Title 1 Newsletter
Dayton Elementary November 2021
Working In Small Groups
We continue to work with your children in small groups. Every other week we progress monitor students and see how they are improving. Title 1 teachers provided your child's classroom teacher with a reading fluency report. You should receive this at the parent-teacher conference. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Becoming more fluent readers in small groups
Putting sounds together to make words
Our Team
Striving to help our students
Family Engagment Activitiy
Family engagement is a shared responsibility in which schools and other community agencies and organizations are committed to reaching out to engage families in meaningful ways and in which families are committed to actively supporting their children's learning and development. Title 1 teachers will be hosting Math Night at the elementary school. We look forward to seeing our community come together for a fun night of math games.
Support Student Acheivement
We are setting reasonable but challenging goals for our students to advance, and are transparent with our students about where they’re performing currently and where they could be. We use Dibels progress monitoring and i-Ready programs to gather data to aid in goal making. Beyond collecting academic data on our students, we are learning who they really are and where their strengths lie. By making fewer assumptions about student performance and behavior, we counteract implicit bias and open more pathways for classroom success.
If you have any suggestions regarding Title 1 Program or have any comments/feedback, please contact Jami Rushing title 1 coordinator. As a stakeholder in your child's education, we value your input regarding the Title 1 Programs.