SPS Weekly Newsletter

In This Edition of the SPS Weekly Newsletter...
From the Desk of the Superintendent
I hope you had a wonderful summer. The new school year is off to a great start. As always we are making updates daily and addressing individual concerns.
We are going to be providing a new section on our district website on how to talk to your child about safety and crisis topics. This will be finalized in the coming weeks.
On the topic of bus transportation, we were able to secure busing for all students who signed up for bus transportation by the JUNE 28TH DEADLINE. However, we are not accepting applications dated after June 28th. In the near future we will do a full review of the transportation process and bus availability for September 2025. I recognize the frustration felt in the weeks leading up to the start of the school year and the need for supporting families.
My last topic for this week is the New Elementary School Project. Please note that the June 2024 unsuccessful vote does not mean that this process is over. Many Stoughton residents are ready, willing, and wanting to see more work completed and get this project to a vote for April of 2025. The fact remains that we must have a new elementary school in Stoughton or have to deal with alternatives that do not provide for 21st Century teaching and learning and aren't efficient. The idea that a new building does not provide for a better education is not factual. A number of folks have suggested otherwise. Let's look at this from the following perspective. What does a new building provide? (In no order of preference)
1. Better and larger classroom spaces for teaching and learning in the 21st Century
2. Better lighting
3. Better air quality
4. More effective and efficient HVAC, boilers, and even green solutions
5. Better acoustics
6. Other educational spaces that buildings from the 50s/60s didn't plan for
7. Private offices/spaces for counseling, medical/nurse, and testing
8. Larger and better equipped gyms and cafes
9. A feeling of belonging to a place you want to go
10. Technology in the 21st Century including STEM
11. Safer schools
12. Access for ALL, not just some
Lastly, and the one that does make incredible sense to me - IMPROVED EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES. Not just scores, but all of the attributes we want our students to have as they move into the real world. This starts in Kindergarten, NOT High School.
After being in this business for 33 years, these are just the items I can think of that make a new elementary school the right solution for SPS. As your Superintendent I will work harder than ever to get this done. Have a great school year.
Joseph F. Baeta, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Stoughton Public Schools
Welcome Back to School!
It is great to have our students back in the classroom!
The first day of school for students in grades 1-12 was Wednesday, September 4. Take a look at some pictures from each school below. Click on the name of the school to see more photos.
The first day of kindergarten was Thursday, September 5. Mrs. Welch's kindergarten class at the Dawe school is pictured below. Click here for more first day of kindergarten photos.
The first day of preschool is on Monday, September 9. The Jones Early Childhood Center held an open house on Friday to give students and families a chance to visit the school and meet their teachers.
First Day for Teachers & Staff
September 3rd was the first day of school for teachers and staff. SPS employees gathered at Stoughton High on Tuesday morning for the annual convocation to start the school year. At the convocation we recognized staff for reaching their 10th, 20th, and 30th year working for the Stoughton Public Schools (see pictures below). Click here and here for more pictures from the convocation.
Many of our staff who attended the Stoughton Public Schools as students gathered for a picture (above) following the opening day convocation. From our superintendent, to principals and administrators, to dozens of teachers and staff, we are proud to have so many SPS employees who are "homegrown" and were educated right here in Stoughton!
SPS Health Services Letter
Click on the button below to read a welcome back letter from the Stoughton Public Schools Health Services department. This message includes reminders of some SPS policies and procedures that are important for the health and safety of your children.
4th and 5th Grade Band Registration
Attention parents of students in 4th and 5th grade: Students in the 4th and 5th grade are invited to participate in the Elementary Instrumental Program. Each student will receive a 30 minute group lesson free of charge each week at their elementary school if they register.
Be sure to fill out this registration form to participate in elementary school band. And, attend the Elementary Instrumental Rental Night on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 6:30pm in the O'Donnell Middle School Cafeteria (211 Cushing St.). You can rent your instrument in advance by clicking here so that you can pick it up at Rental Night! You may choose to start the rental process at this event, in which case your child's instrument will be delivered to their elementary school at a later date.
Please click here for more information about how to join the elementary band program.
Questions? Email Mr. DeFrias at n_defrias@stoughtonschools.org.
Important Links
Grandparents Raising Children Support Group
Follow Us on Social Media!
For updates throughout the week, be sure to follow Stoughton Public Schools on social media: