Husky Happenings " Family Edition"
September 8, 2024

We are heading into week 3!
Are you not receiving messages for parents/guardians?
Principal's Message
Thank you for helping to make drop off and pick up run even smoother than the first week of school. Students at DES are still excited and ready to learn each day.
It has been brought to my attention that I should address the expectations for celebrating a student's birthday at school as well as snacks for during the school day.
As of SEPTEMBER 16, 2024 (Next week) the following practices will be put into place.
- Parents can bring in non-food items to celebrate student birthdays.
- Cupcakes cannot be delivered and distributed to students at school.
- Parents/Guardians must supply snacks for their students.
- Teachers will not keep classroom-based snacks.
- Any snacks provided from the school will meet the “Smart Snack” regulations as established by the HHFKA
If you have questions about these practices, please do not hesitate to ask.
Click the link above to submit a shout out to a staff member that has gone above and beyond for your student since school started. These will be shared with staff in the staff weekly newsletter.
From Nurse West
-Calvert County Health Department will be at the school on Sept 24th for the annual flu clinic. Consent forms were sent home in the 1st day folders. If you wish for your child to receive the flu shot, please fill out the consent form and return to Nurse West. The Health Department has also provided a link to register for the flu clinic. If you wish to register online instead of filling out the paper consent, please use the link provided below. If you have already sent in a paper consent form, there is no need to register online.
-Any positive staff/student must stay at home until symptoms have improved with no fever for at least 24 hours without medication. Those who are symptom free may attend school. Any staff/student returning to school after testing positive for COVID-19 are recommended to wear a mask for 10 days if able.
- any student requiring medication during the school day (routine and as needed) get the authorization to administer medication form filled out by the doctor and medication (in the original packaging) to me.
Nurse West can be reached at: 443-550-9488
Dowell Arrival and Dismissal Procedures:
These procedures are put in place to help maintain safety for all students at all times.
Drop off and Pick up
Important: If someone other than the parent/guardian is planning on picking up your child, authorization must be provided. Please email conklinc@calvertnet.k12.md.us or moweryb@calvertnet.k12.md.us with permission.
•Drop-Off – In the morning we have a Kiss and Go area at the south entrance to the building which is supervised by school staff at 8:35 a.m. Please do not let children out before staff are on duty. Please line up in your vehicle in the staff parking lot to the right of our building. We recommend arriving by 8:25 a.m. Doors open at 8:35 a.m. We have staff members at drop-off assisting students each morning. Any student arriving after 8:45 a.m. needs to be signed in by an adult in the main office.
Kiss and Go in the Mornings:
Due to safety reasons, please do not let children out of the car before staff are on duty by 8:35. We ask that you slowly enter the parking lot and patiently wait until it is your turn to drop off (we want to get everyone inside the building as quickly and safely as possible). Please know that a left-hand turn onto H.G. Truman Rd is prohibited. Please only make a right-hand turn out of the parking lot due to the traffic pattern and safety. We also ask that you let our buses entering the parking lot take priority and not block their entrance lane. We appreciate everyone adhering to these procedures to keep everyone safe.
•Pick-Up - Please Park in the staff parking lot at the far right of our building, and walk to the main entrance in front of the building. Doors open at 3:15 p.m. We will direct you to the cafeteria to sign out your student. Please have a Photo ID with you. We dismiss car rider students to the cafeteria at 3:25 p.m.
Sign your child out on the Everyday Car Riders sheet in the cafeteria. Your child will meet you in the cafeteria for dismissal. Parking is limited. Please do not block the bus lane in front of the school.
•For the first week or two of school, all students who are picked up at the end of the day are considered Surprise Car Riders.
•After the first week of school, parents who plan to pick up their child every day may request from the office an Everyday Car Rider form. Once completed, this form will be kept on file so that in the event of an emergency we’ll know that your child doesn’t normally ride a school bus.
If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day, and your child is not an Everyday Car Rider, they will be considered a Surprise Car Rider.
• The parent/guardian should write a note to their child’s teacher and send it to school in the morning indicating that the child will be picked up that afternoon. Include on the note who will be picking up the child. If the teacher/office does not receive a note and the parent has not signed the child out by the time the child’s bus is called, the child must ride the bus.
• Parents should arrive at school by 3:15 pm and go to the cafeteria. In the cafeteria, there is a Surprise Car Rider sheet where parents/guardians can sign their children out. Please wait in the cafeteria for your child.
•At 3:30, after the afternoon announcements, Everyday Car Riders are called, and then Surprise Car Riders are called by name and told to report to the cafeteria for dismissal.
•Parents and students should exit through the front lobby doors.
Important Upcoming Dates
9/11/2024- 2 hour early dismissal- students dismissed at 1:30
9/12 Imaginarium with PAWS
September 17: Pre-K-2nd grade 5:30-6:30
September 18: 3rd-5th grade 5:30-6:30
9/17 & 18 BRRRR spirit nights (4-9pm)
9/30 salsas spirit night (5-9)
10/10: 4-7 Tettimer farm Fundraiser
10/23: trunk of treat
Oct 25 4-6:15 Horsmons farm fall activities!
Please fill out the
School Lunch Application
Please see the bus locater link below. At this time bus routes are not published or finalized. Transportation should be communicating more information with parents/guardians once they complete bus routes. You can check back with the link at any time.