RAMS Raider's Den for Sept 12, 2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024
Message from RAMS Principal - Heidi George
Dear Roseville Area Middle School Staff, Students, and Families,
I hope this message finds you well. At RAMS, the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community remain our top priority. As we continue to foster a positive learning environment, we want to assure you that we are taking every necessary step to maintain a secure and supportive atmosphere for all.
In light of recent events, we are continuing to reinforce our safety protocols to ensure the highest level of preparedness. These efforts at RAMS include but are not limited to:
Regular Safety Drills: We will be conducting routine fire, hold, secure and lockdown drills to ensure that students and staff are well-prepared in case of emergencies. We did not have to employ any of these protocols today.
Partnership with Local Authorities: We are working closely with local law enforcement (Roseville Police Department) to ensure coordinated responses when there is a threat to the safety of our community.
Mental Health and Support Resources: We understand that safety also includes emotional and mental well-being. Our Student Support Services team is available to provide support to students who may need assistance or have concerns.
Clear Communication Channels: In the event of an emergency or safety-related concern, we will notify families immediately through our established communication platforms. Please ensure that your contact information is up-to-date in our system. We will be as transparent as possible while following data privacy laws.
We encourage everyone to report any concerns to school administration. It is through our collective effort that we can maintain a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment for all students.
Thank you for your continued trust and partnership in keeping RAMS a safe place to learn and grow.
Learning for ALL,
Heidi George
🎉Raving About RAMS!🎉
What a FANTASTIC Staff we have!!!!
- Thursday, September 26 - RAMS Family Connections Night - 5:30-7:30pm
- Thursday, Oct 3 - FTA Meeting - RAMS Team Office (next to the Media Center) - 7:00pm
- Tuesday, October 8 - Fall Conferences with STAR Teacher - 3:30-8:00pm
- Wednesday, September 9 - School Picture Retake Day - during all lunches
- Thursday, October 10 - Fall Conferences with STAR Teacher - 3:30-8:00pm
- Wednesday, October 16 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day
- Thursday, October 17 - No School - Fall Break
- Friday, October 18 - No School Fall Break
School News
Attendance is Important!
School attendance is incredibly important for all students learning. RAMS uses an automated calling system for absences. If your student is marked unverified (absent) or tardy for ANY class period, you will receive an automated call that afternoon. Please use ParentVUE to check your student’s attendance.
Reporting Absences
There are several ways families can report their student(s) absence(s).
In the ParentVue App - CLICK HERE to find directions on how to report your student(s) absence(s) in the app
Call 651-482-5281and leave a voicemail
- When leaving your message, please include the student name, grade, reason for absence, your name and a contact number.
Email ramsattendance@isd623.org each day the student is absent.
If you are unable to use the ParentVue app, call or email, please send a note when the student returns to school.
Leaving Early/Appointments
We cannot stress enough the importance of students being on time for learning. Please make every effort to get your child to school so they can be in class before 8:05am.
Students who may need to leave early for appointments/family events should bring a note to the office BEFORE school starts in the morning. Students will be given a pass to leave class at the appropriate time and can sign themselves out in the office. Students will then sign back into the office when returning.
Tardy To School
Students will sign in on the iPad in the front office when arriving late to school. Students should have a note, email or a call from a parent/guardian. Doctor/Dental appointments should provide a clinic note for absences.
If you are taking a student out of school for two or more days, please send a note or contact the office one week prior. The student will be given a “Leave Form” for teachers to sign and use to get homework.
Early Student Arrival
School starts at 8:05am. Students who do not ride the bus should arrive at school no earlier than 7:45am.
Breakfast Upon Arrival
Upon arrival at 7:45am until 8:00am students can also pick-up breakfast by entering through the Cafeteria doors and then go to class. The exterior cafeteria doors will be open for students to enter to grab breakfast until 8:00am. If a student arrives after 8:00am and needs a breakfast they will check-in at the front office and be given a pass to go to the cafeteria to grab breakfast and then hustle to class.
Please see map below for guidance.
- Students should take the bus or be picked up by 3:00 pm unless staying after school for a planned activity/sport.
- All students must leave after school unless in a school-sanctioned activity or with a teacher.
- Parents should line up on the shoulder of County Rd B2, facing west, while waiting for your student.
Complete the Application for Educational Benefits TODAY!
All students will have access to a complete breakfast, lunch, and afterschool super snack at no cost. We ask ALL families to fill out the Application for Educational Benefits form (previously called Free/Reduced Meal Application) EVERY year. This form determines funding for your child’s school and provides direct benefits for your child if you qualify. Benefits include funding for:
• Waived fees for athletics, testing, and transportation for your child
• Reduced internet fees
• Social workers, paraprofessionals, and counselors
• Decreased student-to-instructor ratios
• Increased technology
• Early childhood education
To apply today, CLICK HERE!
RAMS Family Connections Night
Join us for an evening of fun and information!
- Learn about programs and supports for students at RAMS
- Discover ways to support your student at home
- Connect with RAMS Staff and other RAMS Families
📅 Thursday, September 26
🕑 5:30-7:30pm
📍RAMS Cafeteria
TAAG Information
RAMS offers enrichment groups called TAAG ( pronounced like “tag”). Identified GT students are invited to participate in TAAG, but these groups are open to all RAMS students. Feel free to invite a friend.
Most of these groups will meet during STAR, our advisory period. Not all groups will run each trimester. Groups are scheduled based on the number of students who sign up for them.
Potential Groups This Fall
Future City --Future City is a competition where teams work together to engineer a virtual city. We meet after school on Fridays. Students build a model, write an essay, and give a presentation about their city. Teams work on their project until the competition in January.Stock Market Game--Teams of students work on investing virtual money into the stock market, New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ. Students get real time results to monitor investments!
National History Day --This is a project where students research a historical topic that focuses on a theme. After researching, students put together a project that demonstrates what they have learned. Students who advance from the RAMS competition will go to the regional level to compete for the opportunity to present at the state level. This may be done alone or with a group.
Creative Writing--This group will focus on helping students express their creativity through writing. Students will share their work with one another and offer opinions and perhaps collaboration. We have also had students enter the Scholastic Writing Competition.
Rubik’s Cube Club--In the past, we’ve had a variety of skill levels in this group. Some students solve the cube well under a minute and others are just learning to solve it.
Knitting Club--Students learn to knit, continue building their skills, or help others as they learn. Materials will be provided for those who need them.
Book Club--During the course of the year, the students will have opportunities to read a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts in book clubs. The students read independently and come together to discuss what they’ve read.
Chess/Board Game Group--This group allows students to challenge their peers to fun and intellectual board games. Practice skills like solving disagreements, working together, and including others.
Mock Trial (8th Grade)--More information about this group will come out this fall. It will meet on Wednesdays after school. Teams of students will work with volunteer lawyers and law students to prepare for a case. The trial competition takes place in March. This group is currently open to 8th grade only.
Questions: Contact Mrs. Pankonin at ursala.pankonin@isd623.org or 651-724-6650.
Opt Out of SEL Screener
Dear Parents and Guardians,
At RAMS, we are committed to improving the culture and climate of our school and supporting the whole child. One way we are addressing the whole child is by looking at student strengths and areas of concern for social, emotional, and academic behaviors.
This year we will be administering a universal screening of social, academic, and emotional behavior skills to the students in your child’s STAR class. The screening consists of 20 items related to skills such as “I participate in class” and “I have trouble waiting my turn.” The screener will be taken in class on iPads. This information helps us understand the needs of our students and to make effective plans at the whole school, class, and individual level.
Parents/guardians will be contacted if your student demonstrates that an intervention would be beneficial. All proposed interventions will be optional.
If you would like more information about the screening, please contact Amy Grengs, School Psychologist, at the phone number or email address listed below. There is also the option we present to all families for their child to not participate in the screener. If you choose for your child to NOT participate in the screener, please complete an opt-out option by September 27th, 2024. You can either:
send an email to Amy Grengs (amy.grengs@isd623.org) with your name, your student's name, and this statement "I have read the information about the social-emotional screener and request that my child opt out of the universal screening," OR
fill out this Google form).
Thank you,
Heidi George
RAMS Principal
Amy Grengs
School Psychologist
School Supply Spotlight
Technology Information
Here are a few tips and reminders that will help support your student with their iPad
Please complete the following steps as soon as possible if you have not yet done so:
Step 1 - Review the 1:1 Family & Student Guide with your student(s) which can be found at: www.isd623.org/digitallearn.
Step 2 - Sign up for optional iPad insurance each year at www.isd623.org/payonline. Instructions can be found at www.isd623.org/digitallearn.
Program goals and other information can be found at www.ISD623.org/digitallearn.
Managing the iPad at Home
Despite all of the amazing benefits technology can offer, we recognize that the addition of 1:1 devices can also be a difficult thing to manage at home. Therefore, we would like to provide a few suggestions and tips that may help alleviate confusion or stress with this device in your home.
Suggested Guidelines for iPad Use at Home
Passcodes are to be shared with parents & guardians.
Monitor what your child is doing while using technology.
Install a filter on your home wireless network if you have one. There are many free options available (i.e. OpenDNS) or you may be able to filter directly through your provider.
Check in frequently with your child to ensure that they understand your expectations for technology use.
Ask your child to do his/her work on digital devices in an area that is open and supervised (i.e. not in the bedroom by him/herself).
Check that your child has completed his/her academic work before allowing time to find music, etc.
Require your child to keep the iPad somewhere other than his/her bedroom at night (also recommended for cell phones and other technology).
If you find your child spending too much time on the iPad, you have the right to take it away at any time. Please allow them to bring it to school the next day or contact the school to make a plan.
If you find it difficult to monitor work on the iPad, most of the accounts/work can also be accessed on a desktop computer if you have one at home.
For more resources, visit www.isd623.org/digitallearn
Health Office Information
RAMS Health Office is staffed from 7:30-3:30 daily (starting 8/26/2024)
P: 651-482-5291
F: 651-288-5034
RAMS School Nurse - Joan Tighe: 📨 joan.tighe@isd623.org
RAMS Health Assistant - Linsey Saxon: 📨 linsey.saxton@isd623.org
Athletics & Activities
Register for RAMS Fall Sports Now!
All students must have a sports physical on file and registration is online. If you need your students school ID to register please contact the Athletics Office at 651-482-5290 or email RAMS Activities Director 📨 Tanysha Scott
7/8 Football (Practices start Monday, August 5th)
- 7/8 Girls Soccer
- 7/8 Girls Volleyball - REGISTRATION CLOSED
- 7/8 Girls Tennis
- 7-12 Boys & Girls Cross Country*
7-12 Girls Swimming/Diving*
7-12 Cheerleading*
7-12 Dance Team*
*7-12th sports in the district are run by the RAHS coaches and activities office. More information can be found at www.rosevilleraiders.org. RAHS fall sports start Monday, August 12th.
RAHS activities office contacts:
📨 Natalie Crosby or 📨 Andrea Schmidt
- Sports Physical Form (Found here in English, Spanish Hmong & Somali)
- Online Registration
- Activity Bus Routes
- Information on Free Sports Physicals at Twin Cities Orthopedics
AD Office Contacts: 📨 Tanysha Scott and 📨 Susan Garland or call 651-482-5290
Students 8th grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult AND that adult must stay and monitor those students. Students and parents who don't follow these expectations will be subject to loss of entry to future RAHS events.
RAMS Theatre Fall Opportunities
Have your student fill out this Google Form if they are interested in the RAMS Theatre Writers Workshop / Writing the Winter One-Acts (this helps us prepare and plan)
WHAT: groups of 3-4 students will work together with our resident playwright, Joan Linck and program director, Linsey Owen to write short one-acts, approx. 20-25 mins in length, for the winter one-act session. Students will work after school once a week in the theatre after school and be expected to do writing and editing at home. Contact Ms. Owen for more information at linsey.owen@isd623.org or 651-482-5284.
WHEN: Writers will meet once a week in September through December based on the fall play calendar. They will also be doing writing on their own at home.
Proposed meeting dates are Wed’s after school from 2:45-5:00pm starting Wednesday, September 18 through Wednesday, December 18. (dates subject to change).
"Caught in the Web" - by Brian D. Taylor
Have your student fill out this Google Form if they are interested in the RAMS Theatre Writers Workshop / Writing the Winter One-Acts (this helps us prepare and plan - you will still need to come to auditions/crew sign-ups.)
Phone-obsessed teens Sarah and Derek have heard their parents’ cautionary nagging before. “One of these days you’re gonna get sucked up into that phone!” And then one day... it happened!
The two teens find themselves trapped in the internet and on a wild adventure through the World Wide Web! Memes, viral videos, games, email, dating sites, and social media come alive onstage, including Fruit Ninja, The Dress, Distracted Boyfriend and Jealous Girlfriend, Harambe, and many more. And of course, it wouldn’t be the internet without lots of cats and a dancing baby!
Travel through the World Wide Web with Twitter, Miserable Cat, and Sirilexa as they team up with Derek and Sarah to find The Google, who can help them in their search for a way home. But The Google informs them of some bad news: their parents are also caught in the web and need saving! Now Derek and Sarah must brave the darker parts of the internet with identity thieves, trolls, knockoff sellers, and other shady characters.
Monday, September 23 - after school 2:45-4:00pm
Tuesday, September 24 - after school 2:45-4:00pm
You only need to come to ONE DAY
You do NOT need to prepare anything for auditions - we will have something for you to read. Just show up!
CALL BACKS: Thursday, September 26 - 2:45-5:00pm
REHEARSALS: Monday, September 30 - Wednesday, Nov 14
Typically Mon, Tues and Thur After School 2:45-5:00pm and Friday's 2:45-4:00pm
CREW SIGN-UPS (limited to 35 students):
Monday, September 23 - after school 2:45-4:00pm
Tuesday, September 24 - after school 2:45-4:00pm
Crew is limited to 35 students for safety reasons as we use power tools
Come fill out a Google Form & get more information at Auditions
Crew typically meets Wed's After School 2:45-5:00pm
Nutrition Services
Important Changes to School Meal Procedures for Roseville Area Schools Students
Roseville Area Schools will continue to offer free meals for all students during the school day, including healthy breakfasts, lunches, and after-school "super" snacks. To ensure our meal programs remain effective and equitable, we are implementing some changes to our procedures, specifically regarding second meals and additional lunch servings.
Changes to Meal Procedures
Elementary Schools:
- Elementary students will no longer be able to purchase additional items such as entrées or sides. However, milk may still be purchased separately.
- We encourage students to make the most of our meal offerings by eating breakfast, utilizing the share cart, and enjoying the "all-you-care-to-eat" fresh fruit and vegetable options available with their lunch serving.
Secondary Schools:
- Secondary students may purchase additional entrées, sides, or milk if they have money in their meal account.
- To purchase additional items, students must check in at the designated cashier, receive a food tray, return to the serving line for the additional items, and check out at the designated register.
- Students with negative meal balances will not be permitted to purchase additional items.
We encourage all students to take advantage of the free breakfast and lunch offerings, which include unlimited fruits and vegetables and access to the share cart. Secondary students also have the opportunity to enjoy free super snacks at the end of each school day.
Thank you for your understanding as we make these adjustments to better serve our students.
RAMS Menus
Menus at the secondary level will no longer be provide for each month in a calendar format. Please click on the grey button below to access the menus online. Make sure you change the school to be Roseville Area Middle School and check that you are in the week you would like to look at the menus.
FTA Information
RAMS 2024-25 FTA Meetings
🕐 7:00pm
📍 RAMS Team Office (next to Media Center)
📅 Thursday, October 3
📅 Thursday, November 7
📅 Thursday, December 5
📅 Thursday, February 6
📅 Thursday, March 6
📅 Thursday, April 3
📅 Thursday, May 8
From the District
Attention Native American Families!
Do you identify as Native American? Are you receiving messages from Gabriella Carroll, American Indian Education Program coordinator, or Savannah Rojas, Native American cultural liaison? If not, please contact Gabriella at gabriella.carroll@isd623.org or at 651-359-0572 to be included in Roseville Area Schools’ American Indian Education Program. The Roseville American Indian Education Program is a district-wide program with a goal of promoting cultural awareness, academic advocacy, and community connection for our American Indian students and families. The Roseville American Indian Education Program serves all Native American students regardless of tribal affiliation or blood quantum.
Speaker Series for Parents/Guardians
Sponsored by Advanced Academics and Talent Development - Local Psychologist Dr. Teresa Boatman will be offering a 3-part speaker series to parents and guardians of Roseville Area students in PreK through grade 12. The presentations are focused on the social-emotional needs of students. Dr. Boatman is a very engaging and relatable speaker with deep understanding of advanced students and their intellectual, academic and social-emotional needs. All parents are invited to participate in any or all of her presentations this year.
The first event will take place on Monday, September 16, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. It will be held in the Fairview Room at the Aŋpétu Téča Education Center (1910 County Rd. B West). Dr. Boatman will present from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. and an optional family connection time will run 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. Sorry but childcare is not provided.
To learn more about this free event, please CLICK HERE.
Information about New Bus Routing System
Roseville Area Schools has implemented a new transportation routing system to improve the efficiency of our bus schedules for picking up and dropping off students. While this system is designed to enhance our transportation services, we ask for your patience as we address and resolve any initial issues.
If you need to request a change to a bus stop or if you no longer require transportation services, please email us at transportation@isd623.org or call us at 651-635-1638. Please be prepared to provide the following information:
- Student Name
- Student ID
- Reason for the request (for example, relocation, change in transportation needs)
Please note that we are processing requests as quickly as possible; however, any changes to existing bus stops will not take effect until after the first week of school.
You will receive updates and information about any changes via email, so please ensure that your contact details are current. This includes verifying that your most recent telephone number and email address are on file to ensure you receive all necessary communications promptly.
The safety of our students is our highest priority, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition.
Community Flyers
Community Ed Updates
Limited Edition Apparel - Support Community Ed! 👕 🎉
Looking for fun Roseville Area Schools apparel? Choose from this selection of limited edition shirts! Your purchase will support Roseville Area Schools Community Education programs and services.
🔺 Heather black long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Heather red long sleeve ($20)
🔺 Gray short sleeve with school mascots ($15)
These shirts are a soft, comfortable tri-blend fabric (50/37/13 poly/cotton/rayon) in a unisex fit. Sizes are available in adult S - 3XL and youth S - XL.
Orders are due by October 4, 2024. ⏰ 🗓️ Shirt orders will arrive near the end of October! To place an order, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Fall Youth Camps and Activities 🍁 😊
Register your students for fall 2024 Youth Enrichment! We're offering an exciting lineup of camps, classes, and field trips for ages 0 - 14. Explore fun opportunities such as:
🌀 Raider Youth Wrestling Club
🌀 Anime & Manga Card Quest with Kidcreate Studios
🌀 Soccer Tykes with DASH Sports
🌀 Drawing Palooza with Young Rembrandts
...and more! Scholarships are available - contact us for scholarship information. To register, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE.
Swim Lessons for Youth and Adults! 💧
Registration is open for fall 2024 swim lessons at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center. Sign up today - spots fill quickly! Our pool is a comfortable 86 degrees year-round, and we offer numerous different types of lessons:
💧 Adult/Child Swim (ages 9 months+)
💧 Pre-K 1 and Pre-K 2 (ages 3 - 5)
💧 Level 1 - 6 (ages 5 - 14)
💧 Adult Beginner (ages 15+)
💧 Women-Only (ages 15+)
To register, call 651-604-3770 or CLICK HERE! 📲
Important RAMS Phone Numbers and Email addresses (click on any staff members name below to send an email)
- Main Office - 651-482-5280
- 📨 Attendance Email or leave a message at 651-482-5281
- Principal - 📨 Heidi George - 651-482-5284
- Assoc. Principal Grade 7 - 📨 Garin Bogenholm - 651-482-5287
- Assoc. Principal Grade 8 - 📨 Joseph Bue - 651-482-5297
- Building/Administrative Support Staff - 📨 Linsey Owen - 651-482-5284
- Registrar / Student Records Support Staff - 📨 Rebecca Thompson - 651-482-5288
- Athletics/Activities - 651-482-5290
- 📨 Tanysha Scott - Activities Director
- 📨 Susan Garland - Activities Clerical
- Student Support Services Office - 651-482-5289
- 📨 Julie Gabos - Grade 7 - Counselor
- 📨 Todd Richter - Grade 8 - Counselor
- 📨 Amy Grengs - School Psychologist
- 📨 Lisa Valerius - School Psychologist
- 📨 Angie Feigal - Social Worker
- 📨 Duane Woeste - SEL Teacher
- 📨 Melanie Cogan - Student Services Support Staff
- Health Office - 651-482-5291
- 📨 Joan Tighe - School Nurse
- 📨 Linsey Saxton - Health Assistant
- Special Education - 651-288-5000
- 📨 Jodi Walker - Special Education Lead Teacher
- 📨 Nancy Boulay - Special Education Clerical
- Centerline Bus - 651-482-1794
- District Transportation - 📨 Kristen Donaldson - 651-635-1638
- Tech Support - 651-288-5001
- 📨 Kathryn O'Brien - Media Specialist
- 📨 Kaolee Yang - District Tech Integrationist
- School Fax - 651-482-5299
- Spanish Liaison - 📨 Cecilia Martino - 651-235-3426
- American Indian Liaison - 📨 Savannah Rojas - 651-332-6513
- Somali Liaison - 📨 Kowthar Ismail - 651-322-0468
- Karen Liaison - 📨 Hsar Htoo - 651-332-6929
- Bhutanese/Nepali Liaison - 📨 Indira Kharel - 651-307-7471
- Hmong Liaison - 📨 Maider Lee - 651-210-7821
- African American Liaison - 📨 K’Lynn Lewis - 651-239-2826
Pre-order your RAMS 2024-25 yearbook online directly from JOSTENS.
Questions about Yearbook? Reach out to our Yearbook Coordinator Kelly Rogers.
RAMS Back to School Email
RAMS sent out a Back to School email the past two weeks that had a lot of great school information. If you missed those emails please CLICK HERE to find the most recent email.
Change in Information?
Has any of your contact information changed over the summer? Address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc? If so, please contact the office by calling 651-482-5288 or email
📨 rebecca.thompson@isd623.org and we will update our records