Honor Winds

24-25 Edition Update #4
Time Sensitive Items
We need the following done by the end of the week:
- School owned usage form and fee in
- Registration form done
- 8th graders that needed a replacement Family shirt, get your $20 in.
Middle School Band Night at HHS Football Game
We are so excited to have our kids participate in the HHS Football game this Friday (Sept. 6)! Thank you to all that are chaperoning and providing water! Please come and watch! You can purchase tickets at https://lewisvilleisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?schools=42&depts=2&es=1rlnl10lhnpajtba2pu4rp7bn4.
Info for Friday:
Time: 5:00 PM
Drop-off: HHS Cafeteria (Entrance off of Charles Street)
What to wear: Hebron Family Shirt, school appropriate shorts, sneakers
What to bring: Instrument only (you can also bring water, I WOULD NOT bring your fancy water bottle)
Pick- up time: 9:30 PM HHS Cafeteria (Entrance off of Charles Street)
5:00 PM- Pizza- 2 slices, if you want more, eat before you come.
~ 5:45 PM-Move to stadium
7:00 PM-In stands
~ 8:30 PM- Halftime
9:15 PM- Depart stadium; head to HHS cafeteria for pickup
Tunes playing:
- HHS Fightsong
- Go Big Blue
- Iron Man
- Eat em up
- Land of 1000 dances (on the field with the other Hebron Cluster Bands)
28/59 Honor Winds forms filled out
Sectionals 24-25
On weeks with holidays- those kids will go out with Mr. Lott during class.
Sectionals for Honor Winds begins August 19th!
Great Job at the Masterclass on Saturday!
Instrument Supplies Needed for 2024-25 School Year
Please make sure your students have the correct equipment!
Parent News
If you were unable to make the parent meeting, please review the slides below:
Band Fees
If you would like to set up a payment plan for fees, please contact Mrs. Sandlin at finance@creekvalleyband.org.
School Owned Instrument Usage Fee (We need the below sheet turned in)
Calendar 24-25
Using Presto Assistant this Year
Good evening, Creek Valley Band families,
In preparation for our mandatory parent orientation later this week, we want to inform you about a district-adopted system we use to manage student data, communications, forms, and fees for the entire band program. This system is called Presto Assistant.
Today at 5:55 PM, you will receive a welcome email from Presto Assistant. Once you receive the email, follow the instructions inside the email to create your personal Presto account. An overview of those instructions is below:
Click on the link in the Welcome Email. This will open your web browser and direct you to set up your member profile. This should take 5-10 minutes to complete.
Presto offers a support article if you need assistance.
The “Get Started” link in the Welcome Email is good for 48 hours and is a one-time use link.
If you see a “sad cat” page, click the “resend email” button to receive a new verification email at the same email address.
If you ever forget your password, click the “Forgot Password” link on the login form to reset your password.
Students and parents are paired in Presto. You should be able to see each other listed under Relationships. This includes if you have multiple students in the band program.
If you have already created an account with Presto for the Hebron Band, follow the link in the Welcome email and use the same login credentials you have created for your Hebron Band account. Then, click your name in the upper right-hand corner to switch between Creek Valley and Hebron accounts.
If you have a spouse listed in Skyward, they will also receive a welcome email. They should also follow the link and create their own separate account. All data is synced, so student information, fees, forms, and payments will appear in both accounts.
Thank you for your support!
Once you have created your Presto account, you can leave it for now! We will go over more details at our parent orientation.If you have any issues with Presto, please contact our Finance Liaison, Robin Sandlin, at finance@creekvalleyband.org.
Band Terminology
Wildcat Band= Beginner Band
Symphonic Band= Non-Varsity Band
Honor Winds= Varsity Band
Sectionals= Once a week rehearsal to work on instrument specific skills and music, Part of Band TEKS, Most Playing grades will happen in sectionals, Mandatory. Morning sectionals BEGIN at 7:30am, Afternoon sectionals END at 5:40pm. We will work with athletic schedules and coaches.
Masterclasses= Each instrument has a hired Professional to help them with their fundamentals and music. Gives them practicing tips, tools, tricks for auditions, builds confidence.
Parent Preview= All the bands in the Hebron Cluster will perform together and Hebron will perform their competition show for the community. Time commitment= about 2 hrs.
DIstrict Band Auditions= Individual auditions against all top band instruments in the district over specific music. Required for Honor Winds. Time commitment= about 1 hr.
Region Band Auditions=Individual auditions against all top band instrumentalists in the entire region over same music as district Band.Time commitment= about 1 hr.
Region/District Band Clinic/Concert= Everyone who makes the district or region band gets to perform in a 1 day concert with the best players. All day
UIL= Band STAAR Test- We perform a concert and sightreading portion for 6 judges and they give us a rating.
Solo and Ensemble Contest= Every kid in the band will perform an on level solo and an ensemble with their section. Ensembles are in February and Solos are in May for Honor Winds.
Band Festival= Performance opportunity against other bands.
Band Grades
Major Grades= 50%
- Playing tests (usually during sectionals or recordings)
- Class Participation and supplies
- Concerts x5
Minor Grades= 30%
- Sectionals and Minor Work
- Practice Records
Percussion News
Mr. Koch and Dr. Davis are excited to start the new year!
Band Buck Store Needs
Fun Size Candy
Bags of Chips
Movie Size Candy (from Walmart)
Full Size Candy Bars
Help Us Clear our Amazon List!
It's happening! Soon the sound of wonderful music will be again filling the halls of Creek Valley Middle School! If you are so inclined, please help us clear our Amazon list so we can have some fun activities and provide our kids with great experiences this year! Any help is greatly appreciated!
Upcoming Events
Aug 13: First Day of School
Aug 16: First Pep Rally of the Year
Aug 19: Sectionals start
Aug 21: Parent Meeting
Aug 24: Honor Winds Mandatory Region Masterclass at CVMS 9:30-noon
Aug 30: Pinstack Party
Sept 6: Middle School Band night at HHS
Sept 21: Parent Preview at HHS
Follow the Hebron Band on Instagram:
Need to get ahold of the Directors or Parent Volunteers?
Remember we are teaching from 7:20am-5:45pm everyday. It will take us time to respond. Thank you for your patience!
We will send out smores and emails throughout the year to keep you updated!
Band Director - Kim Cooley - hawbaker-cooleyk@lisd.net
Assistant Band Director - Joshua Lott - lottjt@lisd.net
Percussion Teachers- Ben Koch - Kochb@lisd.net; Adam Davis - Davisab@lisd.net
CVMS Parent Liaisons - Jennifer Wylie and Srabasti Nagchoudhury - cvmsliason@creekvalleyband.org
Fundraising Liaison - Andrew Harrison - fundraising@creekvalleyband.org
Uniform Liaison - Dana Park - uniform@creekvalleyband.org
Finance Liaison - Robin Sandlin - finance@creekvalleyband.org
Creek Valley Band
Email: hawbaker-cooleyk@lisd.net
Website: www.creekvalleyband.org
Location: 4109 Creek Valley Boulevard, Carrollton, TX, USA
Phone: (972)350-8817
Facebook: facebook.com/creekvalleyband
Twitter: @CVMS_Band