North Scituate Elementary School
May 2024
A Note from Mrs. Soccio
May is here and so is the warmer weather! We are all excited for more sunshine and end of the year activities. Be sure to look at the end of the newsletter for end of the year important dates. This will be a busy two months.
The Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) and Rhode Island Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA) testing will continue this month.
The schedule is as follows:
May 1st & 2nd: Grade 4 Math
May 8th & 9th: Grade 3 Math
May 13th & 14th: Grade 5 NGSA
Reminder, food items are discouraged from being sent into school due to multiple severe food allergies. Any food items brought into school must be approved by Mrs. McCann one full week prior. You can email Mrs. McCann at Colleen.McCann@scituateschoolsri.net.
It will soon be time to begin planning for the 2024-2025 school year! We will be discussing classroom placement. The faculty, staff and I will spend time considering each student's strengths and needs. The focus will be on ensuring balanced classrooms that are conducive to an optimal teaching and learning environment. Academic performance, learning styles, social and emotional growth, and a variety of other factors will be considered. If there are any special considerations about your child that you would like to make sure we take into account throughout this process, please do so in writing no later than May 1st (TODAY). Due to fluctuating enrollment, classroom consolidation and/or additions, placement adjustments may occur prior to the start of school.
As a reminder, if your child is going to be absent please send a note, call the Front Office or email our Secretary at jennifer.foster@scituateschoolsri.net.
Kaitlin M. Soccio, Principal
A Kick Off to Reading Week with Len Cabral
Announcements & Reminders
- As a reminder, if your child is going to be absent please send a note, call the Front Office or email our new Secretary at jennifer.foster@scituateschoolsri.net.
If you have a change in dismissal for your child, please alert the Front Office before 2:00pm, if possible. This allows us time to inform the teacher and student of the change.
- Please date notes that are sent to school with students. If you are writing a note about dismissal, please write the full name of the person picking up your child.
- Clearly mark water bottles, lunch boxes, etc. with student's name.
Light the Night Fundraiser
Stay tuned for more details about our annual "Light the Night" fundraiser. Mark your calendars for May 15 - June 16 and start saving your coins and dollar bills. For more information about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Light the Night fundraiser visit- https://www.lightthenight.org/.
STEAM Museum by Mobile Ed
This program turned our gymnasium into a state-of-the-art, hands-on children’s museum focused on STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Stations students can experience include robots, virtual reality, 3D printing, art, engineering, and more.
Students were encouraged to explore the museum at their own pace and manage their time between exhibits that appeal to their interests. Adult supervision from the Mobile Ed presenter and parent volunteers were present at some of the exhibits to focus the students and to enhance the experience with small group instruction. Every loved it, even the adults! Thank you to our parent volunteers for making this event possible.
Solar Eclipse 2024
Spring Spirit Week 2024
Our week was filled with fun themed days organized by our Student Council. Here are some photos from decades day, denim day, what do you want to be when you grow up, and more!
Scituate Lions Club Dictionaries
Positive Office Referrals
Classroom Highlights
Grade 1
In Mrs. Dupre's class, students have been exploring the phonics topic of “diphthongs” the past few weeks and have been utilizing sorting activities and games to promote mastery. Keep up the great work 1st grade!
Grade 2
In the second photo, Mrs. O'Grady's geologists explore how rocks get smaller while working in groups. Great team work!
Grade 3
Grade 5
Students in Ms. Sloan's class are soaring into their final unit of study-SPACE! After selecting a space topic (plants, stars, etc.), students research physical characteristics of their topic. Using graphic organizers students collect information that will be used for informational writing in the future. Great work!
Grade 5 shared their Historical Fiction books with families at a recent showcase. Thank you to our families for joining us. Students were eager to share their hard work with you all! Students in Mrs.Pontarelli's class will complete their final week with student teacher, Ms. Stetson next week. It was a pleasure having her here and we wish her all the best on her future endeavors.
On April 12th all fifth grade students in Scituate attended a Transition Event at RIC in preparation for middle school next year. During this event, students focused on ice breaker activities, relationship building and trust, problem solving and challenges. Student feedback was very positive and they enjoyed the activities and meeting new peers. Huge thank you to Mr. Labossiere for organizing this event. We look forward to this event next year! Below, our students are in their blue 5th grade t-shirts. Ethan Neirinckx won the design contest for the 5th grade shirt. Thank you to our PTO to getting these done in time!
A Message from Physical Education
As we enter the month of May, students in grades K-2 will finish up the manipulative skills unit. Students in grades 3-5 will also participate in games related to manipulative skills.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness month. When we are mentally healthy, we find more enjoyment, have positive feelings about ourselves and others, maintain positive relationships and we are able to handle stress fairly well. Many people experience stress, anxiety or periods of depression, many of which are related to circumstances that we all go through from time to time.
Maintaining regular habits, such as healthy eating and sleep habits, spending time with loved ones, regulating stress (finding periods of stress relief to avoid being under prolonged stress) and engaging in regular exercise, are ways to reduce the likelihood of and impact of mental health symptoms.
“The quality of food you eat can impact your overall physical and mental health. Your gut is often called “the second brain” and communicates with your actual brain – physically through the vagus nerve and chemically through hormones and neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that carry signals between cells).”
Some vitamins that support a healthy brain include: Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and Vitamin D.
“Staying active benefits many aspects of health and can prevent physical and mental health symptoms from worsening. Making time for exercise and movement each day improves self-esteem, brain function, and sleep and has been found to lessen social withdrawal and stress.”
Some fun ways to incorporate exercise into your family’s day could include: counting steps when doing various activities (make it a game), doing a fun kids workout on YouTube (such as The Body Coach TV), playing tag (adult tag can be fun too!), and going on a family bike ride.
“Your health heavily depends on how rested you are. Sleep plays a role in your moods, ability to learn and make memories, organ health, immune system, and other bodily functions like appetite, metabolism, and hormone release.”
Stress Management
“Dealing with stress is a normal part of life – we all experience it during times of too much responsibility, too little sleep, or external worries…. In most cases, stress comes and goes fairly quickly, and the body can return to its typical state. However, consistently high stress – because you are unable to relieve your stress or are constantly facing stressful situations (chronic stress) – can negatively impact attention, memory, and how you deal with emotions in the long term. “
Ways to manage stress include: maintaining clear and calm environments (as much as is possible), use of coping skills (like belly breathing) and regular relaxation skills (reading, stretching, yoga, etc.) and building a support system. “Having people in your life who you relate to and can lean on goes a long way in improving your mood and general well-being. Humans are social beings, and our brains are wired to seek connection. Having people to support you during times of hardship protects your long-term mental health.”
Ms. Shawna Swift
(School Social Worker)
A Note from the school nurse
Thank you to the Farina, Thomas, Petrin, R. Wood, and Vargas Family for assembling our 4 new outdoor tables funded by out PTO. Students will enjoy using these for the rest of the year. Thank you for making this possible!
If you have any questions, please email our PTO president, Lynn Francazio, at northscituatepto@gmail.com.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 15th @ 7:30pm
Link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83340461654?pwd=pACCbbXD5aysfhqOtd0otxXaYWhVuI.1
Important Dates
- 05/01 & 02: RICAS Math Gr. 4
- 05/03: Tie Dye Shirts with PTO
- 05/05: Boys Event- Dave & Busters
- 05/07: Grade 3 Water Festival Trip
- 05/08 & 09: RICAS Math Gr. 3
- 05/10: Spring Picture Day (details will be sent home)
- 05/13 & 14: NGSA Testing Gr. 5
- 05/15: PTO Meeting at 7:30pm
- 05/17: Watershed Visits Gr. 3 Classrooms
- 05/20-23: Spring Scholastic Book Fair
- 05/22: Arts Night 6:00-7:30pm
- 05/24: Kindergarten Trip to Biomes
- 05/24: Gr. 4 Pequot Museum
- 05/27: No School- Memorial Day05/30: Grade 1 Trip to Audubon Society
- 05/31: Grade 5 Trip to CT Science Museum
- 06/02: Scituate Lions Club Annual Scholarship Breakfast 7:30am-noon
- 06/03-07: Reading Week
- 06/03: Len Cabral Visit (daytime assembly and night time outdoor event)
- 06/04: Field Day (rain date 06/06)
- 06/11: Kindergarten Celebration 9:30am
- 06/12: Grade 5 Celebration 9:30am
- 06/14: Kona Ice Visits (sponsored by PTO) & LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
North Scituate Elementary School
Email: kaitlin.soccio@scituateschoolri.net
Website: https://nses.scituateschoolsri.net/
Location: 46 Institute Lane, Scituate, RI, USA
Phone: 401-647-4110
Twitter: @NScituateSchool