
Revere Athletics Round Up
- Come support fellow RHS Patriots this week at Upcoming Athletic Events
- Follow RHS Athletic Director Frank Shea on Twitter @ADReverePats to stay up-to-date on wins from the week
- Athletic Eligibility for Winter Sports is based on students' Quarter 1 Grades on the Report Card. Quarter 1 Grades close on Friday 11/4, but Academic Eligibility for Athletics take effect the day report cards are sent home. Students must pass (D- or higher) at least three classes to remain eligible to compete. Students who fail exactly two classes may be eligible if they participate in an academic intervention program for student athletes. Students who fail 3 or 4 classes are completely ineligible to play. Please reach out to your coach or assistant principal with questions.
- Congratulations to RHS Volleyball Head Coach Lianne O'Hara who was named Greater Boston League Coach of the Year.
JROTC Cadets Honoring Our Veterans
American Legion Post #61 Re-naming Ceremony for SSgt Charles G. McMackin
On Friday, 11/11/22 RHS JROTC Color Guard presented colors Veterans Day event at the American Legion. Ceremony dedicated to SSG McMackin, a WWII veteran! Thank you to all teachers who took time to honor this holiday. Great job Patriot Battalion.
A US Air Force Airman who died in Romania during World War II has officially been accounted for. The remains of Charles G. McMackin, 26, who perished during Operation TIDAL WAVE, were identified by the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. McMackin was born on February 23, 1917 and grew up in Revere, Massachusetts, north of Boston. Following the outbreak of WWII, he enlisted in the Air Force, where he served under the rank of Staff Sergeant.
McMackin was assigned to the 68th Bombardment Squadron (Heavy), 44th Bombardment Group (Heavy), 8th Air Force during the summer of 1943. On August 1, 1943, he and others boarded a B-24D Liberator nicknamed “Satan’s Hell Cats” and traveled from the Libyan desert to Romania. However, the aircraft crashed after suffering enemy anti-aircraft fire during Operation TIDAL WAVE, the largest bombing mission against Axis refineries and oil fields in Ploiesti, Romania. All nine crew members aboard the aircraft were killed in the crash. McMackin’s remains were not identified and buried along with other Unknowns in the Hero Section of the Civilian and Military Cemetery in Bolovan, Ploiesti, Prahova, Romania.
For his efforts, he was awarded the Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Purple Heart. Following the conclusion of the war, the American Graves Registration Command (AGRC) disinterred all the American remains from the cemetery for identification. However, more than 80 were unable to be identified, including McMackin, and were interred at Ardennes American Cemetery and Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery in Belgium.
In 2017, the DPAA exhumed the Unknowns associated with Operation TIDAL WAVE and sent them to the DPAA Laboratory at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska for examination and identification.
McMackin was officially identified on August 17, 2020, with news of the identification being released on November 17, 2021. To identify his remains, scientists with the DPAA used anthropological and dental analysis, while scientists from the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System used mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis.
McMackin’s name is recorded on the Tablets of the Missing at the Florence American Cemetery in Impruneta, Italy, along with other missing servicemen from WWII. A rosette will be placed next to his name to indicate he has since been accounted for.
Veterans Park in Saugus
RHS JROTC Patriot Battalion Color Guard presented colors at Veterans Park in Saugus! Great job Patriot Battalion! Way to represent all veterans on their day! Selfless Service!
Honoring Veterans of the Korean War
On Friday, 11/11/2022, cadets from the RHS JROTC Patriot Battalion celebrated all City of Revere Veterans, including 3 veterans who were awarded their Korean War Medals! Great job Patriot Battalion! Always represent!!
Salem State University: On the Spot Admissions @ RHS
Salem State On the Spot Admissions Day @ RHS: Wednesday 12/14 8:30-12:00
Attention RHS Seniors: Did you know you can get your college application to Salem State University reviewed on the spot at RHS? Seniors can apply to Salem State University on Wednesday, Nov 22 during period 3 and receive their admissions decision on December 14 at RHS. Sign up with your guidance counselor or Mrs Currie.
Vocational Opportunities for RHS Students
Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational High School (Wakefield)
RHS Students Can Explore Vocational and Technical Careers at Northeast Vocational School.
- Auto Body and Collision
- Design & Visual Communications
- Business Technology
- Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning/Refrigeration
- CAD Drafting
- Health Assisting
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Cosmetology
- Metal Fabrication
- Culinary Arts
- Robotics
- Dental Assisting
Interested students must REGISTER BY NOVMBER 22 by completing the application and submitting it to Ms. Currie in the Learning Commons. The program is free to students and runs on Saturday Mornings from 8am-12pm. Each session lasts four weeks and students may sign up for one or more sessions.
- Session 1: December 3rd, 10th, 17th and January 7th.
- Session 2: January 14th, 21st, 28th and February 4th
- Session 3: February 11th, 18th, March 4th and March 11th.
Spotlight on Community Service at RHS
Annual Coats for Kids Ugly Sweater Party Thursday December 8th: 6-9pm
The 7th Annual Coats for Kids Ugly Sweater Party @ DRYFT in Revere will be on 12/8 from 6-9pm. All donations and proceeds from this event will go towards fulfilling the lists of coats needed for students and families from every school in RPS. This is a great event! Please consider donating or dropping by! Please send questions to RHS School Resource Officer Joe Singer (
Synergy Club: Advisory Thanksgiving Food Drive Competition
Synergy Club is hosting a Thanksgiving Canned/Boxed Food Drive from 11/2 to 11/16 to create Thanksgiving baskets for RHS families. We are encouraging all advisories to participate and the advisory who collects the most number of food items will get a Dunkin Donuts gift card to use as they wish!
Families and Community Members: If you would like to make a donation, please send your donation to RHS with an RHS student to give to their advisory!
Updates on the Future of Revere High School
Vision of the Graduate Working Group
The next Vision of the Graduate Working Group will meet Monday, November 14th from 4:30-6:30pm via Zoom and Thursday, December 1st from 5:00-7:00pm via Zoom. If you are interested in joining, please e-mail Ms. Goldman The "Vision of the Graduate" working group is made up of students, families, educators and leaders. This group is working hard to listen to RHS students to hear what they want school to be, and make sure our future planning is moving in the right direction.
Based on our work with students so far, we are hearing students say they want to graduate from Revere High School ready to become...
- Lifelong Learners Who Can Think Critically and Creatively to Solve Complex Problems
- Transformational Leaders Who Can Effectively Communicate and Collaborate Across Difference
- Global Citizens Who Have the Cultural Competency to Engage With And Contribute to Our Multicultural Society
- Thriving Healthy Adults Who Have the Agency to Lead a Well-rounded and Financially Independent Life
- Self-Directed Individuals Who Are Prepared to Succeed in Meaningful Post-Secondary Experiences
If you're interested in contributing to this work and talking about what else we should include in our vision, please reach out!
Important Links
- Bullying, Harassment and Bias Reporting: You can use this link to make a report of bullying, harassment or bias.
- RHS Student Activities 2022-2023: You can use this link to explore student activities and when they meet.
- Community Service Opportunities: Students looking to find Community Service Opportunities should reference this spreadsheet. Community members who have opportunities for service can reach out to any RHS Administrator.
Revere Schools Hiring Paraprofessionals
Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time role in the educational setting? Please spread the word! Revere High School is seeking part-time paraprofessionals to work in a variety of settings working with unique populations including students with special needs. Experience working with students with special needs, challenging behaviors, and/or early reading instruction preferred. These positions are 5 days per week, 3 hours and 55 minutes per day (19.5 hours per week). There are morning and mid-day/afternoon shifts available. Interested candidates can email interest to Caitlin Reilly, Deputy Principal, at or apply online at: