Wolverine Wire
November & December 2024
All of a sudden, winter sports have begun and we're in full swing with "Decemberness," like Mr. Schuh calls their December concerts (join us! - tomorrow 12/10 - MS @ 6pm and HS @7 at the Community Theater). I hope this holiday season is filled with whatever makes you happy. I want to express my deep gratitude for your continued partnership in fostering an environment where students can excel academically, grow personally, and develop into compassionate individuals ready to make their mark on the world.
As the days grow shorter and the festive season approaches, I find myself reflecting on all that makes our school and community so special.
Celebrating Achievements
This fall has been nothing short of remarkable. In our classrooms, freshmen have discovered the depths of Shakespeare's brilliance in their many analyses of "Romeo & Juliet"; students in English 10 have been studying dystopian societies in Brave New World and 1984; juniors have experienced first-hand accounts of what it takes to run non-profits in Community Projects and are now embarking on their own journeys to impact our sweet island; and seniors are currently busy filling out the FAFSA or the WASFA as they get ready for wherever their journeys take them after graduation. Their hard work, guided by the dedication of our staff and your unwavering support, exemplifies the strength of our school community.
We’ve seen tremendous participation in extracurricular activities, where students not only hone their skills but also learn valuable lessons in teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. This fall we had over 120 students involved in athletics and activities. Boys tennis ended their season as the league academic champions, with a combined GPA of 3.56, and boys soccer and football both ended up in the first round of state competition! School is about so much more than grades—it’s about nurturing well-rounded individuals prepared for life’s challenges. Onto winter sports!
The Importance of Attendance
As we celebrate these successes, I must also emphasize the vital role regular school attendance plays in your student’s journey. Being present in school is the cornerstone of academic success, social connection, and personal growth. Studies consistently show that students who attend regularly are more likely to achieve higher grades, build stronger relationships with peers, and develop habits that will benefit them throughout life. Conversely, students who are defined as 'chronically absent,' which is missing 10% of school or more are 50% more likely to not graduate on time. Insisting students attend when they're well enough to do so is imperative.
I understand that illnesses or unforeseen circumstances can occasionally keep students at home, and I deeply appreciate your efforts to ensure your child is here and ready to learn whenever possible. Together, we can foster a culture where every day of learning counts. If you're needing some support to get your student motivated to attend school, please reach out. We regularly convene as a team in partnership with families to make sure we have supports in place to get kids the jump start that might make the difference.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children and for being such an integral part of our shared success. It is an honor to serve as your principal, and I look forward to all we will accomplish together in the months ahead.
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful holiday season,
Andrea Hillman
Principal, Friday Harbor High School
360-370-7109 (off) | 360-298-8488 (cell) | andreahillman@sjisd.org
Seniors: Bring in Your Acceptance Letters
Mason Smith with acceptance to the San Juan Island Fire Academy
Jax Heath with acceptance letter to Western Washington University
FHHS Events Calendar Online
We are bustling!! Please know that we do our best to maintain the FHHS events calendar. We also post our weekly schedules and other timely announcements to our Facebook and Instagram pages, if social media works better for you.
Signs of Suicide Lessons
If your child is taking Exercise & Health class, last week we introduced the SOS - Signs of Suicide program to teach students about mental health and how to seek help for themselves or a friend. This evidence-based curriculum has been used in schools for over 20 years and has proven to effectively reduce self-reported suicide attempts by promoting awareness and help-seeking behaviors.
Program Details
- Dates: December 3rd and December 5th
- Instructor: Hailey Henderson-Paul, FHHS School Counselor
- Topics Covered:
- Depression is treatable; seek help when needed
- How to identify signs of depression or suicide risk
- The ACT strategy: Acknowledge, Care, Tell a trusted adult
- Who to turn to at school for help
Students watched age-appropriate videos, engaged in guided discussions, and completed a brief depression screening (not a diagnostic tool but a way to identify if help may be needed). For more information, visit MindWise.org/Parents or reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Let’s work together to support our students’ mental health and well-being.
Rotary Supports FHHS STEAM Program
On Monday 12/9, members from the San Juan Island Rotary Club presented Friday Harbor High School a grant of $7,000 in support of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) program. Part of these funds will cover student travel to the Washington Technology Student Association conference in Spokane in April 2025. With this grant, our rural island students will compete with students in much larger and much more robust TSA clubs, and help them experience a conference with over a thousand other STEM-minded students.
Mr. Haynes says, "Funds for this grant were raised in collaboration with the community and the Rotary Club of San Juan Islands. The Rotary Club is proud to have the opportunity to support the STEAM program at Friday Harbor High School."
Thank you, Rotary!
San Juan Service Scholarship Amount Increased
For over a decade, the San Juan Service Scholarship organization has been awarding $1,000 scholarships to our local graduates. Last month, their board voted to increase the award amount to $1,500 for the Class of 2025 and all future graduating classes. See their website for details. This scholarship is one of the few that all students are eligible for, regardless of income or GPA. If your student serves the community for 80+ hours between 8th grade and graduation, they earn this scholarship. What an incredible way to lay a foundation for caring for and serving community!
Equity Highlights
November - Native American Heritage and Indigenous Peoples Month
November is Indigenous Peoples Month, and here on San Juan Island, we are on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish peoples, including the Lummi Nation and the Samish Indian Nation, who have cared for these lands and waters for thousands of years.
Why use a land acknowledgment? Land acknowledgments recognize the enduring relationship between Indigenous peoples and their traditional territories. They remind us of our shared responsibility to respect and preserve the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the Salish Sea. By acknowledging the land, we honor the past and commit to a more inclusive and respectful future.
December - Allyship Month
Enjoy one of these books that supports allyship in our community!
PTSA Supports School Programs, Staff, and Grad Night 2025
Please be sure to update your annual PTSA membership. No meetings necessary! We get benefits based on the percentage of our families who join. Our small but mighty group does a big lift in supporting our staff and our students. In addition, our Grad Night couldn't happen without them! Membership form is here.
Quick Links - FHHS Social Media & Support Organizations
Buy yearbooks online at Jostens, and navigate to Friday Harbor HS
Spirit Wear online at fhwolverines.com, and navigate to SHOP
PTSA: FHHS PTSA website, www.facebook.com/FHHSPTA, or email at fhhsptsa@gmail.com
Band Families and Friends; also email the group directly at sjisdbff@gmail.com
Class of 2025 Grad Night Committee email: 2025fhhsgradnight@gmail.com
Important Dates
12/10 MS/HS Band Concerts - 6 & 7 PM
12/11 Winterfest Door Decorating in Advisory
12/16-12/19 ASB Spirit Week
12/19 Last Day of School in 2024
1/6 First Day of School in 2025
1/16-1/19 FHHS Production of "Romeo & Juliet" - tickets available here
1/20 MLK Day - No School
1/22 Finals P1 and P6 (regular Wednesday schedule)
1/23 Finals P2 and P3 - Half Day - 11:20 Dismissal
1/24 Finals P4 and P5 - Half Day - 11:20 Dismissal
1/24 Winter Formal - 8-10pm
2/10-2/14 Care Week
2/13 - Make the Change Workshop
2/17-2/21 Mid-Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
2/24 First Day of Spring Sports
3/7 Celebration of Academics - 8:15am - TGYM
3/7 Spring Dance - 9-11pm
3/12, 3/13, 3/14 Spring Conferences - Half Day - 11:20 Dismissal
3/14 Student vs. Staff Basketball Game (Grad Night Fundraiser) - Doors @ 5pm; Game @ 6
3/26 Senior Scholarship Rollout
3/31 MS Spring Band Concert - 6pm - TGYM
4/1 HS Spring Band Concert - 6pm - TGYM
4/7-4/11 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Please call 360-370-7110 or email fhhs-attendance@sjisd.org if your student needs to be absent for any reason. Attendance counts!
We are always in the market for substitute teachers, paras, office staff, bus drivers, kitchen staff, and more. Scope out our open positions here!