CCOG Newsletter
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Christmas service. I hope that you were able to see the connections between the Old Testament prophecies about Jesus and the fulfillment thereof in the New Testament. Though we never read the name of Jesus in the Old Testament, He is ever present throughout all of history.
I wonder how you are feeling about Christmas. Perhaps you are feeling as though there is a year long build up to a single day, but a let-down on the 26th. Maybe you are missing someone this year, wishing that you could see them again. You could be layered with anticipation and the day is going to be everything you desire! I encourage you this year to release yourself from some of the pressure. If that package doesn't arrive by Christmas day, all is not ruined! If your cookies are burned a little on the edges, don't stress. Try to appreciate the friends and family near you. Try to get some rest. Try to cut yourself some slack. The days fly by much too fast without adding extra pressure. Stayed prayed up and stick with your Bible reading. Don't ignore Jesus on His birthday! It's going to be a great day!
December Focus
You have a little over a week left of the month of December. That gives you plenty of time to give of yourself! Just like the Grinch discovered - maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas, he thought, means a little bit more. Those in your life would greatly appreciate your time and attention, even more than a store bought gift.
January Focus
In the month of January, we reset our bodies and minds through prayer and fasting. You are welcome to begin anytime in the month of January, but consider beginning at least by January 10th. We fast in order to draw closer to the Lord. We replace the time, money, or attention that we would spend on eating, playing on our phone, etc. in order to spend that time with God. Be in prayer between now and that time to know what the Lord would have you surrender for Him.
Fifth Sunday
This Sunday, December 29 is 5th Sunday Breakfast. We are having Waffle House style hashbrowns, and most of the sign-up spots are filled! Breakfast and Bible study will take place in the fellowship hall, and this will begin our Sunday Bible study through the entire month of January.
Men's Fellowship
Men, you are invited to breakfast on Saturday, January 4. The next fellowship event will be at 8:30am at Mooresville Family House. Be sure to let Shane know if you are able to come in order to get a table for everyone. Bring some guys with you to this event.
In January, we begin again with our shoebox contributions. You were so generous this year, so I am sure that you will do just as well in the coming year. The suggested item(s) to start the year is anything warm. This could include hats, gloves, scarves, or fuzzy socks.
“Peace” is a rich and beautiful word found throughout the Old and the New Testaments. In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for peace is “shalom,” and in the New Testament, the Greek word for peace is “eiréné” (ay-RAY-nay). In both languages, the word means wholeness or completeness. This means that true peace isn’t just the absence of conflict. True peace is when something is as it should be. Think of a complex puzzle that is fully put together with no missing pieces. It is whole or complete.
Isaiah 9:6-7 says, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end” (NIV). These verses prophesied the incredible gifts that Jesus would bring to this world!`
When sin came into the world, everything was broken. With sin came death, pain, and suffering. God’s perfect creation was ruined and it was no longer whole. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we celebrate the arrival of “shalom.” We celebrate the fulfillment of God’s plan to make things right. As the “Prince of Peace,” Jesus came to bring wholeness and completeness to this world. He set in motion God’s plan to return things as they were in The Beginning.
We still experience brokenness in our lives, but peace is possible. We will face problems and pain, but God is present with us and his peace is available to us. In John 14:27 Jesus says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (NIV).
In this world, Jesus is our peace. This Christmas we remember His birth and celebrate what it means to us. While we cannot avoid difficult things, we can live in peace. We can experience the wholeness and completeness of God’s presence while we wait with hope for God’s plan to be fully complete.
Application Questions
- Why is Jesus called the Prince of Peace?
- Peace is not the absence of conflict, true peace is when something is as it should be. How can you have peace when things aren’t going how you want them to go?
- If God’s presence equals peace, what are ways to experience God’s presence?
Next Steps
- Make a list as a family or friend group of everything that brings you peace.
- Do a Christmas puzzle with family or friends. When the puzzle is complete, talk about the idea of “wholeness.”
- Light an Advent candle and talk about Peace.